Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

No, I am not defending the mystery emailer for contacting @BigMama1 s editor. I think the gossiping about LKs current training situation is irrelevant to the civil trial and simply intended to bash her, and therefore I disapprove of that continuing discussion, but I don’t advocate contacting a poster’s work associates.

No, I am not an “avenger” of LK.

No, I do not know the person who sent the email to BigMama’s editor.

So, @eggbutt , you’re wrong on all counts.

Is your point to prove that the person contacting BigMama1’s work place and trainer is way out of line for contacting them?

Just confirming that is what you are saying, because that is what I am reading.




Actually, you’re wrong. LK is suing for physical damage which she claims is a protracted physical injury.

At the same time she is posting of her training and riding and according to her, excelling. So her training situation is most certainly part of the civil trial because HER lawsuit makes it so. The question immediately becomes is there protracted injury or not and if it is to what extent and if there is how much responsibility for it is assignable to the various parties named in the case.

And you can bet your sweet grass that every single instructor and trainer will be called on to testify as to physical limitations, pre shooting as well as after.

There will be medical evidence if applicable to many things one might not initially consider. Off the top of my head would be the question what effects long term suboxone use has on the body. (I have no idea)


OK. KnightsMom, I’ll take that action. I bet that it is not the case that “every single instructor and trainer will be called on to testify as to physical limitations, pre shooting as well as after”.

The fact that she is able to ride and is riding is slightly relevant to the civil trial.

This discussion of whether her current trainer is or is not a BNT and all of the other gossip and speculation about the details of her training situation is completely irrelevant to the civil trial.

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Slightly relevant? You’re wrong. Her physical activity will be VERY relevant. She is claiming physical damage after all. And in courts the damage to collect must be protracted and significant.

Shall I assume your not understanding this is due to your unfamiliarity with the subject?

The discussion as to whether her trainer is a BNT is an interesting hill for you to die on as it in NO WAY is insulting to LK. It’s simply a conversation as to what space in the Wellington food chain this guy occupies. That shouldn’t bother you AT ALL.

Why does it?

Having trainers testify who are pre injury and post injury is necessary for comparisons sake. So is every aspect of her habits and health. For instance if she asserted she has trouble breathing her smoking and drug use will IMMEDIATELY be focused on. For the defense not to do so would simply be malpractice.

Buckle up Buttercup, this case will be highly invasive as to her privacy and personal history and there’s a world full of her critics waiting for every sordid detail. And I in no way mean the people here. The presence of her charm has insured that all across social media.

And all by her own hand.


Do you need reading glasses? Nothing in that quote says anything about anyone being “mean,” or that anyone was speaking ill of Paradigm. I said it was unfair to drag them into any LK drama if nobody knows it took place there, which it is. Try again.


Flying monkeys are in a holding pattern.


I feel so speshul :crazy_face:


We have a new rule folks. We are no longer allowed to discuss a dressage trainer on a dressage discussion board, unless the discussion directly relates to LK’s civil trial. Got it?


Slightly relevant? If, as in most civil suits like this, she is looking to be compensated for pain, suffering, loss of current and future income, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. it is HIGHLY relevant. She has not only resumed her pre-shooting activities, but by her own claims is performing at a much higher level than before the shooting.

I’m not disputing that she suffered significant psychological pain and trauma due to being shot, and I’m certain that pain continues today. It’s not something one gets over easily. And I’m not disputing that she suffered significant physical pain and trauma at the time of the shooting. But any claims of continued physical pain and suffering seem to be invalidated by her own comments about riding and training.

So yeah, that seems pretty relevant.

As for whether or not her current trainer is a BNT, let’s review who raised that discussion here. Oh yes…it was LK, when she dropped in with a new alter. Shame on her for gossiping about how wonderful her dressage trainer is. Shame on a bunch of dressage people for then discussing that dressage trainer on a dressage discussion board.

Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? What about all your comments about MB’s marriage to Vera and relationship with MHG, speculation about money problems, claiming MHG and everyone but Lara “abandoned” him, and blah, blah, blah. THAT is gossip, and malicious gossip at that. Before you go pointing your finger at anyone else, take a long hard look in the mirror.


Personally, I don’t care who she is training with and how big name (or not) they are. However, I do understand why people may be curious.

What I don’t understand is why some feel that it’s out of line. Why get your(g) panties in a bunch over people debating whether or not someone is a BNT when:

  1. JK said on 48 hours that LK wanted to train with the “name on the door” (or whatever),
  2. LK made it clear she felt that JH and MHG weren’t up to snuff enough, in her opinion, to train her,
  3. such sentiments seem to largely be behind the campaign to “finish the bastard”, and
  4. every single equine professional at the criminal trial - Olympian or not - was asked pretty extensively by the prosecutor to outline their credentials and explain their place in the food chain. In addition to questioning them on their bona fides… How many times did the prosecutor ask MHG which awards were on the walls of the clubhouse and foyer belonged to her vs Michael?

If LK had been perfectly content to train with JH and MHG rather than “the name on the door”, then:

  1. we likely wouldn’t even be participating in these threads because there would likely have been no plan to “finish the bastard” or any escalation of tension, and
  2. nobody would be all that curious about where her current trainer(s) sit in the national Dressage hierarchy.

Alas, both she and her father made clear she has certain expectations for the status of her trainer… therefore, how can you fault people for wondering what the status of her current trainer is? Further, it seems the prosecutor thought one’s status was pretty important in the criminal trial, and it may come to bear that it is important somehow in the civil suit as well.

Anyways, seems an odd thing to focus one’s outrage on. But as we have learned in these threads, some people really like to find hills to die on, or at least plant their flags of disapproval on as they blather on about “bullying” and such. Le sigh…


Great post @erinmeri!


And today, @erinmeri wins the Interwebz!!!

Excellent, well thought out post that absolutely nails it!!


She made that claim under oath too…


I believe what also gets folks talking is the irony that she testified in open court about her anger over being trained by junior trainers like MHG and JH and after all that extreme drama and life upheaval here she is now being trained by (in her mind) a sale horse trainer.

Now while the rest of us don’t see that trainer that way, the irony that we know she does is noteworthy.

I’m surprised CH and HH are unwilling or unable to get that.


And TIME, you forgot to mention the TIME to ride all day long, on multiple horses. Most of us don’t have that. Professionals do that, but don’t always get to pick what they spend their time ON.


A narcissistic personality - personified. Very deep in her psyche, she is terrified to accept the possibility that she is unworthy and that she may be rejected. So she fights it by insisting on being trained by THE BEST - “I am NOT unworthy, otherwise this BNT would not accept me as a student.”

And that may help explain why someone in her circle is enraged that her current trainer is not being upheld by others as a BNT.


Well, if you get right to the crux of the issue, no comment regarding Lauren Kanarek and her family is necessary, is it? Their actions and behaviors speak for themselves.


Perfect post @BigMama1!