Michael/ Lauren civil trial update February 9

perks up ears

Someone mentioned DPR earlier! The earliest post by DPR that I can find is from October 2021. Now, maybe some have been removed or deleted that were earlier still - I don’t know.


I am quite willing to admit I am mistaken, but I thought that the Dread Pirate Roberts was one of many fantastic posters, which included the blue saddle, that weighed in on Manni’s pony not-selling saga.


The Blue Saddle was a saga I missed. I don’t know if I wasn’t a member at the time or I wasn’t reading the forum whilst.

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Oh Morgan, you so need to read that thread.

I do not find the blue saddle parts amusing. But it sure is an interesting lesson is not believing the stuff about a free horse when it is offered.


Again, I would think DPR predates that post.

Just not sure. It’s been a long time.


The blue saddle did indeed appear in the original Barisone threads, but it has its own login, so it is unclear as to who officially owns it. The account is not private, so do filter the thread to get the whole blue saddle experience.



Do you happen to have the link handy?

I tried to find the thread that I was thinking of: a woman came to COTH to complain about not being given a pony advertised as free. It became a saga. I cannot find it, but I no longer can find anything on this site. Sorry.


I’m not good with the search function so I rely on those with superior skills. Either way, it’s not me and at least that’s established. :+1:


I think it’s this one: Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone - Off Course - Chronicle Forums (chronofhorse.com)

I have to stop procrastinating…


Yes. You are a wizard. Thanks.


I’m looking. I see several references to the blue saddle and the forgotten Open Trailer…

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@fargaloo1 is quick. I was just coming to post the link for you.


I’m just probably avoiding a deadline more than you are … :wink:


But no pirates: I was pretty sure I was wrong (movie in my head :thinking: :smirk:)


Thank you!

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Those movies in your head can frequently lead you down the wrong path.

I will say, that if a person does not post enough posts they will not show up in the posters list at the bottom of the first post.
(but maybe you scanned thru the whole thread that quickly.)


Not exactly. But the Blue Saddle did start the Princess Bride reference. So, it does seem that they hit a nerve with JK/IM. Hell, they also seemed to have pegged the Amber Heard thing too….


The IM account goes back to April, 2020, and the first DPR post, announced as such by the system, is in October 2021, immediately following a spate of posts by IM. Whoever created the DPR account, it does appear to be created in reaction to IM, not the reverse.

I asked if you had an alter, which is not an accusation of violating the forum rules. Indeed, I did think you were DPR. As someone else speculated, the basis for my thinking you were DPR is because I thought the posts by DPR were extremely clever, and you came to mind as someone articulate and creative enough to have written them.

You could take my mistakenly crediting you with writing the DPR posts as a compliment, but if you’re offended, I apologize.

The writing style seems similar to the pirate’s. I wonder if it is like Michael and Janet Jackson. If the Pirate is present, the saddle must not be.