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MissD REALLY Needs your Prayers

Tri-mo posted this on another board and I thought I’d post this here too because MissD posted on here as well:

I don’t even know how to begin.
MissD’s been in a bad car accident, and she is in the hospital.
But please pray for her.
She is one of the best people I’ve ever known.

<Post tie-back Surgery: 27 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

[This message was edited by Tin on Feb. 02, 2002 at 06:08 PM.]

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

I’m so sorry to hear that, Tin. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.

and sending strength to her family and close friends who need support at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you too.

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

My fingers are crossed and all positive vibes are sent MissD’s way. Pull through, darling.

your welcome Snidgie Will keep an eye out for more updates

<< “Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” George Morris >>

Joining the others with very positive thoughts for MissD. Hang in there! You’ve got many wonderful people pulling for you!

Sending out our prayers for MsD, her family and all of her loving and supportive friends. Please be well and whole again soon–and get back here to let us know that our positive energy has found you! God bless…

no updates yet, she’s still in a coma.

My prayers go out to Dina and her family

<Post tie-back Surgery: 26 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

I posted on EMG, too, but extra prayers can never hurt. I am praying for you, Dina. Please get well soon. Jill

and prayers for D’s quick recovery.

Miss D get well soon, my prayers are with you and your family.

Is there any news at all?

Well, maybe if you sent her some of those valentines peeps I acquired…

jangles curb chain

Good news!

EMG update from her brother, Rob.

[B]I just came back from the hospital and Dina OPENED HER EYES for the first time!!!
They were only open little slits and they were only open for about 1 minute but they were open.

They did not open when we went back to see her an hour later. The nurse said it takes a lot of energy for her to open her eyes and we may not see her do it again for another day or so.

Will keep you posted.


Valerie’s home page
My horse gets her shoes back on today after nine days off! She’s going stir crazy!

Erin> will let you know as soon as I do. Right now I just keep checking for updates on equiman

I didn’t know her in person but she’s one of the sweetest, most caring person I’ve met on here.

<Post tie-back Surgery: 27 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

I happen to work (director, corporate communication) for a specialized healthcare company that specializes in the treatment of traumatic brain injury.

Brain injury is very odd - your brain doesn’t “regenerate” or “heal” in the sense that other organs do. It’s quite literally just gray matter, and once the damage is done, the “healing” comes from the person actually having to “relearn.” It can be a long hard road, but the outcome can often be really impressive, depending on the severity of the injury.

I would highly recommend someone pass this along to Miss D’s brother … make sure, once she’s medically stable, that she is sent to a post-acute treatment facility that specializes in TBI. I will be happy to speak directly to her brother/family, and of course must recommend our facility here in Arkansas, as the outcome is spectacular.

Also, hippotherapy will probably be the key to Miss D’s recovery, when she wakes up. Make sure you push for that! Horses are healers - we all know that!

Best to you,


Sending heartfelt prayers to MissD and her family. Hang on and hang together, familial support is so neccessary in such awful times.

I’m praying.

“Throw your heart over the fence and your horse will follow.”

our prayers for MissD and her family