MissD REALLY Needs your Prayers

I understand Miss D is still in a coma. We’re getting desperate for some good news.

prayers, thoughts, and lots of jingling and jangling…

marion and serengeti

“You don’t think that the judge happened to hurl his pen over his shoulder at that precise moment, do you?”

Just saw this. Add me to the list of those pulling for you, MissD.

" Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience."

Strong stuff, that Peep karma! We are all pulling for you, Miss D!

Come on MissD!

Tin (or someone) you’ll keep us updated, right?

~Erin B #1
Don’t call me blonde! I am a human BEAN!

another update from her brother Rob:

[B] Here is a small update on D. She was moved from ICU to an observation area on Monday night. Visitation is still restricted. She opens here eyes for a little while every day. We are not sure how much she can see if anything. Also she is somewhat aware of what is going on around her but not much. You could see in her face that see was afraid when they put her in the elevator.
She had an MRI and they found no damage to her neck so they were able to remove the collar on her neck. The MRI also did not show any more damage to her brain than what was already found in the CAT scans.

She still has a tube in her head to let fluid out of her head. They are still trying to remove this but they may have to leave it there forever. You will not be able to see it as it will be under the skin and it will drain in to her abdomen.

Not much more I can tell you other than she seems to be improving every day by a little bit. But it doesn’t matter how small the improvements are as long as they are improvements.

As soon as she is allowed visitation from friends we will let you know.

Thank you all for your wishes both on this BB, and the COTH BB and all those who mailed in cards to the stable.

We miss you D, keep going babe!

<< “Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” George Morris >>

Miss D is a stranger to me, but I’ll be glad to send prayers her way.

Thank you for that update, Rob. Miss D is lucky to have such a wonderful brother.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you, and I am happy to hear some positive news. I’m sure having visits from some of her friends will definitely be beneficial for her.

OMG! My best wishes and my prayers are with her. how terrible. God bless her

Good Luck MissD! curb chain jangling

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Heres to a speedy and full recovery.

There’s no place like first place.

We are all rooting for you. And praying.


Coreene & Willem

Here is a picture of D that I just love.
Sorry if it’s big and fuzzy!

Horse women are so strong. Hang in there!!!
Jingle jingle jingle!!!

Bowed tendon: 14 days down, minimum 46 days to go.

I’ll be one of the first to give merit to Peeps. But Peep salad? We’re trying to make her happy, not sick. Thoughts and prayers, (and smileys)

Serengeti and marion

“The best time to kiss a girl is while she’s laughing at you.”

Tri-mo posted this on another board and I thought I’d post this here too because MissD posted on here as well:

I don’t even know how to begin.
MissD’s been in a bad car accident, and she is in the hospital.
But please pray for her.
She is one of the best people I’ve ever known.

<Post tie-back Surgery: 27 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

[This message was edited by Tin on Feb. 02, 2002 at 06:08 PM.]

Thanks for the update, Cyndy.

Positive thoughts are coming your way, MissD.

How awful! I really hope she comes through okay.

“I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.” – Lily Tomlin

Thank you Tin!
Best wishes still to MissD, keep improving!