MissD REALLY Needs your Prayers

another update from her sister Cyndy:

Hello everyone, my name is Cyndy and I am Dina’s sister. I wanted to also send my thanks to all of you for your thoughts, prayers and best wishes.
I thought I would send along some good news that as of last night Dina was breathing on her own and was taken off of the respirator.
We are hoping the drain on her head will also be removed in the next few days, she was able to hold her own for 6 hours with the drain clamped yesterday.
She is still in a coma (not drug induced)and has shown no signs of waking up but every day she does not get worse is a good day!

~ if the shoe doesn’t fit, that’s not your shoe! ~

Count on my prayers! Come on MissD you have a lot of people who are pulling for you!!

“We ride and never worry about the fall.
I guess that’s just the cowboy in us all.”
Tim McGraw

Wonderful news! Keep up that good work MissD. We’re all pulling for you.

Please keep the prayers coming, here’s an update:

[B]On behalf of all of the Turnout peeps (My Little Mischief, Lauren, Zim, Topaz, OLP Freak, Spyraltryp) and Miss D’s family, I want to thank you guys for all your notes of good wishes. I will be sure to pass them on.
There has been no updates through the night, but we’re on our way to the stable, so I’ll give you an update on our return.

I have printed off this thread so the girls can read it this morning, and we will be sure to pass it on to Dee and her family.

As I am sure your cards would be appreciated, I will see where the best location to mail them would be.

Thanks again,

<Post tie-back Surgery: 27 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

Zim> I tried to send it to D’s bro but it seems his e-mail address doesn’t exist so I resent it to her sister today. Along with Robby’s website and address. Could you make sure she gets it if you see her anytime soon?

<< “Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” George Morris >>

I am SO sorry to hear that about MissD!

Come on MissD, you can do it girl! We need you on the COTH! We can’t lose you now, you have your whole life ahead of you! Come on now, you can do it! The horses won’t be anything without you! They miss you already! Two sets of hooves and two sets of paws crossed(My horse, Tailor and my cat, Tigger) and jingle, jingle, jingle, jangle, jangle, jangle! Come on, Miss D! Don’t give up now! Think of the horses! They can’t wait until you get back to the barn to feed them their carrots and apples! Don’t disappoint them now! They need you! Sending my very best hope and wishes to you!

her condition is still the same but this was posted:

Cards and Get well Wishes can be sent to: Dina Snippe
C/O Turnout Stables
R.R.# 5
395 Johnston Rd.
Kemptville ON K0G 1J0

<Post tie-back Surgery: 25 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

I’m Lucy on the EMG BB - and posted there - but we all want you to have every bit of good luck and best wishes possible.
What Robby said - get well please. we need you to come visit, my dear.


MissD you are in my thoughts and prayers, please get well soon!

Come on guys…she needs smiley faces…no more sad faces…


House hunting on Long Island…we’re looking at cardboard boxes…since that’s all we can afford in a nice area…:slight_smile:


My prayers go out to her and her family

~Nikki and Ethan~

*Whoever said money can’t buy you happiness, never owned a horse : ) *
As I was once told by my friend about riding ‘There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”’

That is great to hear.!!! She is in our prayers!

Courtney and
Jack ~On the Rocks~ PLEASE
Momo ~Just My Luck~
“It is hard to get by just upon a smile, baby it’s wild world out there” Cat Stevens!

How awful! I am not a prayers person, but I will say some tonight for her and think positive thoughts.

Hi everyone,

Yes Dina can now have visitors. But please remember that she gets tired very very easy.

Also everyone should also be aware that Dina is still in a coma even though she can open here eyes and move her arms. When her eyes are closed she is sleeping. Dina has rated as high as 10 on the Coma scale most days she is a 7 or 8 have a look at the following web sites for information on the coma scale.

We are sure she is some what aware of her surroundings although she does not react to commands. So if you ask her something most likely she will not respond but we are told she does hear you, so please be careful what you say around her and please try not to be emotional in the room with her. I know it is hard not to be emotional when you first see her. So if you have to just walk into the hall for a break.

Also (i’m going to blame this on her parents) Dina has had a hair cut on Saturday, so don’t think you are in the wrong room when you see her with a brush cut.

At first the doctor’s wanted as little stimulation as possible until her brain stop swelling. But now they would like to start stimulating her a little at a time about 5 - 10 minutes for every hour or so. We are trying to stimulate all of her senses touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. With the sight there is not must we can do yet as she can not see yet. For taste right now it is just tooth paste and mouth wash as she can not swallow very well yet. For smell we will start bringing things in, including horse smelling items.

I am sure she would love to see as many of you as possible but please only a few people at a time. Visitation at the hospital is between 10 am and 9 pm with a rest period from 1 pm until 2:30 pm. She is in room 740 of the civic campus of the Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario,Canada.

Tin sorry about the email address I will fix it the one here works .

[This message was edited by Miss D’s Brother Rob on Feb. 28, 2002 at 02:04 PM.]

Best wishes to MissD. My thoughts are with her and her family.

Good luck, MissD. I really hope you get better soon.

or you can e-mail her at:

<Post tie-back Surgery: 25 days until he can neigh and be turned out>