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MissD REALLY Needs your Prayers

Robby you are wonderful

<< “Think of riding as a science, but love it as an art.” George Morris >>

am sending positive thoughts and prayers and energy, hoping for the very best news.

jingle jingle so sorry to hear of this…

“We imitate the Masters only because we are not yet Masters ourselves, and in doing so, we learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.”

God be with her, and with her family and friends.

A hope and prayer for her recovery.

here guys, here’s something:

guys there is a new update.
my dad talked to d’s father and there is still no change.
thats the bad news
good news… her mother was talking bout the girls taking care of abby )the horse she rides) and the machines indicated that there was some increased brain activity.
no visitors yet.
cards and pictures would be appreciated!!!
send them to the barn or whatever and we will make sure thay get to her!!!
keep praying guys. shell pull threw!!
this info was aquired at 9:00 pm on tuesday evening.

<Post tie-back Surgery: 24 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

you are in our hearts and minds, MissD.

well it’s been an exact week now and no new info

Keep the prayers coming!

It been said that she’s not on life support, and it was also said that she may be taken off the respirator today BUT nothing has been confirmed.

<Post tie-back Surgery: He’s allowed out tomorrow for an hour under sedation yay!!!>

Sending good vibes your way, Miss D!

Take your time and let that brain heal. We’re all pulling for you and your family.

How horrible!

~Erin B #1
Don’t call me blonde! I am a human BEAN!

Yay!! Come on MissD!!!

My most positive thoughts and strongest prayers go out to MissD and her family. Is there an address where we could send cards?

Has anyone mentioned what Robby said to anyone yet?

Please keep the prayers coming

Here’s a little bit more info from Barb off equiman:

Yesterday my friend who lives on the 4th Line Road near Kemptville called me to tell me about the terrible high winds and bad road conditions near her place on Fri. evening. A young girl lost control of her car near my friend’s home, slammed into a tree and had to be airlifted to hospital where she is in a coma. I now realize the young girl was MissD. It sure is a small world. MissD must have been returning from riding at her beloved Turnout Stables.

<Post tie-back Surgery: 26 days until he can neigh and be turned out>

How terrible! I’ll be praying for a speedy recovery.

Valerie’s home page

Oh Goodness…this can happen to anyone of us…we cant take things for granted!!! My prayers are with her and her family…GET WELL!!!


curb chains jingling

Prayers and positive thoughts to MissD and her family.


I just haven’t been the same since that house fell on my sister.

I join everyone else that’s posted with hope, prayers, and good wishes. Hang in there, MissD.

I just saw this (where the heck have I been?) and I am sending loads of good wishes MissD’s way. Hope she gets well soon.

miss D and her family

I wish her a speedy recovery!!!

tell them to keep talking about the horses and riding… it will help!!!