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Moesha and the People of Mexico Revisited !!!

Jump barbed wire. You really don’t want to know what they do with the 'coons other than wearing the outside of them as hats.

I believe they also jump “cricks”.

Well, Holly must always uses earstuffers on Spectacular Hearingability… Of course she has a terrible time finding the extra-large size needed to cover the surface area. Perhaps this is a new business opportunity for an enterprising person…

Robby, gotta run and pick up the kids from school but I think there’s a fashion thread on the verge of breakthrough.

You post it okay in my absence - which designer would you choose to ‘redesign’ the riding garb?

Jair that is a good one!!!Can’t stop laughing!

Where did this come from? It has a faded folder and the last reply is from January 2001 but it is on the front page? Is it just me…???

BIGEARBLOODS thats brilliant!

DMK, I have seen that card too a few times. He occasionally passes it out at horseshows I think?

Note the leg action!!!
Ilove it

OMG - I am laughing soooo hard!!! But I don’t have time to play today!!! Grrrrrr… meetings all day long!!

That’s alright - I’ll be getting you all back in good time!!!


BTW - VT and JustBay - you guys have WAY TOO MUCH time on your hands!

I think the third picture in my first URL is of Kelsy, finding alternate jobs for her Jr Jumper.

Jair! I didn’t know the Bigearblood Breeding Compendium had been translated from the German, or was that orignally in Dutch, already! I shall have to order a copy. Hopefully I can find it on Amazon.

I’m disappointed that the WBFSH has not yet admitted the Bigearblood Verband to full membership, but it’s only a matter of time, I’m sure.

Bigoubet de Earouet is my absolute favorite! I understand even the O’Connors are considering adding some Bigearblood lines to their event horses – Giltears, Custom Mule, and Prince Panears.

I am at my desk roaring with laughter thinking about the hairnets/helmets John and Michael Whitakears will need to wear in order to get that hair over the big ears look… and then I see the picture of Prince Charles and laugh even harder…

I see no pictures. I wish to see pictures. stomps foot IS THERE NO END??!!

Common sense aint so common.

OMG, JustBay, I am howling!!! But I’m really annoyed with you - you’ve given away my secret of the new red Edgewood bridle - I was hoping to make a big splash with it at WEF - now everyone will have them. And DMK, it’s Mr. Chips Ahoy to you, thank you very much!

Colin prepping her NAW mule for SU’s next ride.

Aha! So now the landslide begins, just as some were worried about at the Annual Meeting when they voted to amend the rules to “allow mules to compete at all levels of AHSA Driving Events and shows.” That rule hasn’t even taken effect yet, and the Bigearbloods have invaded show jumping!

When we stumbled upon the conspiracy, Jair, were we wearing our black Armani square cuts or the white Gucci thongs? I don’t remember … too many Yellow Birds that a.m. I seem to vaguely recall Heidi letting us rest our drinks on her enhanced decolletage, but things get a bit fuzzy after that.

What I do know, is that the North American IDHS group are crying foul over the fact that bigbearbloods are really heavily Irish bred and are NOT getting the credit they deserve in the sport horse world! That’s why their ears are a little big and they have such tremendous scope.

Robby Drew, back to innocently stumbling upon things

It would be John Bartlett. He’s the s*it, AFAIC!

What about you?

RJ (five years ago I’d have said Gaultier, but that was when I was a wasp-waisted Italian size 48 … and who really wants to ride in rubber?)

Well you know what they say Jair, big ears, big…