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Moore's Equine Rescues-what happened to bail outs?

According to the fb of Moore’s the “group of women,” who provided assistance in paying bail for those who could not afford the horse, has been tapped out. Can anyone remember the name of the rescue where many of the horses allegedly went and also donated bail money? It had a combo of some of the following in the name: Claws/hooves/paws/feathers and I believe it was allegedly in NY.

When are you talking about, the new Moores Rescue or the former FBI investigated AC4H?
Either way, donating $$ to any org. that is involved with this … mess… is no better than throwing it away, if you ask me.


“Moore’s Equine Rescue” resurfaced last summer on fb with a paid employee “Jen Hamilton” doing the descriptions of the horses. Her husband rode some of them. This was long after AC4H went under. There were also a group of women who gave financial assistance for “bail” (Hate that word in this case), transport and QT. In addition there was a different rescue that offered places to send the Moore horses that others paid for but had no facilities to house. The rescue had some form of the following in the name…hooves, scales, claws and/or feathers." As of this week’s new batch of horses there appears a notation with each that the “women” were strapped because of all the prior contributions. Not a word about or from the rescue either, which I believe was allegedly in NY. Of course all the data from the previous week is gone when the new horses go up so there is no way to find the info now. Oh, and after frenzied fund raising for days at the end of last week there were still many horses unfunded when at the 11th hours an announcement was made that all horses had found homes. Amazingly all the info re: the horses, funds etc. went “poof” at the same time. In order to follow this trail there would need to be an accountant watching the screen 24/7 and other staff to film every screen in sequence, visual observation of the ins and outs of all trucks back and forth to New Holland, the trucks taking horses to OT or to the other rescue, and trucks taking horses to kill. How many years will it take to get the goods on this type of organization? So many questions…is there really another rescue taking horses purchased at Moores? Do they in turn sell the horses again to slaughter?

We have these same types of scams in Canada. Need you now equine is run by a kill buyer and his girlfriend but they use black mail to get bail for horses ( often way overpriced, lame and un touched accidents waiting to happen). Often money will be raised but the animal disappears or is sometimes even resold again in a month. They do not have to pay taxes since it is not a business or a rescue and you pick the horses up at the auction house so no one really knows where anything happens for an address.

People get caught up with a cute pony or a young horse that is owned by a kill buyer and may ship at any moment. Often paying 400 times the price of what the animal was purchased for days before. Too bad since this only allows these nasty people to stay in business and buy five more next week AND they out bid homes that were bidding if the animal will bring in more $$. Then the flood of those who want to help but should not really own a horse simply donate $ that is never tracked.

Sad stuff!

There is a kill lot in LA that makes no pretense about how they operate. Horses that they feel are marketable are ridden and advertised. Other “loose lot” horses are shown also for sale at a less price. Everything is transparent and there is a fb page where people who purchased the horses are encouraged to post how their horse arrived and in what condition and photos of the horses progress. Everyone’s name that has something to do with QT or transportation is listed, and if problems arise and are brought to the lots attention they have no problem making them public and dropping them from their lists. This lot is under constant fire from various fb sites, and even a child to whom the lot donated a pony when his died gets hate messages. What is wrong with people FFS? While I would not buy a horse off the internet you better believe if I were close enough to visit this lot and in the market for a horse I would take a good look at their horses. At Moore’s you can’t even go where the horses are housed to look them over…people are buying horses based on a 20 second vidoe, paying up front. Their first look at their new purchase is when it is unloaded in the parking lot of New Holland stables. Their money is gone. While in LA the money is not returned but the horse may be exchanged with another horse at the lot.

I sent a message to someone who is active on that board. She will know where these horses went and I will send you a pm when/if I find out. They are in Massachusetts, I sent you a pm with her answer and here is the FB page for them.


We have these same types of scams in Canada. Need you now equine is run by a kill buyer and his girlfriend but they use black mail to get bail for horses ( often way overpriced, lame and un touched accidents waiting to happen). Often money will be raised but the animal disappears or is sometimes even resold again in a month. They do not have to pay taxes since it is not a business or a rescue and you pick the horses up at the auction house so no one really knows where anything happens for an address.

People get caught up with a cute pony or a young horse that is owned by a kill buyer and may ship at any moment. Often paying 400 times the price of what the animal was purchased for days before. Too bad since this only allows these nasty people to stay in business and buy five more next week AND they out bid homes that were bidding if the animal will bring in more $$. Then the flood of those who want to help but should not really own a horse simply donate $ that is never tracked.

Sad stuff![/QUOTE]

Sounds like CBER and AC4H… and it is sad.

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I asked a friend about the ‘group of women’ yesterday. She indicated that the women have changed their plan to go to New Holland Sale themselves and bid on horses, instead of fundraising for horses that are at Moore’s pen.


Thanks for checking that out. I believe it is a wise decision and their money will go a lot further since Mr. Moore and this Jen are at NH and many of their “Rescue” horses originate there.

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I asked a friend about the ‘group of women’ yesterday. She indicated that the women have changed their plan to go to New Holland Sale themselves and bid on horses, instead of fundraising for horses that are at Moore’s pen.[/QUOTE]

Yup their money will go farther, and hopefully they will also see what Moore pays for horses he buys [because they are there to witness the purchase] and then what he/Jen mark them up to… that should be eye opening as well.

Hopefully these ladies are smart enough to go on the QT though, so Moore et al don’t recognize them and drive the prices/bids up. You have to be prepared, in that instance to let Moore have the horse and walk away from it. Not easy to do.

Hi all, I would like to address some of the comments about the “the women” on the page. I am one of them. All we are is a bunch of misfit volunteers that connected after being on the site regularly. The people that run the site are paid by Moore. This is fact, and not hidden by her. I have never personally met them, but have had phone and text conversations. They seem like good horse people that work in a tough horse business and want to give the horses at least one last shot. Jen set up the page, not Moore, but he does set all the prices on any horse she wants to post. There is much controversy around the site, for sure. I have only focused on what I believe I am doing, and that is getting horses out of danger, being slaughter or the sale/auction circuit. Now back to “the women”…There isn’t really a mystery…we’re just a network of individuals that have come together with a singular purpose, to save the horses on this particular site. Some support by helping those fund raising with bail money, some have pasture space, some are rescues, etc. We have all gone out of pocket to on many occasions to our own financial dismay to save the last few horses on the page. After being on the page all week commenting on horses, and asking people to bail them, explaining the process, etc. one begins to get attached. To watch them ship is simply something we have refused to experience. There is not one rescue that takes these horses. There is a list of QT providers on the page, and if/when one of the regulars bails a horse with either our own money or donated funds, that horse is goes in to QT with one of them and the work to find the horses a proper/safe home continues. It is all in real-time, week-by-week, and usually by the seat of our pants. I personally pulled two horses the week before last placed them in QT. I had some donation come in to help with the cost of QT, and I was able to find a new home for both. I hope that might answer some of the questions about where the horses go. All that we have done week after week is try and save horses. As far as the business aspect goes, it is a very painful, but valid point, that the kill buyer does profit from the resale of these horses. However, whenever a horse is pulled/bailed from the page and then the Moore’s Life After Rescue or Before the End Of The Line FB post start popping up about the horses that have been saved, well, it just makes it secondary. At least to me. And that is just me. Everyone has an opinion about kill buyer pages. I just focus on the horses. For me it’s just that simple. I keep it that simple. I’m sure I will get a lot of comments. I’m happy to address them the best I can.

horselove91 – thank you, for all the lives you have saved and continue to help! :slight_smile:

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There is a kill lot in LA that makes no pretense about how they operate. Horses that they feel are marketable are ridden and advertised. Other “loose lot” horses are shown also for sale at a less price. Everything is transparent and there is a fb page where people who purchased the horses are encouraged to post how their horse arrived and in what condition and photos of the horses progress. Everyone’s name that has something to do with QT or transportation is listed, and if problems arise and are brought to the lots attention they have no problem making them public and dropping them from their lists. This lot is under constant fire from various fb sites, and even a child to whom the lot donated a pony when his died gets hate messages. What is wrong with people FFS? While I would not buy a horse off the internet you better believe if I were close enough to visit this lot and in the market for a horse I would take a good look at their horses. At Moore’s you can’t even go where the horses are housed to look them over…people are buying horses based on a 20 second vidoe, paying up front. Their first look at their new purchase is when it is unloaded in the parking lot of New Holland stables. Their money is gone. While in LA the money is not returned but the horse may be exchanged with another horse at the lot.[/QUOTE]
I’m not sure I’m replying correctly…apologies if not, but I wanted to comment on two FB sites where some of the horses rescued from Moore’s are often shared. One is, “Moore’s Equines, Life After Rescue” and the others, started by someone not even associated with Moore’s is, “Before Their Last Ride - Saving Slaughter Bound Horses”. It is true that Brian Moore will not allow people on his lot. He is not running a rescue business. He is definitively a kill buyer. The horses on the site are pulled out videoed then put back in the pen. Horses have been kicked even killed before they can be picked up. It is not a good place for a horse by any stretch of the imagination. And yes, he ships hundreds that we never get a chance to try and help. Praying the SAFE act gets passed someday…too bad it keeps getting buried in committee :concern:

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Hi all, I would like to address some of the comments about the “the women” on the page. I am one of them. All we are is a bunch of misfit volunteers that connected after being on the site regularly. The people that run the site are paid by Moore. This is fact, and not hidden by her. I have never personally met them, but have had phone and text conversations. They seem like good horse people that work in a tough horse business and want to give the horses at least one last shot. Jen set up the page, not Moore, but he does set all the prices on any horse she wants to post. There is much controversy around the site, for sure. I have only focused on what I believe I am doing, and that is getting horses out of danger, being slaughter or the sale/auction circuit. Now back to “the women”…There isn’t really a mystery…we’re just a network of individuals that have come together with a singular purpose, to save the horses on this particular site. Some support by helping those fund raising with bail money, some have pasture space, some are rescues, etc. We have all gone out of pocket to on many occasions to our own financial dismay to save the last few horses on the page. After being on the page all week commenting on horses, and asking people to bail them, explaining the process, etc. one begins to get attached. To watch them ship is simply something we have refused to experience. [/QUOTE]
You are aware that he ships horses anyway, that are not marketed as ‘for rescue’?
Are you aware of the suggestions that perhaps he ships the horses he can ship and those he offers as ‘rescues’ are in fact not legal to ship or horses the plant would turn away [greys, ponies, etc]?

No most legit. rescues are hard pressed to find adoptive homes for the horses they have, thus there are no spots opening up in their stables to take in new ones.
In part, this is because everyone and their uncle wants to ‘save’ a horse and adopting from a rescues is just too arms length for their liking, and they prefer to roll the dice with a horse from a ‘kill pen’
That’s the catch 22 of the situation with the phenomenon of Kill Pen Saves/Rescues and the internet.

What is that process like? How do you check references, and what references do you require?
What kind of follow up do you do post ‘adoption’?
To date how many horses have you moved with this network?

How did you manage that so fast?

Did you see AC4Hs 990s for the last years they worked with/for Moore?
‘Profit’ is an understatement.

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I have posted this several times when the subject come up. Sorry to those who have seen my ‘repeats’. But I think it is worthy of keeping it in front of people. The links are dated so some may not work anymore. Obviously AC4H won’t.

This is what the scumbag and AC4H did to a filly we breed and sold. They were in bed together. IMO he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I was contacted by the Feds when the crap hit the fan. They couldn’t do anything about him. He’s smarter than the average bear.



I have posted this several times when the subject come up. Sorry to those who have seen my ‘repeats’. But I think it is worthy of keeping it in front of people. The links are dated so some may not work anymore. Obviously AC4H won’t.

This is what the scumbag and AC4H did to a filly we breed and sold. They were in bed together. IMO he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I was contacted by the Feds when the crap hit the fan. They couldn’t do anything about him. He’s smarter than the average bear.


The lengths these people will go to in order to make a buck is despicable.

I also again warn the ladies heading to NH to beware… these people make a whole lotta’ money off this horse rescue venture of theirs… and I would not doubt that they would protect that venture in any way necessary.

Hi all, I would like to address some of the comments about the “the women” on the page. I am one of them. All we are is a bunch of misfit volunteers that connected after being on the site regularly. The people that run the site are paid by Moore. This is fact, and not hidden by her. I have never personally met them, but have had phone and text conversations. They seem like good horse people that work in a tough horse business and want to give the horses at least one last shot. Jen set up the page, not Moore, but he does set all the prices on any horse she wants to post. There is much controversy around the site, for sure. I have only focused on what I believe I am doing, and that is getting horses out of danger, being slaughter or the sale/auction circuit. Now back to “the women”…There isn’t really a mystery…we’re just a network of individuals that have come together with a singular purpose, to save the horses on this particular site. Some support by helping those fund raising with bail money, some have pasture space, some are rescues, etc. We have all gone out of pocket to on many occasions to our own financial dismay to save the last few horses on the page. After being on the page all week commenting on horses, and asking people to bail them, explaining the process, etc. one begins to get attached. To watch them ship is simply something we have refused to experience. There is not one rescue that takes these horses. There is a list of QT providers on the page, and if/when one of the regulars bails a horse with either our own money or donated funds, that horse is goes in to QT with one of them and the work to find the horses a proper/safe home continues. It is all in real-time, week-by-week, and usually by the seat of our pants. I personally pulled two horses the week before last placed them in QT. I had some donation come in to help with the cost of QT, and I was able to find a new home for both. I hope that might answer some of the questions about where the horses go. All that we have done week after week is try and save horses. As far as the business aspect goes, it is a very painful, but valid point, that the kill buyer does profit from the resale of these horses. However, whenever a horse is pulled/bailed from the page and then the Moore’s Life After Rescue or Before the End Of The Line FB post start popping up about the horses that have been saved, well, it just makes it secondary. At least to me. And that is just me. Everyone has an opinion about kill buyer pages. I just focus on the horses. For me it’s just that simple. I keep it that simple. I’m sure I will get a lot of comments. I’m happy to address them the best I can.[/QUOTE]

I am the original poster. The “women” verbiage was taken directly from the Moore’s site as they identified your group as those who gave donations toward their horses. They stated your group was taking a break and there would be no assistance from you for the current advertised horses. I also noticed that the rescue, now identified as Hooves-claws and misfits, was not offering homes as they had for horses purchased with donations. I wondered why this had happened and if the “women” and the rescue were one and the same entity which it appears not to be based on responses. Why did both cease at the same time?

My problem is after watching about 10 years of drama and scams propagated by those taking advantage of good hearted people such as yourself I want to ask questions when I see similar stories as those in the past that acted in such a manner. First as you say, you have never met them, just conversed via email and phone. I consider myself a tough cookie, yet I did the same thing and sent $2500 to someone in KY for a down payment on a horse trailer. I had numerous conversations with the lady and heard her children in the background. She was gracious and offered to change the loading ramp to 2 separate doors. She even called me with updates on the progress of the trailer. Then the excuses started. It wasn’t until she gave me the story of the tornado that had caused a tree to destroy the building the trailer was in and they had to start over that I became suspicious. Then the phone was disconnected. I checked the weather in the city and found there was no tornado anywhere in KY that day. Long story short a police report was filed and my credit card company became involved. Luckily I have a habit of hard copies of emails and other documentation that I provided to the cc company and offered to participate in any court action. They refunded my down payment and sent out bulletins that hopefully prevented others from making the same mistake. Southern Diamond Trailers.

I also followed horse rescues on Alex Brown Racing and was appalled by the same types of scams by horse rescues. Turns out many did not even exist at all, but were created by copying and pasting real peoples barns and horses and constructing a fantasy. Then they had collaborators who posed as members of ABR but instead perpetrated the scam by stating they had visited the rescue and what a wonderful place it was blah blah. It was sick. Heck, one head of a rescue supposedly died and people sent in money to bury her after a begathon by her spouse. Then, money was needed to feed the horses, pay the rent and on and on. It was all fake, someone became suspicious, the woman was using an assumed name, she fled and the “death” was the last ditch attempt to bleed the followers of money before the “spouse” also bailed. There were many other horse rescue scams but this was the most memorable. Every few weeks a new one was exposed and I kept wondering why people kept donating. A group of people were exiled by ABR for any question that was “negative” about a rescue and began a site dedicated to exposing faux rescues. So that’s where I come from and that’s why I cut to the chase when I see problematic behaviors.

Here are my questions/and observations to horselove 91

  1. Again, thank you for trying to help horses.
  2. How do you know who is real on a board and who is coached to cheerlead for a scammer or part of the scam? People generate multiple personalities on line and have them talk back and forth every day of the week. They troll the internet for generous people like yourself and befriend you for the cause.
  3. Jennifer Hamilton is not her real name according to one of the Exposing Scams groups, who put up a link to a Rip off report filed by her own mother accusing she and “Barry” her husband, of fleecing her out of money to buy horses for resale and never repaid.
  4. Jennifer Hamilton is shown in photos in the company of Brian Moore purchasing horses at New Holland for very minute amounts compared to the “bail” listed for their price on his site.
  5. All week long the hysteria mounts and people beg for someone, anyone to “bail” the horses and if you notice only a few are bailed outright. Then, at the 11th hour a message goes up that all theremaining horses have been saved with no accounting of further monies or who purchased them.
  6. The previous info on the horses and the donations is removed when the supposed bailment occurs just before the truck deadline, so no one sees how these miracle donations came about–it’s a blank slate until the next group of horses is posted. How about this possibility–they bank the donations, the horses who were actually purchased are delivered, and the remainder either dispersed to other dealers or sent to slaughter. Now that’s how you maximize profits.
  7. How do you know a truck comes except that’s what you are told?
  8. Where’s any proof you are “getting horses out of danger” other than what you are told? Have you seen the horses? How do you know the horse is really at a Quarantine facility? That time frame plus removing the data needed to follow the horse is key. As I said-some of them are fully paid for and may be used as examples, but very doubtful is the report of last minute miracles consistently happening. Of course you are told they are all saved because if you were told most weren’t, and were sent to slaughter, wouldn’t you be sickened enough to stop donating?
  9. Of course you get attached to the horses-they count on it and send out fb messages all the time to make you feel guilty and empty your checking account.
  10. You take the word of a kill buyer and the person who is in his company at New Holland that horses didn’t ship with no other evidence or ability to track the transactions? Prove to me that they didn’t ship.
  11. You use the list of quarantine facilities provided on their site and can’t see that they form a net to back each other up?
  12. You stated you donated to the horses, paid for quarantine and found new homes. Did you ever see the horses, the facility or the new owners or was this all accomplished via social media?
  13. Of course fb posts pop up on End of the Line that they were saved–its part of the hype and encourages further donations due to one’s desire to help and guilt by failing to repeat the behavior.
    Lastly, any facility that denies you access to see the operation personally and provide you with definitive proof of donations and disposition of the animal is not worthy of your support.


I also followed horse rescues on Alex Brown Racing and was appalled by the same types of scams by horse rescues. Turns out many did not even exist at all, but were created by copying and pasting real peoples barns and horses and constructing a fantasy. Then they had collaborators who posed as members of ABR but instead perpetrated the scam by stating they had visited the rescue and what a wonderful place it was blah blah. It was sick.

Heck, one head of a rescue supposedly died and people sent in money to bury her after a begathon by her spouse. Then, money was needed to feed the horses, pay the rent and on and on. It was all fake, someone became suspicious, the woman was using an assumed name, she fled and the “death” was the last ditch attempt to bleed the followers of money before the “spouse” also bailed. There were many other horse rescue scams but this was the most memorable.

Every few weeks a new one was exposed and I kept wondering why people kept donating. A group of people were exiled by ABR for any question that was “negative” about a rescue and began a site dedicated to exposing faux rescues. So that’s where I come from and that’s why I cut to the chase when I see problematic behaviors.


I am one of those who was booted off ABR for asking questions of the questionable.
AB should be ashamed of himself and his role in the rampant fleecing that occurred there, not to mention his love of Xty Sheidy.

What started as something that could have been really good, ended up a joke.

reply to you


I am the original poster. The “women” verbiage was taken directly from the Moore’s site as they identified your group as those who gave donations toward their horses. They stated your group was taking a break and there would be no assistance from you for the current advertised horses. I also noticed that the rescue, now identified as Hooves-claws and misfits, was not offering homes as they had for horses purchased with donations. I wondered why this had happened and if the “women” and the rescue were one and the same entity which it appears not to be based on responses. Why did both cease at the same time?

My problem is after watching about 10 years of drama and scams propagated by those taking advantage of good hearted people such as yourself I want to ask questions when I see similar stories as those in the past that acted in such a manner. First as you say, you have never met them, just conversed via email and phone. I consider myself a tough cookie, yet I did the same thing and sent $2500 to someone in KY for a down payment on a horse trailer. I had numerous conversations with the lady and heard her children in the background. She was gracious and offered to change the loading ramp to 2 separate doors. She even called me with updates on the progress of the trailer. Then the excuses started. It wasn’t until she gave me the story of the tornado that had caused a tree to destroy the building the trailer was in and they had to start over that I became suspicious. Then the phone was disconnected. I checked the weather in the city and found there was no tornado anywhere in KY that day. Long story short a police report was filed and my credit card company became involved. Luckily I have a habit of hard copies of emails and other documentation that I provided to the cc company and offered to participate in any court action. They refunded my down payment and sent out bulletins that hopefully prevented others from making the same mistake. Southern Diamond Trailers.

I also followed horse rescues on Alex Brown Racing and was appalled by the same types of scams by horse rescues. Turns out many did not even exist at all, but were created by copying and pasting real peoples barns and horses and constructing a fantasy. Then they had collaborators who posed as members of ABR but instead perpetrated the scam by stating they had visited the rescue and what a wonderful place it was blah blah. It was sick. Heck, one head of a rescue supposedly died and people sent in money to bury her after a begathon by her spouse. Then, money was needed to feed the horses, pay the rent and on and on. It was all fake, someone became suspicious, the woman was using an assumed name, she fled and the “death” was the last ditch attempt to bleed the followers of money before the “spouse” also bailed. There were many other horse rescue scams but this was the most memorable. Every few weeks a new one was exposed and I kept wondering why people kept donating. A group of people were exiled by ABR for any question that was “negative” about a rescue and began a site dedicated to exposing faux rescues. So that’s where I come from and that’s why I cut to the chase when I see problematic behaviors.

Here are my questions/and observations to horselove 91

  1. Again, thank you for trying to help horses.
  2. How do you know who is real on a board and who is coached to cheerlead for a scammer or part of the scam? People generate multiple personalities on line and have them talk back and forth every day of the week. They troll the internet for generous people like yourself and befriend you for the cause.
  3. Jennifer Hamilton is not her real name according to one of the Exposing Scams groups, who put up a link to a Rip off report filed by her own mother accusing she and “Barry” her husband, of fleecing her out of money to buy horses for resale and never repaid.
  4. Jennifer Hamilton is shown in photos in the company of Brian Moore purchasing horses at New Holland for very minute amounts compared to the “bail” listed for their price on his site.
  5. All week long the hysteria mounts and people beg for someone, anyone to “bail” the horses and if you notice only a few are bailed outright. Then, at the 11th hour a message goes up that all theremaining horses have been saved with no accounting of further monies or who purchased them.
  6. The previous info on the horses and the donations is removed when the supposed bailment occurs just before the truck deadline, so no one sees how these miracle donations came about–it’s a blank slate until the next group of horses is posted. How about this possibility–they bank the donations, the horses who were actually purchased are delivered, and the remainder either dispersed to other dealers or sent to slaughter. Now that’s how you maximize profits.
  7. How do you know a truck comes except that’s what you are told?
  8. Where’s any proof you are “getting horses out of danger” other than what you are told? Have you seen the horses? How do you know the horse is really at a Quarantine facility? That time frame plus removing the data needed to follow the horse is key. As I said-some of them are fully paid for and may be used as examples, but very doubtful is the report of last minute miracles consistently happening. Of course you are told they are all saved because if you were told most weren’t, and were sent to slaughter, wouldn’t you be sickened enough to stop donating?
  9. Of course you get attached to the horses-they count on it and send out fb messages all the time to make you feel guilty and empty your checking account.
  10. You take the word of a kill buyer and the person who is in his company at New Holland that horses didn’t ship with no other evidence or ability to track the transactions? Prove to me that they didn’t ship.
  11. You use the list of quarantine facilities provided on their site and can’t see that they form a net to back each other up?
  12. You stated you donated to the horses, paid for quarantine and found new homes. Did you ever see the horses, the facility or the new owners or was this all accomplished via social media?
  13. Of course fb posts pop up on End of the Line that they were saved–its part of the hype and encourages further donations due to one’s desire to help and guilt by failing to repeat the behavior.
    Lastly, any facility that denies you access to see the operation personally and provide you with definitive proof of donations and disposition of the animal is not worthy of your support.[/QUOTE]

Im the owner of Hooves claws and misfits

You stated
I also noticed that the rescue, now identified as Hooves-claws and misfits, was not offering homes as they had for horses purchased with donations. I wondered why this had happened and if the “women” and the rescue were one and the same entity which it appears not to be based on responses. Why did both cease at the same time?

What is this about???

OP - I believe the “kill lot” in LA that you are defending does not actually have a contract with any shipper or slaughterhouse. They’re horse traders that threaten to kill horses if you don’t buy them. They’re scum and killing legitimate rescues just like the rest of them.