
Oh I’m sure no one is lurking GTG - your reputation is known far and wide - I must say I’m confused, however, about why you neglected to mention Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as the other nights you are at the S.C.? Practicing your back stroke for the wading pool on those nights perhaps?

We are dressing like NORMAL HORSE PEOPLE. If there is such a thing.

I thought you were suppose to dance on the bar not on your chair.

AHC I see you live in the city. Where do you ride? In Westchester area or do you come to NJ. I have been here a year (moved from CT) and you wouldn’t believe the difference in board prices much less expensive.

Hey Bumpkin - sure, we can pick you up too!

No, not going to the Evergreen Classic this year. I’m going to do the Thunderbird Summer show then my S/O and I are off for a holiday I usually like going to Milner Downs too since they’re back to back, but am taking it easy this year with the showing and am actually looking forward to doing non-horsey things! Blasphemy I know ! LOL!

You mean we’re not all staying with Duffy?!


Colin will bring nametags!


[This message has been edited by Colin (edited 08-02-2000).]

Well, thanks, everyone - I’m going to try to make it and watch a hunt. Who knows, may even bring Apster up to watch with me. Are you in the hunt Colin?

Well Colin I hear they need a bar wench at Mosby’s…the atmosphere is great, but you may drink all their profits…I also hear Journeyman has new position for someone to market their new line of vinyl half chaps…after your stint in Utah, you’d probably be great at that job, and Good to Go could help you out.

Thanks for the kind words, Retro…we’ll just see what kind of drink YOU get a Mosby’s! LOL!

Everybody from the BB is invited, think it will make for quite a fun time! Now I’m sure there are a few souls who may not want to be scene with us loons…but the rest of you can come and join the festivities!!!

Finzean: [I]We are the Virginia Clique. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.[/I]

[This message has been edited by Kryswyn (edited 08-07-2000).]

Geez- I feel left out
I may be a trainer, but I really do have fun !AND I won’t tell if you don’t!!!
I guess I am destined to dinners with the horseshow moms- again-Or counting flowers on the wall- Daggone purgatory!!

Alas GTG,
I must admit that I have been lurking in the shadows of the Shark Club of late. I am getting material for a book I’m contemplating writing and need unsavory characters with a lack of fashion sense. Mind you, none of my horsey cohorts have fallen into the fashion mis-statement zone so not to worry. My favorite bartender is no longer working there (Brett) and I have been forced to purchasing my own drinks unless I can find a stranger willing to provide a helpless female with liquid stimulation. I have often depended on the kindness of strangers when amusing myself at the bars.

I am inviting Peter Foley and all the Woodhall Posse to the extravaganza. He might not be able to make it because of the excessive number of horses he will have showing at the Classic, but if we ask very nicely maybe he will make a surprise appearance. One can only wish and hope. When I grow up I want to marry him!!!

Duffy, if Ivernness and I need a place to stay home many bottles of wine will we need to bring and what is your favorite type and year? That’s unless Jair comes and let’s me stay in his lovely B&B in the “Burg”…big sigh.

[This message has been edited by Kennett Square (edited 08-08-2000).]

Oh goodness Jair. Will you be wearing your Flashdance leg warmers as well?

Harris, Harris, Harris…As I have told you once before I am down to three nights per week…according to my counselor at the center (as in Betty Ford)… three nights is all I am allowed…HAH!!!

“Normal Horse People”: Now there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one! LOL!

Anyplace Farm - wear what you like! Just make sure you bring your wallet so you can buy us all drinks!

There is No bar in my study- maybe I should move the computer to the kitchen

MB, I actually ride at a barn in Putnam County, NY right over the Westchester border. If it were a few minutes further south or in CT I wouldn’t be able to afford it! Will send you an email with more information. Curious about NJ costs.

If I make it up to Thunderbird, spectator not exhibitor, I will tell you! I’m dying for a real Canadian Caesar!