
Hey – there aren’t ANY hotel rooms available in Middleburg or even close because of the show, so I think yes, we will all be staying at Duffys! That is, as long as she promises to have coffee ready in the morning, as well as maybe some bagels and pastries too?

And we must hit the Shark Club afterwards…it’s going to be a blast…should we be frightened???

Colin…fill me in…did you really sell your gucci Colin…you in the mood to sell a Childrens/Adult jumper…who almost killed Moesha on Saturday…it was a sight!!!
Kennett Square talk to me about your tabs at the Shark Club…who’s your bartender…do I know you??? Do you see me at the club and just lurk in the shadows???

Alright Harris, you weenie!! Bar wench, NOT! I am a perfectly respectable young lady…who has had her picture in the Chronicle for Champion at Tahoe! I think you should be much more respectable to me…after all…I did give birth to you, yes???

Benaja -
As best as I can tell, this is how it works:

There is this VA group who are constantly in trouble and kept under the watchful eye of the BB gods…They are an unruly group, but seem to be great fun…the term bachanalia comes to mind (too bad I can’t spell it!). Anyway, Colin is their ring leader from the Land of Utah and she can shape shift and assume many different forms. Rumours are rampant about blood sucking and all other sorts of horrors. No one is safe from their plots and machinations…(Just ask jair & Jeb their most recent victims)

But as far as the Mosby’s soiree - everyone’s invited (last I heard…) but alas, all the inns are full. There was some rumor about Duffy opening her home to weary travelers and if in fact you should find yourself standing at her door, hat in hand, make sure you bring gifts for the children, a good bottle of wine, and lots of dog treats! But most of all - HAVE FUN!!!

I would love to come and meet you all! But it’s such a long trip. Maybe AHC will come with me and we can make the road trip after our summer camp reunion? Any other New Yorkers out there who want to meet Colin, Duffy, Jair, Finzean, Jed, Anyplace, Kennett Square, Inverness, and of course Moesha? Perhaps we could find a VW Bus and make the trip with the class and style required by such an important meeting? Complete with “Will work for tack” signs on all the windows? Bathroom stops at every Nordstroms between New York and Virginia?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kennett Square:
…I’ve already lined up Peter Foley to give me big hair ( remember the higher the hair the closer to God) and I have the perfect red feather boa to sasha the runway with… .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Have you invited Peter to this bash? If not, make sure you do; I’ve not seen him in years!

Fear not, Cozmo! You can come! Kennett Square is a trainer, too, but she can come! We’re only worried about the trainers of the posters…who may come to Mosby’s with a shot gun ready to kill us all off for corrupting their clients!

Slugger, I love the idea of a Winnebago parked outside of Mosby’s. LOL I’m sure that for a small fee (free drinks) we’d let some of those locals who don’t want to drink and drive rent space on the floor for the night.
Lest anyone think this group is made up solely of Virginians, you can be sure that the New Yorkers will be there representing Zones 1 and 2…

OK, since I was ignoring you people early on, being that this post didn’t apply to me, although I’ve been a Virginian for 27 years (not to be confused with my age), what night are we talking about? And are we dressing like normal people or horse people?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Good to go:
Oh and how might you know Benaja??? Have you been blessed??? Who might be lurking under this alias…hmmmmmm I wonder??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yesterday I thought that Benaja professed to be from Utah/outerspace.

GTG - Wow, your reputation HAS certainly spread far and wide. And to think you have achieved such fame on an abbridged schedule as permitted by Ms. Ford and her keepers at the clinic.

Either that, or Benaja was up all night taking notes and making diagrams of the BB participants. He/she sure is a quick study - knew nothing yesterday and is all kinds of up to speed today.

OK, I will come as my best incarnation of a normal horse person (what a task!). And since when did I get dibbed as Money Bags? I’m the late invite here…so I’m stuck w/drinks? No, you guys owe me drinks big time. I’ll bring my flask.

All I can say is, be afraid…be VERY afraid…

How does a normal person dress vs. a horse person? I am like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. People at my barn would never recognize me in a suit (yes, I still wear my ‘ladies who lunch’ duds) and people at my office would never dream that I will pick out a hoof, drive my five horse van and eat a hamburger with those very same hands all in one day. I am such a dude on the weekends it isn’t funny. Then, during the week, I have to get all dolled up. Personally, I love going to Safeway, looking like hell and running into people from work so they can look at me in shock.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kennett Square:

I’ve already lined up Peter Foley to give me big hair ( remember the higher the hair the closer to God) and I have the perfect red feather boa to sasha the runway with. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh my, you’ll be in competition with Good to Good…with that hairdo she’s practically in God’s lap!)

I knew I should have gone to Tahoe!
It is a long drive just to watch, I am going to Menlo next week I wil definately go check out the really fancy horses to se if they have beads.
I think the mane bead thing would be kinda fun to do at one of the local shows that my kids show at just to see what the judges say.

It doesn’t suprise me that Peter was one of the people to start it. I remember him form when I was showing in Texas a couple of decades ago.

Is this private plane going any where near San Francisco? I could sure use a ride.

Colin, sorry - new to the BB - is Duffy your boyfriend? Just trying to figure out who everyone is.

Count me in.

Wow, I didnt know he managed a bar at night. After all that riding ---- (suppose that’s how he affords his hobby…hmmm)

He must have alot of energy. Works so hard and is so generous at the same time. How DOES he do it??

I’m there! Friday is great for me (terrier trials Sat & Sunday) Cannot wait to see everyone. This is too much fun! What time and should we all wear something a certain color so we can recognize each other? I can just see one of the newbies (like MOI) joining the Wrong Party, if Duffy, Inverness and Kennett Square are late arriving.

Tequila shots please.

I hear that a lot of the juniors have won shot glasses as high point awards?? (another thread). Since they cant get into Mosby’s (or can they?) they should just line the entrance with these glasses and thereby show appropriate respect and homage. Like an alter.