Most Bizarre gone wrong thread?

That I remember. In my mind the mother-OP set her children up for disappointment. Talk about a bad plan after red flags were popping up everywhere in those messages. I blame the self-designated victim. :grin:

I don’t think I ever read the whole thread. The action drama was over. It was just a thousand different opinions from there. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t work at all on my phone which I’m on right now; it’s an unrecognizable mess :slight_smile:

Just finished up Pony/Open Trailer/Blue Saddle…which took me most of the day. Yay, productivity!

I still do not know who PO is…lol…and with the new format, I’ll never know… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Can someone do a spark notes summary? I tried reading it but it’s so freaking long and confusing. I read the beginning… does PO ever show up? I want to know what happened because I feel so out of the loop lol!

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right? Oh I would love to see an update on Ali and his lady. I’m sure if it was a IRL situation, rather than a bored teen I’m sure this animal/human majikcal bond ended with a CL or FB add for a really cheap lame horse.

Something like
"TO GOOD FOREVER HOME ONLY Ali is amazing horse who can rear on command. He is 100% purebread (yes sp intentional here) Arab. His bloodlines go back to the 1930s!! He is worth 20k, but for the right home I will consider letting this amazing soul go for $2,000. He prefers to not be ridden and would be a really good Cavallia horse or movie horse. He is an awesome horse who is perfect but I just don’t have the time for him. (pic of super underweight horse with a tacky beaded halter)



@BatCoach :joy:
But those were Speshul Semi-Mental Beads :scream:
Maybe ad would be for the browband, $2K includes horse :sunglasses:

Reminds me of a sale where buyer paid $$ for a crap leadrope…
Sale included a puppy gratis :roll_eyes:

PO does, indeed, not show up. But they are still active here. How is the pony doing, PO?

@2DogsFarm I read that as a puppy gratin… eeep!! :joy::joy:


Similar to the Skittles thread…

Lol they’re among us?! I’m so out of the loop. Now I’m wondering who it is!

There is a summary of the thread towards the end of it. A couple of people throw down the cliff note version. I’ll go back really quick and see if I can find the post number. I will say that the switch to the new format has made it more difficult to follow these older posts that have multiple quotes and used different colors because none of that transferred through. ETA: post 1787 has a decent summary, but goes off on their own tangent as well.

I went over and read that one. Surly that wasn’t REALLY the owner of Crypto Aero as she(?) really was not pleasant.

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Is the feed company still going?

Edit - never mind, it is.

Already spotted an error. Can you find it?

I believe the general consensus was that the poster WAS the company owner but yeah they did not paint the brand in a good light.

Everything written there reads like a lot of buzzwords and the kerning (?) is messed up in various places.

Check the Vit E levels.

Off the top of my head, and these have all been mentioned already:

  • Musical Jumper
  • Arabian jumper
  • Crayola posse

Anyone who remembers these topics is definitely an original COTHer from the first days of the forum. I can’t believe I’ve been a member here for 20 years!


I remember that MJ thread. What a sh** show. The crazy was off the charts. And that was just by the OP.

An order of magnitude is how the Mariner I exploded.