MVP, what happened to our weekly cat threads? Mid-week Cat thread: Cats helping around the house

@mvp used to post cat threads on Friday - a tradition I’ve missed! Here’s my formal petition to bring them back.

We’ve all seen the generous assistance cats provide when it comes to Christmas Tree Inspector, or how cats will fix a tree skirt for owners who don’t understand the Cat Chaos Theory - but how else do cats help you around the house?

Here’s mine from yesterday. My sister texted me asking if I had any black turtlenecks she could borrow, and could she see a picture? I said sure, let me just –

Wasn’t even on the bed for two seconds. Said sister now has a turtleneck with cat hair all over it. :joy:

Last week, I picked up a hand painted mirror at Savers. Tried to take a photo to show a friend when Franklin had better ideas:

Surely I’m not the only one with helpful beasts?


You are not :roll_eyes:
Bounce is my Alarm Clock & Preventer of Silence, which he feels would be detrimental to my sanity.
His most frequent pose:

Also Lapwarmer Par Excellence:

The New Guy - Stripes - is still applying for various positions.
Sink Cleaner:

He also liked the folded tablecloth I kept on the kitchen table. Finally occurred to me to put it on the back of a chair to avoid a furry place setting :expressionless:


Clothes dryer repair helper.

Also dabbles in pest control.


Furniture inspector. Making sure table was assembled correctly and could bear weight.



Bounce has one of the most important jobs in the world - how else will a human remember to wake up and feed them?

Stripes looks like he does a better job than my SO at sink cleaning - do you think he can give SO pointers?

LCDR, how did you score such a helpful and dryer-savvy cat? Mine just sits on the dryer and gets annoyed if I move them. I have a very firm no-kats-near-the-dryer rule when I am loading up clothes – too many vet tech horror stories.

I like the photo of him looking at the lizard. You gonna do something about that?

Peggy - that table is also the perfect height for a cat throne. Surely you knew this when you bought it??

Here’s more Helpful Cats this morning –

Franklin, For Scale - cats are as useful a unit of measurement as an archaeologist’s mattock:

Jello, the Shower Inspector - someone has to remind the absent minded human that brekky is served soon.

Cupcake, the Laundry Convict - she is TOO helpful, so she goes to kitten jail until everything is loaded in the laundry.


I do a visual cat check every time that I am ready to turn on the washer or dryer. I close the appliance door and then I have to lay eyes on each individual cat before the start button gets mashed (how’s that for a Southern word?).

I suspect that appliance repair kitty believes there is a hamster on a wheel somewhere inside that turns the dryer drum. She is just hunting.


Smart to do so!

Didn’t you know that’s how the machine cycles? Silly human - what would we do without cats??


A local housing authority is having a winter fest for their low-income residents and asked for gently-used clothing to give away. I had many, many higher-end clothing items that I wanted to donate somewhere and this seemed like the perfect opportunity, so I started sorting them onto my bed before packing them into bags for transport.

Almost immediately they acquired cat hair, which meant I had to shake each item and use the garment brush, extending the job by an hour or more! I have laminate floors so the hair floats around no matter how often I sweep and vaccum. :roll_eyes: But Clem was also jumping on the pile repeatedly.

Here are the culprits!


Here is Flynn…

My biggest fan.

Keyboard warmer.



Lapwarmer extraordinaire. : :smile:


Wheatabix is a pro blanket spelunker


The black one is Bear, lap-sleeper extraordinaire, the white one is Wilbur (his sister is Charlotte). Wilbur is our “go into dads office and hang up on Zoom calls and otherwise photo-bomb during work hours” cat.


Did someone say dryer?


Awwww … ! Thanks for the memory (mashed). I never heard that word 'til I moved to Alabama. Haven’t heard it since I left … 'til your post.
Love your kitty-helpers.


Dice, the chemistry TA.


Can you try refreshing or re-adding the images? Tsk. Your Keyboard Warrior must be sleeping on the job!

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Surely Dice must be entitled to your full stipend and future pension? How many Churus an hour is his current salary?

Texarkana - Nice of the cats to inform you your dryer needs loading. Did those poor suffering kitties also have to assist with the chore of Christmas tree inspection?


I’m sorry, the pictures won’t reveal, lol I will just delete my post.

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Nooo!! We must see the kittehs. I’d try reposting! I bet your cat can help you. For an extra dinner. :wink:


A few days ago, I changed out the shower curtain liner. Helping here are Brio (black with nose stripe), Solo (in the curtain), Psalm (walking on it), and Atticus (watching from the edge of the shower). I don’t know how I would have done it without them.

ETA: I’m going to bed. If it still refuses to show picture in the morning, I’ll resubmit on the real computer instead of the cell phone.


I can see it! Your house is Fully Staffed. Nice of the whole Cat Company to come assist you in such a menial chore.

What do you do with the liner? It was only a few years ago I learned that liners should be thrown out every 2-3 months which seems so wasteful. I probably rotate mine once a year, and wipe it down every time I clean the shower (another task the cats are very helpful with).

Have some Wednesday Workers!

Devoted Gardener:

Chief Bobblehead Ambassador:

To live in my house, you have to have a sense of humor. Here is my #1 Worker, the Cat Cage Tester:

Her hard work paid off and lead to this – acquiring a new pregnant team member in Casa Cat:

Which lead to this – 4 new Cuddle Committee members:

Which lead to my best worker-assistant to date, Jello, seen here being a Shoe Warmer:

BTW, you have not lived until you can carry around a kitten committee in a box:

Final Wednesday Worker Kitty of the day – Jello patenting a new Cactus Pet technique:

In searching for these photos, I opened up the photo app on my iPhone and searched “cat”. It turns out I have 2,933 photos of identified cats on my phone. I think that puts me firmly in the Cat Lady Category.