are they behaving toward each other? Bug and Tater are still sort of skirmishing. Tater and Puddin sleep in the bed with me, one on each side of my head. Puddin never moves all night. Tater is kind of here now, gone later, but when I woke up this morning, there they were. Bug was not far off. He prefers to sleep at my hip. So I am pretty much hemmed in.
Sigh… Nobody sleeps with me
Sounds like things are sorting themselves out for your clowder
Bounce & Stripes are not BC(at)FFs, but they’re coexisting just fine.
I’m sure Bounce wants more - like he had with Cheeto
I think that may come in time.
EDIT to correct typos
Did someone say bath time?
He sat on the edge for most of my kid’s bath, then got in when the water started draining out.
The cats have taken to a fun game of parkour where they run full speed into the kitchen, vault off the pony wall or a chair onto the table, then launch themselves onto the island. The game usually ends when they shatter whatever glassware is currently on the island.
I was told tin foil is a good deterrent… hmm…
Quality Inspectors. I bought a new bedspread from Collections and a sheet set from J.C. Penney. Cat tested, cat approved.
Those, btw, are the Liz Claiborne 575TC sheet set that seems to be a great bargain when it goes on $39.99 sale any size like it is now. It remains to be seen whether they’ll shred out at the feet or not. But they feel almost as good as a percale. I bought the gray and taupe colors.
Alarm clock / evacuation drillmaster, packing and relocation superviser, computer cat, and tack inspector. EVERY morning with this guy was like an air raid drill. When he was up, EVERYBODY was up. He’d eat his breakfast, then go back to bed. He was like an applehead Oriental shorthair, with that kind of high intellect, vocals, loyalty, and athleticism. He was always up for chicken from the Chinese buffets. He lived to be almost 22 and just passed away on December 9, 2023. Mornings just aren’t the same without him. But he lived a good long and healthy life and was a once in a lifetime cat. We loved each other greatly and unconditionally. He picked me out at the animal shelter in 2002 and proceeded to train me to suit. lol

As kittens these two orange guys showed some initial interest in becoming tack inspectors, but as of right now, decidedly lack commitment to the job. They’re about 7 months old now and past due for their neutering but all the clinics are booked up.
That’s a great eulogy to a 1 of a Kind Cat
The orange doofi (plural of Doofus) have big paws to fill!
What a wonderful tribute. And he was so thorough inspecting tack! No wonder the orange twins can’t compete.
I heard on the internet (so you know it must be true) that all orange cats share one brain cell. Can you corroborate if this is true? And if so, who gets the lion’s — or cat’s — share of the brain cell in your household?
I can attest to the 1 Cell theory.
My orange would probably still be living in my basement if I hadn’t had to liveteap him to get him upstairs. After 4 YEARS!
But a year after that, he got custody of The Cell & became a total sweetheart.
Sadly lost to FICC 4yrs later
An early foray into life with me & my other cat:
(after several months hiding in the guest(cat)room)
When Life became Good:
That face!
Like the Borg. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated and all that?
Add blanket tester to milos resume. I just opened my new gift and 10 seconds later he was claiming it as his.
He’s adorable. Look how happy that blanket has made him. And you want to take it away from him.
I had help with treating my horse’s abscess today.
Supervising the hoof soak - a minute before he had been perched on my leg…
and checking the supplies (he’s sitting on the diaper)…
Oh I would never dare take the blanket away from him. My boss gave it to me as a Xmas gift but the cats have clearly claimed it. It’s a cold rainy week so they deserve to be cozy.
LOL! Maybe they will let you share?
Doubtful. The torbie princess loves it too, but she is a fool for soft blankets. Never met a fleece she didn’t like!
My Teddy cat adored anything soft or fleecy. I had to get him his own micro plush blanket and pillow sets which he did not share.