OK - Well, I have been in need of a tack trunk for a while. But, I do not have $600 to buy a big Warner-like one, plus I find them to be too bulky.
My VERY EXboyfriend FROM MY PAST LIFE shows cattle - They have these large aluminum “show boxes” as they call them that come with a padded colored cover for the lid. I have never ever seen these things except for at cattle shows.
They are light-weight, cheap and hold a lot more than the Warner trunks. I was at a cattle show Sunday OF 2001- I went ahead, broke down and paid $220 for a great show box - got a black padded cover and had a silver “S” in a large circle embroidered on it first thing Monday morning.
I took it to the barn yesterday and I was floored by how much it held! My grooming box, tons of pads, horse boots, my paddocks boots, hat, chaps, show-ring bucket, spurs, sticks (even my 26" one), bridles, you name it - even the metal thing that holds your shipping wraps. If I arranged it correctly, I could get my water buckets in it.
So here is a link to a place similar to where I got my show box…Even when I had my trunk filled with all my worldly belongings last night, I could still move it myself - no problem at all. What do you think - can I be a trendsetter, or will people call me a hick at the shows?
http://www.vittetoeinc.com/catalog/showstopper.htm#Show Boxes
I got the Medium size.
[This message was edited by VTrider on Oct. 31, 2002 at 03:45 PM.]