NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

@Sdel reading your post gave me chills. That sounds so scary.


You know that feeling you get when you drink coffee and your brain starts to throb and you feel twitchy because of the caffeine? That’s how I felt listening to those calls and I haven’t had coffee in days. I don’t know why I’m having that sort of reaction to this, but I am and it makes no sense to me.


I’m not brave enough to listen.


There are some other news stories on Youtube too, I will try to find them, but it is very clear the police were doing a - not my problem - thing with this. The man literally cries that he is scared for his family. How could they just ignore that?



I’m on the fence, but leaning towards chicken.


There is a very helpful recap of the civil proceedings so far on the current events thread, around post 397 or so.


We obviously don’t have the officer’s reports……but I noticed several of themstated to not even being written until after the shooting. I wonder how much bias was imported into those particular reports. And there really is no excuse to have not let him talk to a supervisor.


I also wonder if there is body camera footage available for those interactions with the police, not necessarily the day of shooting, but all the other times the police were out there.


Just one word….karma. He mistakenly assumed he “owned” his mother and on the eve of his fall he was bragging about that to his brothers. He was sent to a psych facility the next day. After a couple of months he decided he could cool his jets until he graduated.


Wow. That sounds like they were super slackers. At best.


Whoa. That is really scary.


Did I hear correctly on the 911 link that the next day MG called to say that Lauren’s father and boyfriend were threatening people in the barn? The next day?!

I’m honestly confused as to how (i) the police did not secure the crime scene and allowed those two men to enter it without supervision; and (ii) how those two men were allowed to wander all over the farm and interact with people given what had just happened.

Thank goodness there was no further violence, honestly. Parents/partners do retaliate in these situations. It’s madness to me that there seems to have been no level of police control over that situation post-incident for the protection of both sides of this dispute.


OMG, that is horrific!

This cyber stalking and finding people’s whereabouts and identities appears to practically be an obsession. It’s certainly a pattern. It is super scary, especially in light of all the threats that were sent here on this forum in the last several months. On the other thread one user mentioned s/he was scared to participate in these forums at all for almost a year after receiving threatening messages. Someone said the threats/harassment escalated when they deleted their posts.

This is not normal behaviour at all. The police really dropped the ball here with tragic consequences.



Regarding cyberstalking, it is important for everyone to realize how visible most of us are on the internet. It is NOT HARD AT ALL to find information on people, public, professional, or otherwise. For example: I use a photo of myself on a mare I lease as my avatar - It’s a nice photo and I’m proud of it. A google image search might turn up information. Or, a nefarious individual could google the photographers imprint, find the the show, look up the bridle number, find the class list, and discover my identity. It’s not hard to do, though it might be time consuming. I have no fear of anyone from my past, nor do I have any enemies, so I am not worried. But we should all be mindful.


She could have bought her own to use, but she never did, which says a lot about her.


Regarding the timing of this filing, my best guess is that there is a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims in NJ as well as for claims arising under the NJ Law Against Discrimination and NJ Civil Rights Act. We are approaching the two-year anniversary of the events of the case. The attorneys probably wanted to give the criminal case time to play out first, but are coming up against that deadline so they have filed rather than lose the right to sue.


Statutes of Limitations in many courts has been paused due to Covid.

I spent MANY years in Family Court and a lot of them dealing with Domestic Violence. Plus I was a victim of Domestic Violence at the very same time I was working with others in the same situations. I could finish their sentences.

Horrible experiences but between those things and a narc friend I became good at dealing with those situations and those type of people.

Listening to the video I heard terror in those voices, especially MB’s. I did not hear terror in one of the female voices. The pattern of behavior, the actions, my own personal experience in my personal life as as with one of the players in this tragic event tells me what I need to know.

I do acknowledge that the picture is not entirely complete as I have had no knowledge or interaction ever with MB so I can’t assign any character good or bad to him other than he is accused of shooting someone which, if true, is a disgusting thing to do and deserving of justice.

Many things could be speculated about the dad and Goodwin going to the barn the next day. As a matter of pure, uninformed guesstimate speculation were I to do that it would be to remove incriminating footage from the cameras which RG would know the location of I would guess.

Yes the police dropped the ball big time. But they often do. They sure as hell did during my own situation. Even when my now ex attempted “death by cop”.

Seems that police department needs some training. Ok, a lot of training.

May justice prevail.


KM - that sounds horrific. I’m really glad you got away and are now doing well.

I was thinking along the lines of your second-to-last statement above. This situation is a good illustration of the need to reform police services in the US. Someone trained in these situations would have noticed the signs described in the filing posted here and the recordings of those calls. They could have worked with police to help them better understand the dynamics and provide more effective and appropriate support for all concerned.

I wonder what’s behind him being stopped from speaking to an officer of superior rank? Why stonewall him in the station? Why the weird pattern of speaking first not to the caller but to the other party/parties? It all seems very strange.


Could it be due to the layout of the property? Maybe if they went to the house first when they were summoned, when the person who called them was actually out in the barn? That’s just a guess. Didn’t the property description say the house was closer to the road and the barn was further back?


In the 911 calls he tells them not to go to the house, that he is in the stables past the house.