NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

She threatened my home and farm in order to coerce me into silence.

This cannot be defended. Ever.


I know and I’m not.


are these consecutive calendar days or business days? at the shortest that is about 1.25 Years


You might not mean to be, but it reads like you are.


They were in the clubroom because they were in fear for their lives. They had previously been living in the house from the time they got back from FL until the end of July.


I’m not. I read through all of @Knights_Mom’s posts and screenshots when all that came to light and I was and still am appalled. KM didn’t do anything to deserve that.

I also think that someone who acts the way LK had acted on the forums, including threatening KM, is a person experiencing trauma that feels like they’re losing control. Does that make her actions ok? No, but even terrible people still experience trauma.

I’ve just seen enough on here to know how ugly people get when they’re passionate about a certain subject. I’ve seen HEATED debates about way more trivial subjects but this is about how LK got shot and whether or not she had it coming. Do you really expect her to behave rationally? I don’t.


I had LK in mind with the “who does this?” Seriously - who has a group of people cowering in a barn and not back down even a little bit?

I still wonder if Lauren Kanarek had some sort of long-term goal in mind. I will never know but I can’t imagine being fuelled solely by spite.

Once again - she should not have been shot.

Nor should MB or anyone at his residence and place of business been harassed.


I think you may have overlooked her behavior online and IRL before she was shot. It was no worse afterward.


I get what you are saying but for whatever reason I don’t allow trauma to be an excuse though I understand the correlation.

From time to time I binge watch Law & Order Special Victims Unit. There’s a lot of child sex crimes addressed and very often the abuser was themselves abused. Its understood but 98% of the time doesn’t figure into culpability/guilt/sentencing.

So many folks have undergone trauma. Significant trauma. Yet they manage to conduct themselves lawfully and ethically.

It’s a stickier call with true mental illness as often the illness doesn’t permit self reflection. But negative behavior still isn’t excused if it’s done by those with psychopathic or sociopathic tendacies.

I’m not a psychologist or psychiatrist so I can’t pretend to understand it all. But what I do know is that I personally disdain bullies and I’ve learned that when a bully arrives, fight back.

My comments are meant as a generalization and I’m not assigning any label on any particular person.


That’s all the more reason why I’m not shocked. Somebody who was already having some sort of issue or difficulty then gets shot and then has an entire online community air her dirty laundry while blaming her for her own shooting.

And we’re all poking fun and calling this person a whackadoodle and unhinged then and clutch our pearls when she acts like this? I mean
 what does everyone expect to happen? This is a person who probably already didn’t think and act like you and I do. Then add the trauma of the shooting and then add the trauma of getting blamed for her own shooting.


We are not “all” making fun of her and no, that’s not an excuse to harass, coerce, intimidate, threaten, and demean others.

Every action causes a reaction. Her posts caused a reaction. Her record gave people doubts and her lies regarding COTH subpoenas fueled it further.

Her visible treatment of others certainly impacted the level of sympathy given.

And no, she should not have gotten shot. But also all these other things shouldn’t have happened either.


I think you view her as having an Axis I issue. I don’t and therefore she bears greater responsibility for her behavior. Less so when she was a teenager but she is long past 18.

She shouldn’t have been shot.

No one on that farm should have been in fear of her either.


So you are saying everyone is fair game for Lauren and her boyfriend because you think she has had a problem in her life? Give me a break!!! Go back and read the original threads at what she did to others years ago, particularly after one woman’s child drowned!!! Seriously, you people defending this woman’s adult behavior along with the enabling of her family are despicable. Not many families ban their children from the family home without very good reason!

Normal disclaimer applies, including NO ONE DESERVES TO BE THREATENED!!


The vast majority are and like I said, it’s not an excuse.

This person probably doesn’t think and rationalize the way you and I do so you can’t keep holding her to the same standards as people who do. Somebody with preexisting issues that got shot and then got blamed getting shot is not going to act like a normal human.

I’m not saying you have to have sympathy.

This all kind of reminds me of when I was in high school and there was this one kid that I think had some sort of high functioning autism or something was up that he was always just off. Anyway the kid was a pathological liar
 he would just tell crazy stories that were obviously BS and he would get in fights all the time because another kid would call him out on his lies sometimes even physical fights.

Everyone made fun of this kid and we all said “well he does it to himself, if he would just stop telling lies people just wouldn’t make fun of him and then he wouldn’t get in fights.” So in our little high school minds the bullying was totally justified because the kid lies and when he gets called in his lies he’d be just as ugly back to everyone as they are to him. The whole high school HATED this kid
 there was even a Facebook page where people would post his ridiculous stories and we’d all laugh at how ridiculous and untrue they were.

It didn’t dawn on me until later in life how poorly his peers interacted with him. He didn’t think like us and yet we held him to the same standards as if he did. The kid got worse and worse and became more hated every year until I think he eventually got kicked out for fighting all the other kids. I think the final straw was when he announced to a group of kids that his car was so fast he could drive from Philadelphia to Harrisburg in 20 minutes. Some kid said hey “you’re full of sh*t”, kid got angry, other kid wanted to look cool in front of his friends and you know the rest.

I would hope that if most of us could go back in time every time that kid told a stupid lie, we wouldn’t have mocked him or antagonized him. We would’ve said “oh good for you” and left it at that because I would hope we would understand that kid just wasn’t like us.

Edit- to clarify not making any claims about LK’s mental health, I’m saying trauma does things to a person and even terrible people can expect trauma.


Wonder how long it will be before Jonathan and Kirby Kanarek are sued by Barisone for enabling this woman’s actions and involving themselves in the situation?

Perhaps Ruth Cox will also sue since she was compelled to sleep outside her horse’s stall to keep him safe. So many suffered mental anguish from this woman for days and weeks before the shooting. But of course Kanarek’s supporters will say EVERYONE should have packed up their horses and all possessions and left the property for their own safety, leaving these two to do whatever they wanted!!! Uh-huh.


That’s what caught my eye. Holy He**!!!


Again, she threatened my home and my farm. That’s not high school lying. That is criminal.


Never said that.

As I said, terrible people still can experience trauma.

I have not seen one person with maybe the exception of YD defends LK’s behavior and YD constantly defends racist trash on CE all the time so that shouldn’t count.

I am saying that this is probably a deeply troubled person that then got shot, had her personal life exposed, and then got blamed for getting shot, and still gets mocked online 2 years later by nearly every single person in those threads. I do not expect this person to behave like a rational human therefore I do not engage. Not because I feel bad for LK, because I don’t, I actually hope the trial goes well and in MB’s favor. I don’t engage with her for the same reason I wouldn’t argue with or mock a 6 year old or a 96 year old with dementia. That person is not in the same reality I’m in.


Okay, got it.

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I’m wondering if RC will take some kind of legal action for the dog attack also, I know I would, particularly as the dog appears to be alive and kicking with its owners.