NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

I have seen her last name a lot, in reference to her family etc. Perhaps we should be using it more, so that it shows up.

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A well adjusted person would not employ this particular strategy as the optics are extremely poor for said individual. It does appear that it has worked in the past but I also agree that continuing to expose it will help to prevent future occurrences.

The unfortunate (or fortunate) part about the internet is that itā€™s nearly impossible to erase a digital footprint. So when one chooses to threaten, harass, compliment or congratulate online, one must also expect that comment to be digitally documented, even if one chooses to later erase it. At the end of the day, we are each responsible for what we put out in the world.


i you search ā€œdressage rider LK shotā€ without mentioning her name CoTH posts are in the second page ā€¦at least in my search

first page at the bottom has links to eight related topics including her facebook link

Yeah, Iā€™d imagine using ā€œLKā€ would bring her up, but most people wonā€™t search that way.

We could start using tags in each post to bring us higher up on the search, but I donā€™t know how the Mods would feel about that.

Because her ā€œnameā€ isnā€™t front and center on these threads. If you search La-LaPoprider, many of the Chronical threads appear.

She will call it a smear campaign as will her supporters. I consider her a public figure, of her own making, who deserves all the publicity the truth can afford her.


It is a common understanding of those who deal with manipulative people that the behavior usually escalates before it goes away/they move on when they stop getting their way.


Yes, both Lauren and Yankee Duchess appear to have been silenced or have moved on. YD pops on many times a day to troll and Lauren comes on each day or so to catch up I assume (and take screen shots for the legal action she is taking against us all).

Of course new or old accounts can be used at any time by either.

Standard disclaimer applies.


It is interesting to me that no news agencies have picked up Barisoneā€™s legal action against the MCPD for their inaction. It is easy to suspect this level of poor police work is more common than the public is aware. Perhaps only race issues drive news regarding police/public issues.


Probably. The media is only interested in pushing certain agendas these daysā€¦


If youā€™re coming on here and telling her to ā€œput the mini airplane bottles downā€ that would be an example of mocking someone that you just acknowledged is ā€œhaving a mental breakdownā€.

If youā€™re tagging her in comments asking why she did ā€œxyzā€ or if certain details are true youā€™re engaging.

And if youā€™re doing all this thinking youā€™re doing the lords work educating the publicā€¦ thereā€™s a trial thatā€™s going to air it all out and her behavior is literally going to be public record so sorry no, you donā€™t have to do this.

LK could be a terrible person that deserves it, she could be mental ill, or some combination but in any case this is not a person I would interact with . If this person moved into your barn tomorrow (before you could move) how would you interact with them? I would stay away and keep my distance. I wouldnā€™t be calling her an alcoholic or telling her she deserved to be shot or questioning her version of events IRL so Iā€™m not doing it here. Not because I feel bad for her but because I know that NO good would come of that.


I am confused @Equkelly, are people saying she deserved to be shot? Everything I read says otherwise.

Do we (general we) really have to put the disclaimer on every post for you (Equkelly) to believe that we do not think anyone deserves to be shot?


and somehow many posters here also donā€™t see the irony in pushing an already potentially unstable person to act outā€¦the very thing they explain MB of doing and forgive him for.

Some more focus on the actual court facts and less on the hating of the victim would be beneficial for us all imo but for some reason, posters here just canā€™t help themselves but let the hate pile on.

It is possible to see both sides here and not spew hate all over the board.


Can you explain this part of your comment please?

I mean the ā€œexplain MB doingā€ part. How was it explained that MB was ā€œpushing an already potentially unstable person to act outā€?


Amen to ALL of this.

The only thing Iā€™d add though is that some users are just as toxic and hateful on these threads as they are on the rest of coth so thereā€™s that too.


@eggbutt Despite ceasing to post, I continue to have some interest in the Barisone case. Thank you for posting information on this latest civil case brought by Barisone in which he takes responsibility for absolutely nothing (his lawyers claim he remembers nothing of ā€œthe day of the shootingā€) and will not even acknowledge his responsibility for permitting a client to reside in the farmhouse. [If he did not want LK residing in the farmhouse, he could have declined to permit her to live there; itā€™s laughable to claim that either she or her lawyer father somehow forced him to allow the tenancy. Laughable.]

Are you scrutinizing any poster with a join date after July 1, 2021? Thanks for pointing out how easy it is to create a second or third account.


The criminal court case is going to show a woman who was shot by a horse trainer. Chances are the civil case wonā€™t see the light of day publicity wise, regardless of the outcome.

So yeah, the details of her behavior need to be spelled out. Nothing before has stopped her from taking advantage of more people.

If you knew of her behavior, would you say nothing if a friend was going to engage with her? I wouldnā€™t wish interaction with someone like her on my enemies. Sheā€™s unhinged, and will clearly stop at nothing to get what she wants.


@YankeeDuchess I thought you said you were leaving and wanted to delete your account. A whole thread about how much you did not want to be here anymore. Strange to see you.


Notice that too.

Iā€™m not getting into it in this threadā€¦done it too many times. I just really think it is important for people to seriously thinkā€¦if you believe someone is unstable, someone is threatening you, someone is not right in the head, etc etcā€¦the best thing to do is not engage, stay away. Provoking someone like this never ever ends wellā€¦as we can see the entire reason for this thread is a similar instance.

Anyways, the hate train will come for me now but Iā€™m just not interested in hearing the justifications anymore.

I am very interested in the trial, thatā€™s why Iā€™m here. Iā€™m not on either side, both parties have acted poorly, the police have failed these people, Iā€™m here because I want to see the facts in court and get the truth.


You say this a lot, yet youā€™re still here. Sure, thereā€™s toxic behavior here, but letā€™s not beat around the bush - Iā€™m guilty of it, but so are you.


How does someone do this when that unstable person is living in their house and at their place of business?

I will say, I think it helped lots of people here to know that they were not the only one getting threatening messages.