NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Person A harasses and smears Person B until Person B has “a mental breakdown” and does something horrific. When Person B is MB, the alleged bullying that precipitated the alleged mental breakdown creates sympathy and perhaps removes criminal culpability for the horrific act, right?

Now replace Person A with “the COTH mean girls” and think of LK as Person B. In this case, “something horrific” is continuing to post on threads and threatening to sue some of the bullies for defamation. IMHO, neither of those things is as horrific as shooting someone twice in the chest at point blank range.


Oh no, you don’t get to place the [edit] behavior of Lauren Kanarek on us here at CoTH. Her behavior predated this incident by a looooooong time.

Don’t play stupid. You know this.


As I said, I continue to have interest in the trial.

I will let my account go dormant, or not, as I see fit.


Well, at least don’t flounce so loud if you’re going to be back in less than a month. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


That isn’t what is being said. It’s provoking someone who is already unstable (constantly talking about them, stalking them online, reporting here every single post or move she makes) and then being nasty about her on here non stop.

If you know someone is unstable don’t involve yourself, don’t provoke them.

A lot of people here are saying they understand mental health but the fact that they repeatedly go after her and pile on with the over and above nastiness shows that they do not in fact understand mental health, at all.


Let’s start the clock at August 7, 2019. Acknowledge whatever preceding nasty Internet behavior, threats of lawsuits, and fat shaming she is responsible for prior to that.
Having been shot and nearly killed, are you and CoTH proud of the subsequent cyber bullying, digging up of court records from 20 years ago, name calling, etc and making excuses for her would be killer since then?

It would seem that you are.


I’m only back because your (g) repeated references to me, including calling me a racist, made it clear you miss me.


You have me mistaken for someone else, my love.


If the idea is to alert other horse people so they know to steer clear of someone, what is the best way to do that? Wait for a hypothetical trial which may disclose facts on the public record, if it actually comes to that, and if it actually gets any news coverage, at some point in the distant future?

Or post about it on a horse related message board that horse people actually frequent?

Since the subject of safe sport has come up, how many people came in contact with Larry Nasser who could have avoided him if the facts had become public knowledge sooner??


I included the (g); “you (g)”, @endlessclimb.

Victim Blaming 101

Send users threatening messages and then when they protest and speak out, others assert they are “abusing” an abuser.



I don’t think the highlighted words mean what you think they mean.


I agree with the aspect of “don’t provoke”. And I agree that some here have probably taken it too far.

But overarchingly, it seems that the ‘general populace’ of the thread is just incredulous that a woman has manipulated this many people in her lifetime, and shows no remorse for her side of the equation here. For that, it shows that she has absolutely no intention of stopping or correcting the behavior that led her down this path - in fact, she is doubling down on most of it.

Hence the threats and lies here, that she herself has posted.

The criminal and civil case would not have exposed that this was a pattern of behavior for Lauren Kanarek. These threads about these issues have exposed that.

Personally, I believe her every move from here on out is preserved so that she doesn’t get the opportunity to mess with someone else. If she goes to train with another dressage coach, they have the right to know her behavior, so they can know what they’re getting into and decide if it’s worth it to them.

Of course the standard disclaimer is that she should not have been shot. She should have to face the consequences of her abhorrent behavior, which the courts will have to determine. Her being shot does not erase all that other stuff.


Well, I didn’t reference you at all, so yeah. Still a touch off base, but since you’re just freshly back and a little rusty, I’ll let it slide. :+1:


A seperate thread of a warning not to do business with XYZ is how it is normally done.

I would love for this thread to remain about the court cases…facts…not nasty drama. And no, I’m not telling people how to post before anyone goes postal on me.

It’s just a wish…to have a thread about this case that doesn’t involve the repeated cycle of just hating on someone over and over and over. Doesn’t get shut down…maybe some actual intellectual conversations about the case and legal system could take place.


Not a bad idea. We can just link to all the threads started about this case, in which are first hand testimonies of people who were downright tortured by this woman.

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And once again, @YankeeDuchess has appeared to provoke and get the thread shut down. How very convenient.

I had asked the moderators the day I posted this new thread to move it to Current Events (because I posted it here in error) to prevent this individual from doing what they do best.

Oh well…walk on by.


@eggbutt, I think this was a good place for this information to be seen by more people.

Lots of people have CE blocked.

This civil case is a pretty big deal, so I am glad you posted it here so I could see it.


Does that require them to go into the house?


I am going to comment to you just this once because really you are not worth the time it takes me to type this. People that have had personal interactions with L. Kanarek have come forward, they are not alters or made up interactions. If you were to go on LK’s facebook page dating back years, you would see many threats, comments, bullying and fat shaming. Her behavior is nothing new, it is just finally being brought to light. Stop trying to make her out to be something that she is not. She is a sick individual that derives great pleasure in torturing people for no other reason than self gratification!