NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Exactly. And would that have required them to make verbal threats towards or interact with MHG in any way while on the property? Hell no.


So back to the actual case.

Does anyone have an actual timeline of events for the night? Or anyone familiar with these
want to try and make one?



I understand she is threatening to attempt to sue posters for defamation and threatening to subpoena CoTH for IRL identities. Both of those activities seem to be legal ones. Has she threatened anything else?

I would not accuse you of defaming her for speaking out about her threat of legal action. As I recall, though, you posted that her saying that she left her gun in NC was “a fabrication”, and that based on looking at a photo of her, you judged her to be a heroin addict. Was that the post that “made the exhibit”? I think that successfully breaking anonymity and successfully suing for defamation will be difficult, so I can see that you’re not worried about the threat of a defamation lawsuit, but I think that it is those posts that are potentially problematic, not your “speaking out” about her threat of legal action.

The issue of whether she did or did not bring a gun with her to NJ does seem to be a crucial point in at least one of the civil cases, and perhaps in the criminal case, according to the very useful material posted by @eggbutt.

But you assured everyone that you’re not worried about the threatened law suit, so what’s the big deal?

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I’m not addressing you Yankee Dutchess. In my mind, after dragging me into your very dramatic flounce, you no longer exist to me. Be gone. Final warning.


I actually believe you that her Internet/FB behavior is hideous and nasty and includes fat shaming, threats of legal action, and bullying. That type of thing is not unusual on FB, and it’s a major reason I’m not on FB. At all.

I have said all along that I am not defending LK per se, or icky behavior on social media, but reacting to what I perceive as victim blaming here on CoTH. It was MBs responsibility as an adult to stay within legal means to end his trainer/client relationship with her. No amount of nasty social media or IRL behavior, real or imagined, provides an excuse for his shooting her, IMO.

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Can y’all just stop poking the bear? Let’s give YD the break she deserves and stop summoning her.


What was Lauren Kanarek’s responsibility?


She didn’t threaten to subpoena COTH. She falsely claimed that (i) she had already done so, and (ii) COTH had already turned over people’s PII. If you are going to reference what KM posted, you have an obligation to do so correctly - unless your purpose is to prevaricate.

:rofl: :rofl: Try less than a fortnight. :roll_eyes:

While I understand people’s issues with CE, there is a thread over there and it is blissfully free of this ridiculous behaviour so do consider joining that thread as well as/instead of this one.


“Final warning”? Is that a threat?

How is it a threat that someone says “I am going to ignore you”. If that was the case then a flounce post is a threat.


You’re a lawyer, correct? Please reread the one screenshot provided by @Knights_Mom from July 1. It is written in a very lawyerly way to strongly imply that CoTH was subpoenaed and that CoTH turned over names, but does not actually say that, if read strictly literally.

I was not clear on what the “final warning” referred to. She has always been free to “ignore” me, of course.

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I think I remember seeing this in a past thread. Of course, they have all turned into mile long train wrecks, so I can’t say which one or where


Same as his; resolving her issues with him without using a gun.

So, leaving the property when he told her to, right?

If your drycleaner, dog groomer, grocer, etc, say they no longer want your business and to move on, do you stay and threaten, harass all on the property, threaten, make false allegations, or do you actually move on?

Have you actually read the brief? Or did you read it and consider it “fake news”? Bless your heart.


My last reply to you:

Don’t bother. You are out of your depth. Like Trumpers, I see you think that you two are playing 5-dimensional chess and are ever so clever.

Nothing about that message (or the sputtering CYA back pedal about the time of day) was written in a “very lawyerly way”. It was, and this is just borne out by a plain reading, almost not even native English.

It was a regular, garden variety untruth that was then publicly exposed. That is all.


FWIW, it’s different if you’re a tenant. Which she was. Of course it does not even begin to excuse her behavior, nor the duration in which she continued to act like a jerk but
 yeah. It’s not as simple as just getting back in the car and leaving that very second.

I’d have expected the friction to last about a month, but not to have escalated the way it was goaded to do

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I think she made a typo. She meant this:



Was she though? Was there a signed lease or checks made out specifically for rent? I don’t know what it takes to establish residency in NJ and therefore what it takes to get someone to leave too.


You can easily do that without the nastiness. I don’t know how replying to her and telling her to “put the adorable mini airplane bottles down” serves that purpose. I just don’t see why you would do that if you honest to god think that person is mentally ill. I don’t get it. Would you walk into a psychiatric hospital and feel good after making snarky comments to the patients?

If you read through those threads can you honestly say that every comment is just a bunch of Good Samaritans warning their fellow CotHers out of the kindness of their hearts? Come on. You can talk about the case and present the facts responsibly. That is not what happens in these threads.