NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

NAL, but I think the best strategy is to toss you out before you hit the 30 day residence mark.


So it is all based on how long I was a “guest” before I overstayed my welcome? Wow.


There’s an interesting conundrum

No one should be (allowed) to live there due to
 Whatever reasons its deemed so.
MB wants her and Goodwin to leave.
But they won’t leave and he can’t evict them quickly.
But no one is supposed to be living there.

But MB is the bad guy in this “eviction” no-win, situation.
Can’t imagine why his fuse was short. Nope. *

  • a gun is not the answer

In the US, if a person is exhibiting a psychotic episode (if that’s what you mean by “unstable, etc
”), you call 911 and tell them you have a 10-96. They will ask you some questions for clarification and send help.

The police will send the appropriate people. If the person remains in the state as help arrives, they will most likely be transported to the hospital via ambulance for a mandatory visit.

If not, a formal complain via a police report can be filed so the incident can be on record.

It is extremely difficult to get help for people experiencing an episode due to HIPAA, as medical information cannot be shared without permission. But if you are in a situation where the individual is threatening you, you can either leave, and if that is not an option, call for help.

Having all this documented helps in the future should the individual continue the behavior, or should a parent need to explain to the court why a guardianship is being requested to better manage an individual.

I do not wish this on anyone, but can say that at least here in Atlanta, the emergency teams have been very kind to all involved in these situations - even the time when our adult child (who was a cutter) put a deep and 6" long gash in her leg and ran all over her mother’s condominium complex telling everyone how controlling and horrible we all were, all while everyone was trying to help. Some things require a skilled team (and tranquilizers).

The worst thing to do it to continue to engage when you can call for help or walk away. Now, if both parties are episodic at the moment, then I have nothing to express here except what a pity it is that something was allowed to escalate this much without prior proper intervention.


I’m not a moderator here, so I can’t control what others post.

That doesn’t change the fact that it’s valid to use a horse forum to discuss an issue that affects horse people.


Um. Did you read the original posts in this thread? MB tried to get something done by calling the police and that did not work. The unstable person continue to be there and continued to cause issues.


Pretty much
.and no one will help you make them leave before you get an eviction order 6mo to a year or more later. It’s illegal to change the locks or alter the property to encourage them to leave as well.

My stepson had a couple of his friends do this. They moved in with him for a couple of month to “save money”. Promptly quit their jobs and stopped paying him their share. Then they wanted to stick him with the rent while they went on a 5 day vacation to a big drinking festival on a beach. Fortunately his apartment was great
.they convinced the other two to come sign leases
and then let my stepson out of his lease and told the other two they owed the full rent payment.


Wow. That is a very generous landlord. Most would not bother to do something like that.


Please see my post regarding tenancy.

And once the Building Dept removes a person from a dangerous premises and the violations are fixed there is no obligation to allow anyone but the legal tenant back in. In such a situation (again in my state) changing the locks would not necessarily get the landlord in trouble. However a legal tenant would have to be allowed back in and changing the locks would be considered an illegal lockout.

To verify I called a Housing Judge I worked with and it was verified that the LL would not face any issues UNLESS the tenant came to court, filed an Illegal Lockout and the Judge restored them and THAT order was violated.


I agree it’s a valid use of the horse forum and I’m not saying the threads should go anywhere. I am a moderator on Reddit and I wouldn’t care if someone wanted to talk about the case over there so that’s not what this is about. This is about some of the interactions between some users here and LK highly inappropriate. And no, not all but too many with a concerning amount of likes.


I can only say that this description seems wildly optimistic, based on so many news stories that have a much worse outcome for the person in trouble.

Maybe this is what is supposed to happen, and maybe it does happen, but obviously not every time.


Do they tell 911 what is happening using the 10-96? Probably not. This is why I am sharing this.


Substantially more likely that this story simply isn’t of interest outside of a very small community. Even if one expands the “community” to the entire equestrian community beyond the dressage folks, there just aren’t that many of us relatively speaking.


Wasn’t there an article about this whole situation in the NYTimes or something like that?


I think I might try and make one. I think it will help clarify things.

Yes, there were articles about the shooting all over national news sites and some international ones that pertained to Equestrian activities. Then, as is often the case, the story was dropped down to fewer and fewer outlets as the court case happened and now it’s pretty much just local and a few Equestrian news sources putting out updates. One or two big outlets might pick it up again once a trial gets going, but I don’t expect anything to really be seen until something significant develops. The fact that the local papers aren’t really touching it doesn’t surpise me, as the Kanarek family likely doesn’t want their name out there like it is now and they don’t want to ruin any chance of a favorable outcome, due to the negative attention that has been attracted.


I think websleuths would be a good fit for this too.


Yes, two short pieces on 9 Aug, and 15 Oct 2019 (I’m a NYTimes subscriber) both by Sarah Maslin Nir in the New York metro section, definitely not the front page. Nothing since.


Nancy Jaffer usually posts an article on the case when anything substantial occurs.


Plus that reporter is somebody who rides and shows, so she has much more of a horse connection than most. If it were not for that, who knows if the story would have made the Times at all?