NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Perhaps we have different definitions of “all over national news sites.”

My view of reality is that two people engaged in equestrian sport in general, much more so for dressage in particular, doing anything other than winning gold medals is not particularly news worthy or interesting to a vast majority of people.

Contrast equestrian sport to the Westminster Dog Show which does get coverage in national news outlets. Why? I believe it’s because a lot of people own dogs in the general population; not so for horses.

I am interested and that’s why I’d appreciate it if people could have a civil discussion on the topic.

I am a member of Websleuths. The rules and moderators are very strict over there.


Yes I love it, a great source for trials and cases.

How can we miss you when you won’t go away? :rofl: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rofl:


COTH mods could learn from them. It’s a great site!


My thoughts are this particular legal action has as much to do with alleged shoddy police work versus equestrian news.


This is good to know. I’ve been super outspoken about the problematic mod practices here but stick around because the community is super knowledgeable. (Until I get banned here too which tbh wouldn’t shock me)

I got banned from current events for saying you’re (general) a hateful idiot if you cannot understand why a white woman attacking a black teenager is racist. But people have posted actual racist slurs and don’t get banned.


There is minimal moderation here because here is a free thing that a publication supports for us horse people. There is not someone whose job it is to hang out and read every post and pounce on anyone who dares to breath in a way that is not appreciated.

Things get closed and removed when they are reported so if no one reports it, nothing happens.

Why would we want more moderation? Heck that would simply make CE go away if we insisted on more moderation.


Sure, take it literally.

I did, literally, cease posting for several weeks. I only returned when a number of posters gratuitously tossed in comments about me, including another accusation that I am a racist by @Equkelly.

Why is it important for @eggbutt and others to continue to drag me into this?

The statement about the forums settling down to civil and harmonious discussions when I’m gone was sarcasm, of course, so you should change “will” to “will not” before taking that one literally.

On the actual topic here - How does this type of thing work? Didn’t it say that there is almost a year for a response? Does it really take that long? Is that because the defendants in this case are vast and official types?

Note to self, believe nothing that YD posts…


I wonder if this makes any difference at all?


Theres no excuse for censoring the word “racist” but not censoring actual racist slurs.

Also let’s not act like this forum is a gracious gift from the coth gods. Coth is one of the most popular equestrian online BBs they make money on this forum through ads.

It is a privilege to post here and not feel attacked based on your race. Not everyone can say that.

Also most BBs have volunteer mods so no you don’t have to pay someone to sit at a desk and moderate. There’s no excuse for the problematic discrepancies here.


Seriously? Why do you care? It’s the internet, and a forum. No one knows anything about you other than what you have represented here. You can ride off into the sunset, and really, no one will care. You might get mentioned now and then, just because. But your life will go on, and so will ours.

Don’t misunderstand me, it’s more or less the same for any of us. But you have turned your absence of your presence in to a cause de celebre- in your own mind. Don’t stress about this. It’s just an internet forum…

Oh, and Eggbutt- you’re right! This IS your fault!


OK, but it’s the context of something that drives the news cycle.

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Heaven forbid I start to complain about the number of times and frequency of my user name mentioned! :rofl:


The thing is, they only drag you in if you let them. If you just stopped posting and went dormant, you’d just fade away after awhile and people would stop even bringing you up or thinking of you, probably.

Also, you made such a big deal about leaving the forum/going dormant/not posting, that can only make one wonder if you like the attention to some extent.

Speaking somewhat generally here, I really feel it’s usually a good idea when people walk away from the forum. Which I suppose you did? For 2 weeks or so (I don’t know, exactly). Some people spend a lot of time on here and get very invested in certain topics. Possibly to their own detriment.

Of course you can do as you please and you, as well as everyone else, is free to express themselves here. I don’t really have a strong view either way. If this is how you like to pass the time, have at it.


As I remember it, you very specifically referred to me by screen name as a “hateful idiot” and a racist. There was no “you (g)”. You repeated the accusation of racism here on this thread.

I’m generally pretty computer savvy but what does (g) mean?

