NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Just speculation, but it might be that the difference was between making general statements and making statements directed at a particular poster.


If you do not like it, then do not post here.
But I do not see what his has to do with this thread, unless the goal is simply to get the thread closed.


indicates generality, as in you-general or we-general.


Thank you!

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(g) General you, including everyone on the BB. Not specifically you, Eggbutt.

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@eggbutt, to me (g) just means someone is not willing to type out (general).

But then, I am that person who frequently has to ask ā€œwhat does that acronym meanā€.


(g) is Old School, pre-emoji for ā€˜grinsā€™. Think happy face.


Anyone who complains about the moderating on the BB now probably was not around back in the day when it was reallyā€¦ uneven. For lack of a better term.


WRT to reddit, I took a look and there is a small thread regarding this whole debacle on r/TrueCrimeDiscussion. Itā€™s about a year old, and doesnā€™t add anything new to the topic. Letā€™s not get this thread shut down, work is really boring this time of year, need something to keep my mind occupiedā€¦

ETA: the reddit thread links back to the original thread from 8/2019. How very meta.


Well, it seems the thread in CE is where we need to goā€¦ā€¦


I didnā€™t name or direct it at anyone. Everyone just assumed I was talking a certain someone which should say more about them than it does about me.

In any case, since then Iā€™ve been dealing with some stuff in my personal life and reading some of the crap on CE wouldnā€™t be healthy for me right now anyway. Some of the issues discussed over there that I was already outraged about then, now hit way close to home as of recently. If I read some of it now, while Iā€™m trying to grieve Iā€™d really lose my remaining marbles.


I do realize that it is within my power to walk away entirely, despite the continuing mockery, jabs and accusations of being a racist. I will, if I feel like it.

It is not clear to me that I am ā€œfree to express [myself] hereā€. On the topic at hand, I expressed the opinion that the filing showed that MB was not even willing to take responsibility for permitting LK to live in the farmhouse in spring 2018 and again in spring 2019, instead asserting, laughably and pathetically, that LKā€™s lawyer father somehow forced him to accept her as a ā€œhouseguestā€. No private citizen, lawyer, or Supreme Court judge can force a property owner to accept a tenant if the property owner doesnā€™t want to rent the property out; obviously her living there was part of the deal he agreed to. It was surprising to me that his lawyers want to (ridiculously) claim that the living situation was not previously agreed to by Barisone. How is that opinion inflammatory?

Do ā€œothersā€ believe that Barisone has no memory of the events on the day of the shooting? I guess that leaves us with the eye witness accounts of LK and RG.

From this filing, it seems clear his defense will be insanity/diminished responsibility rather than self defense.

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Not true. The labels of ā€œhateful idiotā€ and ā€œracistā€ were clearly directed at me.

In any case even if I have problems with the moderation practices, I sure do enjoy that ignore feature. :sunglasses:



You donā€™t know the details about the tenacy (including if it was forced or not). I donā€™t either. I also donā€™t trust all eye witness accounts fully, many reasons for that not specific to the case.

ā€œNo private citizen, lawyer, or Supreme Court judge can force a property owner to accept a tenant if the property owner doesnā€™t want to rent the property outā€¦ā€

In an ideal and simple world, yes. However youā€™re thinking a bit narrow here.

I also donā€™t know how youā€™re not free to express yourself here. Who has actually stopped you from doing that?

Tbh, Iā€™m not so interested in going back and forth on this. Iā€™ll just wait for actual developments in the case and sit silent until then. :wink:


Hang in there YankeeDuchess.

I often donā€™t agree with your opinion or slant on a subject but I support your right to have it. And to depart and return as many times as you like.


There was a thread on Reddit with the sole topic being the CoTH thread on Ellen Doughty Hume, which BTW involves a CoTH poster with screen name Stormy17. The Reddit thread on the CoTH thread was hilarious.

to me this just reinforces an insanity claim, a normal person would have done what you outlined or had been a person who plans the execution by purchasing a handgun, takes practice at a gun range then shoots her

I am amazed that at what was described as at a near point blank range he shoots her multiple times and not kill her. Having a Level 1 Trauma Emergency room hospital in Morristown was fortunate (there only 190 in the entire USA)


At one level I agree with you, that the basic fact that he shot her in broad daylight at point blank range is indicative of a mental break down, if not insanity. At the same time, identifying anyone who attempts an irrational killing as automatically insane, and therefore not culpable, is obviously problematic. Were the Menendez brothers considered insane for murdering their parents?

In the case of the Menendez brothers, there seemed to be a financial motive, which cuts against insanity.

I only appeared because you (and @Equkelly) gratuitously provoked me, @eggbutt.