NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

“Don’t flounce so loud if you’re going to be back within a month” was a reference to someone other than me? So sorry to have misinterpreted.

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This was abstract speculation on my part, as I have no idea which particular post got you in the soup.


Please never call 911 and tell then you have a “10 whatever”… there is no nationally recognized 10 code list, so you could be giving a completely incorrect code for whatever you’re calling about.

As an ex-dispatcher for a 911 center that handled 82 agencies, I can tell you what a 911 operator or dispatcher wants when you call:

  1. Exact address. 123 Any Street, Any Town, and the nearest cross street is.
  2. What’s happening… there’s a fire, a person hurt or sick, a person committing a crime, a dangerous condition.
  3. Description of people or vehicles involved.
  4. Any known medical history if it’s medical, gender, age, what exactly happened if you know, if not, you don’t guess. Do you know if someone’s drunk, drugged, or psychotic? Unless you know, not your job to diagnose.

Surprising fact, until 911 asks, they do not care about your name, your job, or anything other then where and what. Medical training, cops, and firefighters are probably useful to know if the scene falls in your wheelhouse, otherwise, nope, doesn’t matter who you are… just answer dispatch’s questions in the order they ask. There’s a process and order to the information they need to get the right people rolling in that direction. Please respect and follow that.

The biggest hindrance to getting help in time is people not knowing where they are. Pay attention to the address and cross streets everywhere you go so that if you ever need to call 911 you can get help rolling ASAP. Make that address the first thing out of your mouth, because again, nobody is coming unless they have a where. “123 Main St, Anytown between 1st and 2nd, it’s a red house” is perfect.

If you’re screaming about what’s happening for 5 minutes but have not answered the where question… nothing is happening at dispatch.


Do you search the forum for mention of your name?


No. I read the individual threads that happen to interest me.

Thank you for the reminder! The last barn where I boarded had their address posted right by the phone in case we had an emergency. Many of the boarders would not have remembered the farm’s address and it was better than telling the operator we are at the big red barn on xyz rd.


Yup, the Erin days.


Anytime! It’s hard for a lot of people to remain calm and think when they’re faced with an emergency, so things like that help a lot. I have grilled some things into my family over the years. Address, address, address above all else, and then I started quizzing my nieces every time we’d go somewhere. What’s the address here? What’s the nearest cross street? Eventually it becomes like remembering where you parked at a mall.

You really only need what I call the two As, Address, and Answer. Get the address right, and then answer the questions the person trained to help you is asking… nothing else matters until those are done.


Yes, but at least we knew she was a moderator, unlike COTH mods that are posting on threads with a different name and we don’t know who they are. And they show favoritism.


We have used it several times and it has worked quite well for us. Our child hasn’t been shot by police and has been delivered to the hospital and appropriate placed for observation.

I’d much prefer to use discreet codes than to say in front of her that we have a person experiencing a psychotic breakdown. That will get you attacked.

I hope you never have to deal with an adult child like this in a direct manner as we have.


This is my only screen name on the site, except for a “tester” account I use to log in under non-mod credentials to check functionality. I do not, and have not, participated in the site outside of my position as a moderator or occasionally reading for personal information. I do NOT post outside of my Moderator 1 username.

With that hopefully clarified, let’s please return the discussion to matters pertaining to the case vs. each other.


I have to say that when I saw Mod1 was working on a reply, I was afraid the thread was about to be locked. Phew! Lol.


Question about the topic - Before they file something like this, I assume they they have their hands on stuff like the police reports, the video of the police lobby, etc.
Would that be a correct assumption? Can they get that stuff with out a case filed? How do they get that stuff to file the case?


Does anyone in you real life mock you, take jabs at you, ridicule you maybe when you aren’t around? It could happen! It happens to everyone! But at the end of the day, we have to be grown ups, and shake it off. Please try it.


If that’s what you’ve been told to do by 911 in your local area, absolutely. Plain speak is preferable to ensure understanding if it’s safe to do so.

My point to the general public is to not use a 10 code they heard somewhere because it may not mean what they think it does to their local dispatch. Some agencies use wildly different codes. 10-96 here means someone is dead. I’d hate for someone to call in a code and get an inappropriate response due to code differences between agencies.


Legit the best thing about the new board format lol


Seems NJ got some 'splaining to do


Wow. You can’t help yourself, can you?


@Moderator_1 if the OP originally requested that this thread be moved to Current Events can that be done? Discussion may be far more productive over there.


Sounds like you are saying you don’t trust our moderator to, well, moderate.