NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Presumably the OP (or anyone else, for that matter) could start a new thread over there with the same information in the original post.


Or we can consolidate in the thread that is already there?


Either way, although I think the information in this thread title would draw a lot more fresh eyes.

Otherwise most people in that forum would probably just figure it was a continuation of the same discussion thatā€™s already underway there.


Or people could use the ignore function that is readily available to them.


Personally, Iā€™d like to see the criminal case resolved soon. Sure Covid didnā€™t help but this thing has dragged and dragged. Letā€™s just get a resolution and move on already!


There is one over there already. Itā€™s confusing to have two going on the same topic


I love that the ignore function actually works now. It makes for a much more pleasant forum experience


Yep. Ignoreville is a great place to live and more people should move here.


Sometimes they have stuff, some times not. It depends on what the plaintiff has. As a plaintiff you can always get your records, and police reports can be accessed through records requests.

But sometimes all you have to start a civil case isnā€™t much; thats why discovery can be long. You have to ask for every little thing and go through that to learn what you need next. Itā€™s a tedious process that is can be made more tedious when the other side is trying to resist. Or if they are really disorganized.


I am simply picking this post to express my sincere sympathyā€¦. Big hugs to you!!!

It is not easy on this board to have a different opinion then the mean girl fractionā€¦.

They team up immediately and some of them mainly post because they feel protected by this group. Simply assume it is human and ignore it.

My advice would be to report them to the Mods if it gets too bad. Donā€™t get excited about it because that will get you banned. I have seen it several times in the pastā€¦.

For me it was quite interesting that the last time I reported them for bullying to the mods and explained why, immediately several other posts were written which proved my point beautifullyā€¦. And the mods did react.

So please donā€™t get excited and do stupid things but report them to the modsā€¦. Works a lot better!!!

And this way you can stay and donā€™t need to leave as they would likeā€¦


Yeah, Itā€™s time. It was a good conversation until it got flounced upon.

I get that everyone has a right to an opinion, butā€¦geezā€¦it would help if they actually made sense. And why are we bringing up old gripes about Mod intervention on this thread?? Not relevant. Nobody caresā€¦

My scroll finger is beginning to get sore, and mine eyes glaze overā€¦well they are actually tired from rolling a lot IRL and my brain is bored from the same old tune piped by the same old piper.

ā€¦and no one deserves to get shot. LK is a nasty soul who sharpened her bullying skills by tromping on anyone she felt like on this board whether it was ā€œherā€ topic or not. She did it to me too, out of the blue just raring to pick a fight she never got. Victim can only be appended to her name in respect of the bullet(s) she received. Shooting people is wrong.


Well sheesh. I donā€™t even remember which word I used that got edited out.

Shows how important Lauren Kanarek is to me. Meh. :rofl:

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They are actually about two different things, or better said, when started were about two different things.

This one is about the new civil case that MB filed, the other is about the criminal case.


For the love of God, can everyone just STOP responding to YD. It is quite obvious that she is NEVER going away and continuing to engage her just makes everyoneā€™s head hurt. Head on over to the CE forum where there is a normal discussion going on with no remarks from the peanut gallery.


Well, none from that particular one. :rofl:


No kidding. Either activate the ignore feature or use a little self control.


It looks like the filing was written based on knowledge of the police reports and on Barisoneā€™s knowledge of the events. The 911 calls are publicly available. I didnā€™t see that it revealed access to information beyond those sources. The judge has ordered over a year for discovery.

I think that this filing has everything to do with the setting up of the defense narrative for the criminal case. His criminal lawyers will have had the police reports this whole time.

My interpretation (Iā€™m sure the minority one) is that the police reports do not fit the defense narrative well (the narrative that Barisone and company were in fear for their lives and he was obviously nearing a mental break), so that the point of the suit is to impugn the police reports and say that they failed to reflect his statements that he feared for his physical safety and was under great psychological stress.

Heā€™s saying that the official police reports fail to reflect the situation he reported. However, the filing describes in general terms the 911 calls, and I did not hear in the 911 calls the fear for his safety that the document now alleges.

As I recall, in one of the 911 calls, he stated his complaint, which seemed not to strike the 911 operator as a clear emergency, and the operator asks, ā€œWell, do you feel you are in immediate danger right now?ā€, and he replies, ā€œNo, no, ā€¦ well we might be.ā€ If the level of imminent danger reflected in the police reports is consistent right the level of imminent danger reported in the 911 calls, it may be a tough sell.

The call I remember the best, because it struck me as bizarre at the time, was the one in which he calls 911 to complain that he has asked his clients to sign a document and they were refusing to sign. On the one hand, this call does not indicate imminent physical distress; on the other hand, it does suggest he is not processing things rationally. Of course his clients have the right to decline to sign a new agreement he had written up, which presumably was about $$$.

One thing about the filing that I found confusing was the alleged statement by the building inspector that LK and RG would not qualify as ā€œtenantsā€. This conflicts with my understanding that in most jurisdictions, especially liberal ones like NJ, simply residing in a residence for over 30 days establishes some degrees of tenants rights, even in the absence of a written lease.

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Well now there is this synopsis -

(This is a subscription site - $1/ 6 months. I am unable to cut and paste the article.)


Darn, that is behind a wall that says I have to subscribe.

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I canā€™t cut and paste the article :frowning: I subscribed for $1 for 6 months.