NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

It’s the only part I actually use but I use it ALL.THE.TIME.


I will add that the recent crossword clue that completely flummoxed me was groom. It turned out they were looking for the word primp, but it took me a long time to come up with that one. Lol.


ONG me too! I can’t sleep until I get to the “genius” level each day and currently I am one level below on today’s puzzle…hints are must appreciated! I’m addicted to Letterboxed now too, which is in the same subscription


Ha!!! I had purloin but not lollipop, so now I can go to sleep! :slight_smile:


But did you have lollop? Purl? Roil? Poplin? Heh heh

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Yes to all except lollup. Had no idea that was even a word until I looked up yesterday’s answers lol

For sure, the worst part of it is looking at the answers the next day and seeing which ones you missed that you should have gotten. :woman_facepalming:

I do wish they had an option to just say uncle and reveal the answers like they have for the crossword. Some days I feel like throwing the phone across the room. Lol.


Please someone tag me when we’re back to MB news.


I second this.


I don’t know the exact url, but if you Google “nyt spelling bee solver” there’s a site that posts all the possible words in the latest puzzle!

There is some interesting detail in the civil filing.

  1. Barisone claims that he stated to the police in the police department lobby on Aug 5 that LK and RG had been told to vacate “today” (Aug 5). Not clear whether this refers to just the farmhouse or also the barn.
    That would seem to imply that he had not given them a 30 day notice to leave prior to Aug 5. It also explains why the entire filing goes to great lengths to claim LK was not a tenant, but rather a temporary house guest. To that end, the filing omits the fact that LK and RG had lived in the farmhouse for 6 months in 2018, prior to returning in May 2019.
    I’m not a lawyer, but most states, and especially liberal states like NJ, the fact of living in a residence for as little as 30 days is usually enough to establish tenancy rights that would require 30 day notice and a court eviction. The fact (conveniently omitted) that they had lived there for 6 months in 2018 and were merely returning in May 2019 seems relevant.
  2. In each of the four 911 calls, the 911 operator asks “are weapons present or were they mentioned?” and Barisone says “no” each time. In each call, the operator asks “are you in immediate danger?”, and in 3 out of 4 calls, Barisone says “no”. In the fourth call, he says, “No, … well, we may be.”
    Despite always responding “no” on the question of weapons being present on the recorded 911 calls, the filing asserts that Barisone told officers on scene that he believed LK had a gun, or “access to a gun”, and that this statement is omitted from the police report.
  3. The descriptions in the filing of the purpose of each 911 call does not match well with the actual audio of the corresponding 911 call, IMO. As one example, in the Aug 4 call, Barisone states to the 911 operator that the “emergency” is that his clients are refusing to sign a document or contract that he asked them to sign. In the write up, it is stated that the call was because LK was making “terrorist threats, stalking, harassing …”. In the call, Barisone states that Goodwin is harassing and threatening him by looking right at him “with a menacing stare”. I did not hear the “threats” yelled by RG in the background that the filing refers to. The differences between the actual 911 calls and the verbal description of them in the filing is a great deal more than a mere shift in emphasis, IMHO.
  4. Oddly, the CPS visit is not mentioned, while the visit by the building inspector as well as the police responses are all described in detail. The purpose of the CPS visit was to assess the safety of the children, but given that the filing is blaming the police for failing to pick up on Barisone’s impending mental breakdown from his allegedly obvious distress (visibly shaking, etc), wouldn’t the CPS personnel be in a better position to assess a mentally fragile adult than the police?
    Further, regarding CPS: the filing states that Barisone stated in the police lobby on Aug 5 that he and his family were in danger. Is it likely that based on that statement to the police, it was the police who notified CPS? Wouldn’t it be a dereliction of their duty to fail to notify CPS?
  5. Barisone is suing Washington township for dereliction in their public services. He fails to acknowledge that the prompt and effective ambulance and trauma services rather miraculously saved him from being charged with murder as opposed to attempted murder.
    I really doubt that Barisone will pursue this civil action after the conclusion of the criminal case. While the fan girls here would like to pin his having snapped and committing the shooting while legally insane on the LK, the defense lawyers know that blaming the victim is uber problematic, and are therefore blaming the police instead! It’s an audacious move, IMHO. They’re saying that the police violated the civil rights of a 50 something, professionally and financially successful Caucasian male. Audacious.

I really hope that Barisone, Kanarek, the Washington township police officers, and all involved receive justice.


What is a panagram?

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In this particular word game, pangram which I misspelled as panagram, is a word that uses all the available letters.

In a nutshell, this game has 7 letters, one of which must be included in every word you find. Words must be 4 or more letters long and the player gets extra points for finding a pangram.


YD I posted days ago that tenancy rights in many states is established after 30 days, lease or not.



Nice coaching from someone.

Walk on by.


Ok Knights_Mom. The purposeful obtuseness makes a statement loud enough on its own. No need to give yourself a headache.


@Knights_Mom. According to the filing, the building department did not come out until the next day, Aug 6.

The filing says that when he made his speech in the police department lobby on Aug 5, he stated that they had been ordered to vacate “today”. I assumed that that was a “request” from Barisone himself, not the building department, given that the building department did not come out to inspect until the following day.

Since the police were not involved when CPS arrived, why would it be mentioned in a lawsuit against them? Silly goose! :slight_smile:

Again, you’ve received coaching on this post, perhaps from someone you say you don’t even know. I believe what is written in the brief much more than what you are trying to spin (with help).

I came on thinking you were going to tell us you were leaving again and found this diatribe. Oh we’ll, back to ignore.


Careful what you wish for. Lol.


Had you ever been involved in eviction proceedings you would know that Step 1 of the process is to demand verbally or in writing that the “tenant/occupant” vacate. If within a certain amount of days they have not yet left then a formal eviction proceeding can be initiated.

Once the eviction proceeding is initiated, the occupant is given a court date. If they miss the first court date a 2nd is given. If they miss that one, a warrant of eviction is ordered. At this point the landlord applies to whatever peace officer entity is charged with physical removal of the occupant. In my state it’s a Marshal. The occupant has up to 6 days to ask for an extension. The limit for staying is 6 months from the date the warrant is issued. Once the time is up, the Marshal or whomever takes possession of the property. The door is forced open, belongings seized, and animal control seizes any animal there. The lock is then replaced with a Marshal’s lock.

So what MB did was entirely correct for Step 1.

I reiterate that a vacate order by the building department is immediate and staying cannot be negotiated. It is a final order and the courts DO NOT offer any relief nor extension.