NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

I decided that privately sharing with others is somehow different than pasting it on an unlimited user forum. Just me…no judgement toward anyone.


No, it’s an issue with paywalls. As mentioned, I wish there was an option for a single edition paywall. For example, the paywall could offer two options: please pay for today’s edition or please subscribe to read the whole article. Done.

But every paywall I’ve seen is simply subscribe or you cannot read.

That’s not even the original business model of papers. People could always subscribe to one or none and just pick up the one or more they wanted at the news agent on their way to work. Paywalls make that no longer possible and so, if you are no longer in an area where you can grab a physical copy, too bad, so sad.

I don’t think even newspapers would think my threshold for subscriptions is the issue as eight is a lot of subscriptions! And yes, NYT is one of ours and it is spendy, esp with all the “add on” up-selling (we have recipes and crossword).

But I believe in supporting journalism so I don’t begrudge it. I just wish I could one off pay for discreet issues of papers I don’t usually read (WSJ as well as something hyper-local like the one here which would generally be of no interest to me as I don’t live in NJ or even the area).


Eh. I pay over $100/year for the Washington Post so I have no moral qualms about copying snippets or providing links.

Too bad it isn’t straightforward or profitable enough to make it possible to pay some trifling price for a one-day read or to read one particular article online. Or maybe a limited subscription (say - 50 articles/year for $X).


OK, so it’s an issue with the implementation of the paywalls you’ve experienced and not the general concept.

No interest here in a semantics argument, and in the spirit of full disclosure I did look up the definition of paywall and you are correct that there is no mention of a “buy as you go” option.

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I also think it’s just missed revenue. I’d 100% by the issue at the news agent price. I’m not sure why they don’t do it. Maybe the issue is with restricting online access to only one issue? I’m super non-IT savvy so I have no idea.

I think per issue is better than per article b/c it allows you to see the whole issue (and all the adverts that day) and maybe inspires you to subscribe b/c you like a lot of what they do.


I paid my dollar to view the article then put it in a folder marked for date of cancellation


That is what they wanted to charge me to renew ($100 for the digital version) 2 years in a row. I said “no, cancel.” Their reply was “how about $29 a year?” Yup, I will do that.


Me too!! Same with NYT. I won’t subscribe to WSJ for any reason.


I have to interject that one of the best values when it comes to cost for entertainment has to be the online version of the NYT Spelling Bee.

I think it comes out to something like five cents a day, and some days I spend a lot of time on it. A LOT of time! Lol.


And there have been several consecutive days when there were equestrian related answers in the crossword puzzle; dressage being one of them!


I would love such an option–"to read the rest of this article, please purchase today’s issue of ‘The DailyProphet’ "


I saw that one. Roan is in there today, for the second time in about a week.

And (spoiler alert) today’s Spelling Bee options include poll, roll, pull, and polo, among others. Also lollipop. Like the old saddle pad. :horse:


Dang! I keep forgetting the letters can be used more than once!!


The worst part of the Spelling Bee is coming up with a fantastic word, and then belatedly realizing you forgot the center letter. Hate that! Lol.


And in keeping with the discussion on copyright infringement; purloin is a panagram!

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That’s ok, it took me a long time to realize I could type the words in and didn’t have to click on the letters …


This is a fascinating tangent. I have the same issue with subscriptions. I pay for the NYT and WaPo, and I also pay for the NYT crossword and games addon. Adding the cooking subscription is tempting, but I just haven’t done it yet. I have a free subscription to The New Yorker, with a limited number of articles a month, but haven’t quite reached the point where I’ll pay for the full subscription yet.

So NYT online subscribers, is the cooking add on really worth it?


It’s worth it for us. I’ve gone mostly vegetarian and the hubs has yet to not like any of the recipes I’ve used from NYT. Haven’t had a bad recipe yet and that’s with over 300 recipes, not all vegetarian, saved to our “recipe box.”

For example, we recently discovered sardine toasts thanks to the subscription and wow! What really puts it over the top for me, is the comment section where you can see how others adjusted the recipes. The portions seem overly generous to us, but YMMV. Lemony Orzo with Asparagus and Garlic Breadcrumbs in on the menu for this week.


You can type the words in?!?!?

Learn something new every day! Lol.


When I text back and forth with a friend of mine about the Spelling Bee, my voice to text always changes it to penguin. So now I just call it that. Lol.