NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Depends on which case. Civil juries and criminal juries have different amounts of people and when choosing a jury each side gets a limited number of challenges and there are different challenges. Some challenges are for cause, some just because. So picking a jury - especially for a criminal case - is a talent which firms MAY use certain specialty lawyers for.

So it depends how a lawyer wants to “spend” their challenges. They read the jury pool they’re given and play a game of Stratego.


But isn’t an insanity defense pretty much all or nothing? If you’re judged insane, you’re acquitted, but if you don’t win on the insanity argument, you’re fully culpable?

I expect voir dire will be vigorous.

But what the prosecution has going against them is the negative attitudes about women who are perceived as “crazy”. That may be where they get stuck. It’s a deeply ingrained bias, and yeah, whether or not LK is that way, it’s how the defense is going to spin it, I’d bet.


States vary. You can be incarcerated in a mental health hospital until you can stand trial too.


My only first-hand experience on the subject was when I was called for jury duty a few years back. I’m pretty sure I was not selected due to the fact that I said I could not believe one person over another with no evidence to back up either side. I was surprised at how many other potential jurors seemed to think that would be no problem.


Or serve out your sentence in said behavioral unit.

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So far he has not said that he is mentally incompetent to stand trial, just that he was legally insane at the time of the shooting.

My question was, if the insanity defense doesn’t fly, how does bringing the insanity defense create a mitigating factor that would reduce the charge from attempted murder to assault?

Potential Juror Questions:

Have you ever ridden a horse?
Do you like sports?
Do you watch the Olympics?
Have you ever been assaulted?
Have you ever been a landlord? A tenant?
How do you feel about the police?
Do you have any pets?
Do you own any guns?

Other things:
How many females should be on the jury?
Race, marital status, divorces, etc

Jury selection is an art form.


Attempted murder implies a premeditated or course of action in which the outcome could rightfully be the death of another.

Assault with a deadly weapon means shit happened and someone was badly injured as a result.

Readers Digest version.


I’m on it!



It sure is. I participated in moot court and the lesson of the night was jury selection. One does not even need to speak to be selected or dismissed. Footwear alone could dismiss a potential juror.



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This reminds me of the lyrics to a country song where they ask “what kind of gone”? If one takes a gander at the thread down yonder, you’ll see that YD was telling the world how gone she would be…um… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am not sure how you can take anyone seriously who displays this kind of histrionics.


Because he doesn’t need to file a civil suit to impugn the police reports. That what the defense does, bring up all the defenses to the accusation. There is zero need for a civil case to inform a criminal case.

In a case the defense can have different defenses that seem to contradict each other, that is normal. That’s the hard part of law, and that the job of the fact finder, did the state build framework supported by the facts? If the facts don’t support the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defense wins.

If you’re the defense, you better chuck everything you got, because any wobble is victory.


Love it, thanks! I bow to your superior searching skills!!

I have a feeling it will require a lot of restraint to not dispense that picture liberally throughout the day on the BB and elsewhere.


Hmm, interesting. So what would be the best footwear to get out of jury duty? Asking for a friend. Lol.


Shutterstock was a huge help to me in years past and my go-to for images that aren’t emojis or gifs yet. I know a few photographers who sold images on it.

Enjoy the site. Consider purchasing something to support an artist.


Smelly sturdy boots and a moth-eaten sweater is my bet. Bonus points if you can muss up your hair and have bits of hay in your 'do or on your clothes.


So just my normal attire? Sweet! Lol.


Maybe it was that eau de chevall you insist on wearing?