NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

And for those days when you have a lunch date after a rotten ride, a generous sprinkling of Fibar clinging to that sweater.


I vote for some brambles when your horse decides a rock, one seen many times before, is a puma and takes off into the brush. Bonus points if you get smacked in the face by a tree limb.

Nothing says “great first impression” like a cut, puffy lip or nose.


In my family lore, there is a story of the time my mother went in for a regular parent teacher conference the day after a horse gave her two black eyes. It did not dawn on her until much later that the teacher thought there was a possibility of domestic abuse.

I will say that I have gone to the doctor for routine appointments and gotten some very pointed questions about assorted bruises. I always tell them that I would only take that abuse from a horse, not a human.


Here you go.




To me, that one signifies, “Hear no evil.”

Rather than, “I’m ignoring you.” Lol.


It is still cute though!

It is!

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Part of my insurance “benefit” is occasional wellness checks. They ask about things like tripping hazzards
well yes, we have dachshunds. One time I was asked if I had fallen and I replied that I fell off my horse.The nurse said “OMG, did you go to the ER?” I said no, I got up and got back on


One time I did actually go to the ER, and the doctor could not believe that I had gotten back on the horse first before I went to the hospital. The look on his face was priceless. Lol.


This surprises me. In the criminal case, I assumed the strongest defense would be take one, coherent line of defense, say either self defense (self defense vs LK or vs the dog), or insanity and use only the arguments that line up the single line of defense. I would think that trying to develop multiple lines of defense which are contradictory would just undermine each line of defense.

If you try to hedge your bets (say he brought along a gun because he feared the dog), that shows rational forethought, which I would undercut the claim of insanity.

Similarly, he is now on record as saying he remembers nothing of the day of the “incident of Aug 7”. I don’t see how he could now claim in the criminal case that he remembers events differently from LKs version.

Do you think the defense in the criminal trial will be anything other than insanity?

I honestly haven’t followed this enough to know what the defense will use/do.

Sure, there are alternative arguments used all the time. This is where the skill and knowledge of your lawyer really comes into play.

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Have you ever been in a car wreck or had any physical or mental trauma that allowed you to remember in detail everything that led up to the actual event but you couldn’t remember exactly how it all happened?

Remember he was also attacked by the dog (evidence dog bites), Lauren by her own admission that she was beating him about the head and broke her phone as I recall, and then Rob pummeling him on the ground. People forget Barisone was also injured - don’t start playing the game of who was hurt worse please. It is highly plausible he doesn’t remember what happened, or has remembered bits and pieces over time. That isn’t unusual at all.


I was thinking if it was used by itself it would look like I can’t hear you. :wink::upside_down_face: Here he is with his buddies just for fun. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


At one of my annual physicals, my (then) doctor said to me, “I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but I HAVE to ask. Are you the victim of domestic abuse?”

I was briefly puzzled but then laughed and told her, “No.” All of the small bruises all over my legs were due to the fact that 5 (4 Dobes and a Peekapoo) of my 7 dogs slept with me. They would step on me as either I or they changed positions during the night,.

It’s one of the reasons why I continually refuse to consider an insulin pump. I only have 3 Dobermans now, but it’s extremely likely that one of them would ‘disconnect’ me during the night—I’d rather sleep with my dogs.


Wading in very gingerly to confirm amnesia affects. Long ago (30 years+) I was in an extremely dysfunctional relationship in which things deteriorated to physical violence. I have no recollection of the two times when I “snapped” and assaulted the man who was emotionally and psychologically abusing me and my children. I can recall everything just before and after - but cant recall the actual conflict.


So glad you escaped.


I’m very sorry you went through that. And it does happen.


Thank you for sharing your experience. That was very brave.

What you describe actually makes sense to me. Experiencing no recall of the high drama/trauma event is believable.

What is less believable is a perfect recall of ALL events INCLUDING the high drama/trauma event but, oh, wait, not recalling a routine event like making a phone call.

I know certain posters arent’ “interested in giving [their] opinion” on this and would rather deflect, pivot, whatabout, answer a question with a question, etc.

But, it is a distinction with a difference that one party claims to not recall the high conflict event while the other party not only claims to recall everything about the high conflict event PLUS claims perfect recall of everything else that happened before - oh, wait, except for one little thing as routine as a phone call. Remember that this recall is so reliable that we are all to trust that that party’s version of what happened is to be accepted, without question, as the definitive version.


Pull the other one, bells ring. :roll_eyes:


I recall a very distinct sensation like a rubber band snapping behind my eyes
 A moment of blindness and loss of continuity of events. So I don’t consider the current filings to be unbelievable at all.