NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Wow. I’m really sorry you experienced that. I’m grateful to know that you are no longer in that situation. You did what you had to to survive.


MB was also hit about the head with a mobile phone and possibly RG.

From concussion from a horse, I do not remember the fall, being kicked by mother and told to stand up while unconscious, getting on and riding. Not being able to remember a showjumping course so not allowed to compete and then throwing a complete tantrum that I had to call everyone to apologise for later.

The only thing I do remember is Mum locking me in the car and me thinking, I know how to get out of here!


Holy shite!

The one time I had a concussion, I also don’t remember exactly what happened. My friend and I were out for gallops. He went clockwise around a field and I went anti-clockwise. He came upon me sat on the verge with my pony munching next to me. There was a big pony-shaped dent in the tall grass so we guessed the pony lost her footing and fell to the side and I exited stage left in the process. :rofl:


Is this the Ruth Cox that gave barisone the gun? How is there a suitonly against the police? Ruth seems capable of making a decision on a person’s sanity. Why are people ignoring this question… You have might have some insight that others ignore.

OMG!! That sounds most ouchie.


It’s amazing so many of us have survived horse involved accidents!


What question are you asking?

There are already three civil suits. I think?

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I’m pretty sure I was wearing a hunt cap, too. I had a beloved one on which the velvet had turned that sort of olive greenish brown from age (I was not its first owner). Maybe I had my Caliente [remember those?!] since I was out and about but, man, I loved that old hunt cap.

Those were the [safety last] days!


She is not a medical doctor. Only a licensed psychiatric MD can make a legal judgement about sanity.


Why would the police be more responsible than cox? Has barisone filed a suit against her ? In old post it is said that she gave him the gun and was arrested for it. Why is that not in the equation

I’ve never been knocked out but I came darn close and saw stars and sank to the ground after announcing “I think I’ll sit down now”.

I had been at a show where it was hot but I couldn’t get my horse to drink. Came home from show and put horse on outside wash rack to hose him off. Was filling a dog bowl with the hose, horse saw dog bowl and decided he had to have water Now and swung his head and neck around like a baseball bat and clocked me in the head with his head. I literally saw stars then melted to the ground. Remember it all though!


I think she is asking why Barisone isn’t suing Cox for something…not recognizing or reporting his mental state or having him committed or something else.

An equal question is why Kanarek isn’t suing the PD for not stopping the shooting from happening! I mean she was in fear for her life and they did nothing to help her either obviously. Sounds like that PD let everyone down.


I was about to say the same thing. Is it bad that I’ve had enough horse related concussions to rank them in severity? Lol.


Please show the post that says she gave him the gun.

Was Cox licensed to practice medicine in NJ?


She as listed as Dr. Ruth Cox, but still. I believe she was at the very least a boarder if not a friend or partner. It would make sense that she would be the first to notice a failing mental state. Why would she give him a gun? Also why don’t we see a suit against her?

Are police licensed to claim that someone is insane?

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Or the post with independent confirmation that she was ever charged or arrested for anything.

Side note. I always have a brief internal struggle when I actually need to use the word confirmation instead of conformation. Lol.


You can be a doctor or nursing practice, which is not an MD: no internship, no residency, no boards. We don’t know that she gave anyone a gun, or even if she truly had one. That information is coming from one source only: Lauren. Police can be involved in committing someone temporarily under the Baker Act, but legal insanity is only determined but a court ordered psychologist or psychiatrist.


Are you serious? Are you having a serious discussion or simply being provocative?