NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

So weird that JQ shows to me like its hidden the way LK did when she was on ignore by me.

So very strange. Anyone notice this phenomenon ever?


Wait, recall just yesterday I believe @La-LaPopRider insisted I knew very well that RC had been charged, to which I responded, “Huh?” As normal LK behavior, she didn’t respond.

For the record, I have never met Ruth Cox, spoken with Ruth Cox, wouldn’t know her if she was standing in front of me, and know nothing about her other than what has been posted on these threads.

Lauren’s post from the CE thread last night.

Got news for you. Eggbutt is WELL aware that Ruth Cox has been charged of felony weapons offenses. Well, well well aware.

The only thing shocking about this thread, is nothing.

I’ve seen a few new names. Not shocking. Always a little strange 
. But not shocking.
If even one sentence doesn’t align with your collective narratives, the poster will be bullied, told to “stay on topic,” (whatever the hell that is) or otherwise ignored completely. Not shocking.

When the 10 of you (more or less) become bored with yourselves on the bb, you begin arguing with yourselves! Hilarious! But

. Not shocking.

Where’s the big bad KNIGHT? Or his “mom.” She admittedly is always looking for a “fight.” She has repeated this ad nauseam, yet I never see her standing up to the bullies of this forum. Again- NOT shocking.


In that screenshot, the type for the words JQ and eggbutt look about the same to me.


No! I can rank mine as well. :smile: The most severe, being unconscious for 3 days before waking up (slowly) in the hospital. The others I won’t bore you with.


Not to me. I’ve only ever had one person blocked and it wasn’t Eggbutt.

Got it MHM.


Why are you being so rude? It was a serious question and you don’t want to have a discussion. It appears that seeking a logical explanation for whatever might be true events is not aloud here without getting jumped on. It has been you a few time already. Do you have skin in the game? You called me a newbie and sent me to read thousands of comments to get caught up. Turns out you have started a few yourself.

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I think you got that response because most people understand that police officers are not medically qualified. They are police, not doctors.


I apologize if you interpret my bluntness as rude.

Have you ever heard of a police person committing someone? They are not authorized to commit anyone. They can certainly take someone into custody for observation at a medical facility, but they can’t commit anyone. They should have done more than they did — at the VERY least they should have completed detailed reports of each interaction. PERIOD. Those reports are invaluable for so many reasons to protect the police, the public, the judicial system. Accurately completing timely reports is critical for any police department and taught from day one of LEO training. This department failed MANY people, including the Township, Barisone & Co, Kanarek, Sweetgrass, etc.


This is where I get confused. In past threads it appears to be a completely different argument from where we are at now. What I understand from this new lawsuit is that the police should be held responsible for not noticing barisones mental health? Regardless of anything else in the document. Thats what jumps out at me the most
 What about cox who has 40 something years in mental health. It is also said that she gave him the gun. I forget where I saw it and I won’t look back to repost. You all have been here since the beginning. But it looks like barisone might now plea insanity. I think that most people would read this filling and think the same. So my question is still
 has barisone filled charges against her. We do know its not lk gun and the only other scenario out there was Ruth gave him the gun.

No, I don’t have any “skin in the game” and yes, I have started most of the threads for a variety of reasons. A primary reason recently is because of the filed civil complaints that I posted for information purposes. Obviously, users are interested in the situation and the case.

You ARE a newbie. Yes, if you want the answer to questions, read the book! :smiley: If not, be prepared for your questions to be ignored because they may have been discussed ad nauseam in the past.

To be totally honest the intense interest in this situation on this forum is because Lauren Kanarek continues to post at times outrageous posts. It has become a reality tv show for some and she gets the ratings. None of the other players in this drama post or speak publically, to my knowledge.



We know very little about the Criminal case other than what La-LaPoprider has posted as her side of the story.


Said by whom?


In this new civil lawsuit, the police are being accused of being negligent in their duties towards Barisone. Barisone is suing them for not acting in a way that would have protected him and others from LK and RG. Ruth Cox has not been sued by Barisone directly. Does anyone remember if she was named in the original Sweetgrass farm suit? What is interesting to most of us about the suit is that this is the first time we are seeing some sort of documentation about the activities of LK and RG that precluded the incident. Everything else has been rumor and hearsay.

Whether he pleads insanity in the criminal case is yet to be seen.



Thanks goodnight ill catch up tomorrow and run it by my fb group and weigh in goodnight.

Wow. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!


Very interested in this Facebook group - is this the “real talk” group?


It was a rotten summer. :wink:

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Which Facebook group?


What “FB Group”? Someone asked you that yesterday. Is this the group you said were mothers of some working students (I think you said) that worked at Hawthorne Hill and left? Weren’t they sisters?