NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

The civil suits aren’t going to change whether he’s found guilty of the criminal charges.

I don’t know what he is after with the 1983 case, if it isn’t money.


On the edge of my seat.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Be nice! :smile:


Ha! BTDT. Over the many years I was married, when I would arrive home from the barn with yet another horse-related bump or bruise, my DH would always tease me. Basically, “Great, now everyone is going to think I’m beating you, yet again.” (I bruise very easily, and he is the last man who would ever lift a hand to me or anyone).


Yep… I remember being called down to the school nurse and questioned about multiple bumps and bruises. It turned out the nurse had been a rider too, and she let me come down there regularly for an ice pack or Bengay after that.


I’ll ask again, what is this FB group you keep going on about?

You joined the forum solely to discuss this matter, which is fine, because it’s sort of interesting and crazy. Is your FB group the end all be all? When they “weigh in” are they the judge and jury? Were they at the event?

Really, I don’t care soo much about this group, it’s just so odd the way you talk about it. It basically doesn’t matter what some FB group or even what some internet forum (such as this one) says when you “run it by them” it matters what the legal system decides.

I don’t trust anyone on here or on some other group to tell the truth or be unbiased quite frankly. People are very strongly on one side or the other, for the most part.

I’m sure the almighty group is so enlightening. I hope the layers in all the cases reference this group! Seems like a quality source. :sweat_smile:

I’m being a bit rude, yes, but say weird things, get weird replies :wink:


I don’t understand why they don’t just discuss it all directly with LK on FB. Not being rude, but confused!


Especially when they already have, what I’ll call, “a strong link” to her. :woman_shrugging:


I’d be very surprised if there’s a “FB group”, but it’s certainly got everyone’s attention, and we all know who loves attention. :wink:


It reminds me of a song that says “How can I miss you when you won’t go away?” :rofl:


It reminds me of my BSC in laws, but on this scale they weren’t so crazy after all


LK does not claim to recall “everything” about the shooting. She has said that she did not recall calling 911, although her 911 call exists.

That would be failing to remember a very important detail in the midst of the attempted murder.

@eggbutt is now claiming that she, @eggbutt, knows for a fact that Barisone’s lawyers know who called CPS, “and it wasn’t the police”, how would anyone know that it “wasn’t the police” unless they knew who is “was”?

It has been clarified by someone familiar with CPS that the person notifying them is not revealed by name, even to the courts. Even if she did notify CPS (there is no information that she did), why would LK out herself as the caller and give Barisone more ammunition that she were harassing him? So if it is “known” to Barisone’s lawyers that the call to CPS did not come from the police, as Eggbutt claims, the call to CPS probably came from a mandatory reporter like SS.

In my comparatively calm existence, I have, I think, perfect recall as to whether I have called CPS in any given week. (No, I haven’t.) However, given the overall level of tension (“This is war”) in the days before she was shot, combined with the fact that she remembered talking to someone about the children (SS), combined with the subsequent shooting, physical trauma, and induced coma, IMHO it is plausible that she “does not remember calling CPS”.

Based on the information from Eggbutt that the lawyers apparently know who did call CPS (and therefore know that it was not the police), I think it was SS, rather than LK who called CPS.

Are you criticizing her for saying she did not recall calling them rather than saying flat out that she didn’t call them? She knew she had talked to some agency regarding minors, and in light of the shooting, the trauma, the PTSD, and the coma she was supposed to be crystal clear on whether that conversation was with CPS, SS, or both?

How would you know whether LK did or did not call CPS or whether she clearly remembers whether or not she called them?

LKs version of the events of “the incident of Aug 7” are not so much “the definitive” version to be “accepted without question” as the “only” version, given that “the other party” has sworn that he now has no recollection of the events of the day. But perhaps Barisone being unable to recall his perception of and his role in “the incident of Aug 7” makes the one existing version the “definitive version” by default as Barisone is unable to offer any alternative.

I wonder if his statements to police when he was taken into custody immediately after the incident involved a similar lack of recall on the hours after the shooting. Presumably those police records will be used in all the trials.

I think that “Ruth Cox” is a fairly common name, and I doubt that the Ruth Cox who (allegedly) provided the gun is an MD.

This latest civil suit is against not just the police, but against the municipality, Washington Township, and various public officials.

The Ruth Cox who (allegedly) provided the gun has criminal gun charges filed against her, and is the defendant in a civil suit brought by LK, and in a civil suit by the owners of the farm.

One of the issues that may be revealed in the trial is whether Cox knowingly provided the gun to Barisone, or whether she was negligent in leaving it around and Barisone used it without her explicit permission. I think she has considerable culpability either way, but it would be much worse if she handed it over knowing he was going to use it to shoot someone. Even if Barisone has no recall of the day of the shooting, if there was a plan for Cox to provide the gun, then I would think that supports premeditated attempted murder.

The filing states that Barisone was under the care of a psychiatric professional during the time span of the incidents, that he was mentally fragile (an eggshell), and that his high level of agitation and distress should have altered police to the impending mental breakdown.

While the barn manager Ruth Cox was not, as far as I know, a psychiatric professional, neither are the police. My question is why some other adult on the farm did not notice the impending mental breakdown and call the psychiatric professional Barisone was working with, or his primary care physician, or 911 if his mental fragility was known and this mental distress was so obvious.

Barisone has not filed suit against her, but she had criminal charges against her as well as civil suits by LK and SGF the then-owners of the farm.

Or that he wanted to be able to protect himself from the dog that had already attacked RC.


Kanarek is suing Barisone and Cox for the shooting, presumably because she holds them responsible rather than the police.

Cox certainly has been named in at least two other civil suits based on the allegation that it was her gun that was used in the shooting.

LK has said that Cox was criminally charged with a gun charge in NJ, but I think the upshot was that that could not be confirmed, even if true, because NJ does not make criminal charges public until after conviction.

When people searched for independent confirmation of LKs assertion that Cox had been criminally charged, wasn’t the upshot that NJ does not publicly post criminal charges until after conviction?

If that is the case, “independent confirmation” is not possible.

If you say you have never met Ruth Cox, I believe you, @eggbutt. But you have posted a number of things over the years that suggest to me that you know at least one of the principals (perhaps not Ruth Cox). Most recently, you posted that you knew that Barisone’s lawyers knew who made the CPS call “and it wasn’t the police”. How would you know that if you weren’t in communication with one of the principals? Since you seem to have private information about “what Barisone’s lawyers know”, I can certainly see how you might also know about criminal charges against Ruth Cox, even if you never met Ruth Cox.

Re bolded. This has been my experience. A minority opinion, no matter how logical and civilly expressed, is considered provocative and inflammatory.

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