NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Thanks, that was my question. So let’s just work with the premise presented here that the family does not allow her to live in their home(s). Why not rent her a nice apartment near the barn? Surely the savings on rent wasn’t compelling enough to threaten MB.

Or, at least I should say, it wouldn’t be compelling enough to a reasonable person with “unlimited” resources. Path of least resistance would have been getting her a different place, not fighting with and threatening MB.


But, don’t you know? She HAS to live on the same property as her horses. This was the gist of her argument as to why she wouldn’t live somewhere else. Some of us asked her point blank in previous threads. There is not a lot that is reasonable about any of this situation.


Just guessing, there are no actual facts in this post - Maybe when she whines to Dad, then Dad forgets about logic and just makes things happy for her. So, she wanted to live where her horses lived, and like always Dad made it happen.


I listened to all the 911 calls on another thread and felt such frustration and desperation. He was trying to do the correct thing by calling the police for their help over and over again. No, he shouldn’t have shot her but I can see how he felt that he had to do something on his own. It seems to me by reading the legal stuff that the police screwed up more than once (or were leaned on).


But LEO suggest domestic disturbances are some of the most dangerous for them to respond to.
If that danger exists for officers responding, why isn’t it assumed to be equally volatile for the parties they are responding to/for?


Or because she wanted to, and for daddy and family, giving her what she wants, when its not to come home to their house, works for them.
For example, giving in to the tantrum with a few M & Ms is better than giving her the whole giant chocolate bar.

I’ve lived with people like this, who gave the problem child what they wanted to appease them…and the problem child who knew how to manipulate getting what they wanted by juxtaposing it against something bigger that they knew no one wanted to give them.


Sometimes a disability is “situational” and short term. He may not have realized the state he was in himself at the time or even able to think about it strategically as the whole situation had not played out…

In the document that eggbutt posted, Barisone noted that he did not recall shooting LK. Theoretically, he could have been in the same mental state. Amnesia is often associated with trauma, PSTD, etc. If he were in a state amnesia kicked in due to extreme stress/terror, it would have been difficult for him to comprehend his state of mind, let alone disclose to the LE.

In any event, people with invisible disabilities often do not disclose for fear of negative ramifications. In the HR tribunal case…not being hired in the first place. Often a no win situation

I am not a psychologist. I am not diagnosing. I have just had friends go through trying to recover from trauma and dealing with dissociation. Every person is different.


Here is one of my posts from September 2019 that rings particularly apropos after this court filing. There were many victims in this situation that Lauren created and lost control of.


Sep '19

LK continues to maintain it was everyone else’s fault and she was just an innocent victim in this. How many of us have recorders installed in barns we’re boarding at? How many of us stay where we clearly aren’t wanted? How many of us post rants on social media at anyone and everyone? This woman needs serious, long term mental help to overcome her hate, her narcissism, whatever issues she has. Her attacker is in jail but she continues to lash out at so many others. Who in their right mind does that?

So, she’s planning on living at the NJ property with just her hero unemployed boyfriend and her dog because she thinks she’s wanted by the other owners. Somehow I doubt that’s true. Who will pay the utilities and maintain the property? As others have said, why not get daddy to build her her own place and leave others alone?


And his constant repeating, “I had a good life” when the police arrived at the scene makes perfect sense now. He DID have a good life until the nightmare began.


Good post, @Dee-Vee. It is possible he obtained counseling and/or therapy to help him sort things out or frankly, maintain his sanity. Many video options now available.


Would this situation fall under the heading of a domestic disturbance? I guess I would think of that more as an issue with spouses or relatives, not tenants or customers. Or whatever they would have been called at that point.

Cohabitation = Domestic Disturbance

This was clearly a case of coercive cohabitation that created consistent consternation and resulted in a consummating conflagration.


Love the alliteration!


I can only imagine what the prolonged incarceration has done to Michael’s mental health now that his long term victim of abuse history is public knowledge. He has been locked up for 101 weeks with extremely limited human contact during that time, especially since COVID-19. The least the NJ Justice System could do is release him on bail, especially if the criminal trial is still months away.


Didn’t we learn that NJ is a no bail state?


IDK…I’ve heard both that NJ is a no bail state and also the judge at the prelim wouldn’t agree to bail due to MB’s mental state. Why would bail have been declined at the prelim if it is a no bail state?


The way I understand it is, you are either released (no bail) or you are held because you are too much of a danger. Having just shot someone = too much of a danger.


Then the NJ Justice System should “release” him at this point in time.


I understood that to mean either you are released pending trial or you are not based on the circumstances (flight risk, risk to self or others, etc.) The idea being, either you are okay to be released and will stick around or you aren’t. That takes away the situation where some people can get out b/c they can pay and others cannot because they can’t even if they are a lower risk for release.


I have a question…are the cops mentioned in the suit now considered victims?

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