NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Aren’t they named as defendants in the new suit???


Depends on who you ask

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I was being facetious.


Sorry! Long day here!

But it does sound like the responding officers fell for whatever line of bull they were fed. I wonder if heads are rolling in the Washington Twp. police station today. If not, they should be!


Apparently this has been normal behavior/training for them as mentioned in the brief.

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Not defending their actions (or lack of actions), but it seems from what information has been shared about her that LK is an expert at getting her way, so I am sure it was not hard for them to believe whatever line she gave them, she likely sold it well.

Edit to add: The random pronouns = the responding officers that came when MB called.


I still can’t get over how the report where LK told the officers about the (criminal?) recordings wasn’t written until after the shooting…

I know that police officers usually write up their reports days after the fact…but writing a report 4 days after a major felony where you know its going to be a scrutinized…in these times of police scrutiny…


The named officers, that police department and the municipality/township are now the DEFENDANTS in this new Civil case.

In the old days officers were not personally at risk for being financially on the hook but that may have recently changed regarding this qualified immunity I’d have to look it up. It may be you’d have to sue in Federal Court.

Many cases where a municipality is sued often just settle.


But this was almost two years ago. Were the police in that part of New Jersey under much scrutiny at that point? It sounds like maybe they should have been.

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The police officers themselves would know that a report in a big trial would be scrutinized as a function of performing their jobs.

And the jury is now/future. They will undoubtedly be unavoidably influenced by recent police sentiments…especially for the NE.

LexInVA, Alliteration Champion. :trophy:


Why would it be big or stand out? Wacky people happen all the time.

To me this is an example where a non police interview, evaluation from a mental health social worker might have been an ideal intervention.


I can’t get over that the police were told that they were recording illegally and the police did nothing, at least according to this document. But I’m assuming that claim in this document is based on something the legal team saw in a police report. That’s really not okay.

If I had a tenant/guest/employee in my home and the police knew they were illegally recording me and didn’t tell me I’d be really upset. They were there (pre-shooting) to protect all the people in that situation, not just some.


I think SS has been so overwhelmed with sexual assault cases, they simply don’t have the bandwidth to deal with bullying and harassment.

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Well, it seems the Town Inspector also made it clear that these people were not tenants, and shouldn’t be there.
That combined with the illegal recording should have meant they escort the two off Bar is ones property, shouldn’t they?
I mean, basically leaving it to Barisone to do, according to this recent document, kind of exacerbated the situation. How did they think it would end, with the reports of weapons, dangerous dogs, stalking,…
It’s not a recipe for sugar cookies, now, is it?


If Barisone was/is of advanced age, I must be dead.


Otherwise known as CCCCCRCC :wink:

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To quote Elinor Dashwood (movie version): It is a miracle your life has extended this far. :joy:


Would the lawsuit against the police be able to be introduced into the criminal suit some how by the defense?

I would expect the defense would want these apparently incompetent officers on the stand, while the prosecution will fight to keep them off. I say incompetent primarily for their report writing omissions and other glaring irresponsible lack of action over the various visits. I really hope someone investigates and learns why this is how this police department works. It is easy to consider Mr Kanarek had some influence with the department except the brief states similar situations have happened to others in this jurisdiction.