NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Don’t forget that dog was loose and attacked Barisone the very next day. The fact that the dangerous dog was still on the property would indicate to me that MB felt he may have to defend himself when he went to his own residence.

As far as I know the dog is alive and well in FL with LK and RG.


I would be interested if the crime scene technicians work independently of the officers to investigate the scene or if the two inter lap with each other.

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Hopefully the technicians weren’t as incompetent as the LEOs.


What kind of grown man in his 50s allows someone’s father to FORCE him to allow that someone and her boyfriend to live on his property because Daddy insists on it? Am I really the only one who finds this completely ridiculous?

That whole document that eggbutt posted makes Barisone sound like a whiny little snowflake victim who can’t take care of himself, let alone a woman and her children. So convenient for him that he can’t remember the shooting, and pathetic that he is trying to use supposed childhood trauma as a defense for the shooting. And blaming the police? He’s disgusting - may he rot in hell forever.

I won’t comment further here because I am well aware of the fact that just about everyone here is Team Barisone; I am not, never have been, and never will be.


Side question…when were all the people at the barn interviewed for information? Were actual statements taken and recorded correctly? Was the barn searched for surveillance equipment and other evidence that afternoon? Was the house searched for evidence?


I wonder if NJ SCI or whatever they are called investigate these types of allegations against the police.


I would not be surprised if the officers felt some disgust seeing this middle aged guy having histrionics about a petite younger woman being mean to him.

This kind of bias about masculinity is out there. I’m not a menz rights person, but what else can have motivated those officers to blow this off?

Edited to add: see rnd post a few posts above mine for a more clear illustration of this thought process.


Laziness, incompetence, jealousy, who knows?


Lawyers and small town cops knowing each other? Absolutely possible


General comment.

I think the police are in general ill equipped to deal with disputes between neighbors, coworkers, tenants and landlords, domestic disputes, clients and service providers, with dangerous or mentally ill family, etc. In the last couple of decades there has been effort in many jurisdictions put into figuring out how to keep women and children safe in domestic disputes, but I’m not sure the lessons learned there translate to other kinds of interpersonal conflict.

Police are trained for and reasonably good at clear cut and obvious law breaking or violence, the speeding driver or bank robber or bar brawl, where the “perpetrator” is obvious.

I think they tend to be more cautious when they get called into ongoing disputes between people who know each other. I don’t think the average policeman is going to be able to do much with a claim someone is stalking you online or posting that they have a gun. Especially if both parties are making competing calls to 911 or other emergency services.

My guess is that if you have that kind of dispute erupting, you might be better off going for restraining orders, eviction orders, whatever applies in your jurisdiction, with the help of a lawyer. Of course these approaches take time.

By all accounts, the relationship here went sour fast, within a week. Did we ever find out what triggered it?



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According to this, they certainly didn’t take that into consideration. They apparently didn’t even yake a report from MB, the person. Who called him to his own nproperty. They came and spoke to Kanarek when he called for help. Apparently the fear and worry of people on the property was ignored, and not docume ted.


I was under the impression that the dad had wrangled a deal for LK to live there in return for work she was doing on the house so she/dad could afford the training and board. Something like that. There may have been coercive aspects to her getting there


I can just imagine how much the prosecutor wishes he could just walk away.


FitzE - Lol. You couldn’t be more correct. After 25 years in the military and 5 1/2 decades with horses, I have to be on borrowed time.

And as an English Lit major, thanks for the Austen reference.:slightly_smiling_face:


I could be wrong, but I think he did get restraining orders. It’s up to the police to enforce them, in any case, and the weren’t even taking his reports. Police absolutely will run people off of property they are trespassing on. There is some reason they were catering to LK and her father, and not attending to the property owners concerns. Why was the dog not quarantined or PTS when it bit and attacked? Why were squatters given accord over the property owner? Allowed to rig up recording devices? Allowed to be on the property With guns? Those are not “private matters” that police don’t know how to manage. Those are criminal activities that police e can act on. All I can imagine is about now the prosecutor wishing he could just back slowly away.


Hang on - dad had to know Goodwin wasn’t licensed in NJ as a contractor. That doesn’t reflect well on dad.


Oh you’re on this thread already. I was about to link you here.

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Unfortunately it is not at all unusual for police to shoot a dog, yet they stood by while LK’s dog bit RC severely enough to require medical attention. I’m not saying they should have shot it but just maybe they should have gotten AC involved. At the very least the dog should have been impounded


Thank you! I was thinking year, not statute. Time for a cuppa Yorkshire Gold.