NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

I am no co-parenting a “problem child”. Her mother has been an absentee parent who allowed the child (and now adult child) to live like a socialite and so nothing all day.

Child has been doing drugs, drinks, is in and out of rehab, has both borderline personality disorder and is bipolar. Child’s car is covered in dents from driving under the influence. After years of attempting treatment, determination has been made that child cannot live in either of our homes, but she also cannot live anywhere else without someone to supervise to ensure she is behaving and not on some kind of bender causing harm in society. So a guardianship is the path forward and adult child is being placed in a supervised adult living situation.

A lot of people have had opinions about this particular spoiled child in our friend network. Her mother continued to force the support of this out of guilt (and all the horrible “you don’t love me!!” lashing out when child doesn’t get her way - some is the disease and yes some is behavioral).

It’s hard to be the parent of a child like this. And it’s even harder to do the right thing for the sake of society. The court doesn’t make it easy for the parents, either. These children are manipulative. The last time they got a temporary guardianship it was amazing to watch her tell her “story.” It was delusional at best. We don’t know all the details. But I’m curious why she can’t live with her father and why the father insisted she live with Barisone. Seems the father has some culpability here.


It’s always easier to foist responsibility onto someone else


Whether Barisone is John Wayne tough, or PeeWee Herman Milquetoast…
It is the job of the police to handle this.


his Daughter does not reflect well on him either …


Many of us come from dysfunctional families with parents either ignoring their children or catering to their every whim, bailing them out of everything. Of course, Mr. Kanarek knows what his daughter does to others and apparently condones her behavior. From what I have heard he behaves just like her. For a father to be part of his child being prohibited from the family home, yet continues to cover for and manipulate others for that child is unacceptable. Someone somewhere needs to care enough about Lauren to practice tough love and get her the help she needs.


How should I know? A man who was being threatened with a law suit? That’s what the document claims, so that’s the best I can tell you.

Lots of grown people make bad decisions. Lots of grown people get threatened and react to those threats by doing something they didn’t want to do. Maybe that happened here, I don’t know. I can only comment on what was in the posted filing.

The rest of your comment reads like a Toxic Masculinity Boot Camp flyer, so I’ll not even bother with all that blather.


Based on what’s what, she went of the rails in early adulthood. In early April of 2004, the Kanarek home was burglarized overnight via a straight walk-in through the garage entrance and over $25K in jewelry was cleaned out, while the rest of the home and possessions were left alone. I can only wonder who might have been responsible for that, but alas, I have no idea who would be able to get into the house through the garage, steal expensive jewelry from wherever it was stored, and why they would leave everything else in the house alone.


I’ll bet many of her acquaintances have tried that. I agree she likely needs some kind of help to stop the behavior that is on display. But as @atl_hunter posted, that can be tricky. The Brittany Spears thread is a good example of the disagreement about how someone who needs help should be helped. (For the record, BS seems overly controlled, but I don’t know her diagnosis)

We don’t know what is going on with LK, but I doubt LK will end up with any sort of guardianship, and God help her when her father dies, because I’ve seen this movie before, and the ending is grim.


True. IF dad is the source of her income he has probably established a trust for her. IDK. She has no real employment experience to speak of. Perhaps she/he was anticipating major sponsorships as an elite equestrian along with a showplace training-teaching facility. That isn’t in the cards for her I’m thinking.


Couple of thoughts - can she take lamotrigine? Will she? Also many (not all) people dx’d with BPD suffered or witnessed trauma. This is not universal. Bipolar on top (I? II?) makes it even harder.

I am so sorry your family has been put through this particular crucible. May the guardianship work to her benefit, she gets stable and it can be lifted.

I also desperately hope she can avoid coupling with a person with NPD. The two seem to find one another.

If she were to go into the mental health field someday, the BPD can be useful. Many with BPD are remarkably sensitive to mood, pick up on non-verbal cues well, etc. Hypervigilence or simply wired for it is hazy. Obviously if possible it is years away.

Hugs. I feel for you. I can PM you if you like as I have decades of experience with it as the child of and the spouse of someone with BPD & bipolar. I learned they come in many different varieties and degrees of ‘strength’.


I was thinking more of the influence/fixing her father provides, rather than the money. She’ll always find someone to grift from if there isn’t money, but not someone to intervene when she over does it.


Eh. Does anyone know exactly how much of a bite it was? Or the size of the dog? Under the circumstances, it could have been a serious bite, or it could have been a nip but they called an ambulance anyway for documentation of the episode. It sounds like things had already started to spiral by then.

Don’t get me wrong, it sounds like the dog should have been restrained at all times if it bit even one person, whether it was a chihuahua or a Rottweiler. But I just wonder how the dog was fitting into the narrative on either side.


She had (has) both, per her Insta. One a big black/brown Rottie type, the other a Maltipoo type.

So odd. In her Instagram account, there were tons of pics with her and Mom and sisters. Never anything that I recall with her father.

Question from a law clueless person. Since the police and all things Town in Charge proclaimed that LK was not a tenant (and that no one should be living in the house), could she been trespassed so that she was not allowed there at all? To me that seems like what the police should have offered MK.


You won’t find any recent photos of JK relating to his daughter, outside of what was taken at the court hearing for MB. He’s not even in the wedding photos that went around for his other daughter’s (Emily, the spitting image of Lauren) wedding. He keeps a very very low profile these days, but in the 90’s, he and his wife were very socially visible in various communal groups and one of the many local County Clubs, while the kids were all made to do activities and such that kept the Kanarek name visible, including Girl Scouts, youth sports, school clubs, etc. that were reported on in the community newspapers and such. Lauren was apparently the Problem Child of the three girls, with her arrest for underage alcohol possession, car wreck, and whatever went on when she was an early adult, so having her around does nothing good for the family’s reputation and social standing, especially in the Jewish community, where such things are heavily weighed and she would be seen as an embarrassment and failure on their part. Whatever JK does as an attorney is behind closed doors, completely off the books, and apparently involves far more money than the family home and their outward appearance would suggest, so I’d say he definitely doesn’t want to attract any attention or unwanted scrutiny because of his wayward offspring’s antics.


Don’t underestimate the damage even a small dog can do. I’ve seen the scars. Doxies are commonly called “the biting breed” by vets & groomers. Long-haired dachshunds tend to be less snappish.



I have to think that if there were restraining orders in the mix, they would necessarily feature in this narrative. Police refusing to enforce a restraining order would be worth including.

As I recall, things went toxic very fast, within a week, over a weekend. It is possible MB had no time to think about restraining orders, things escalated too fast.


Yes, weren’t there very enthusiastic social media posts by LK within just the previous week or so before it all went south?


Yes. There had been a clinic or a lesson with another trainer they went together to as well. All within a month at most probably a week or two.


That makes no sense. (not saying it’s not true, just beyond my ken) How can things go from fine to a shooting in such a short amount of time? It just seems unfathomable.