NEW Barisone Court Filing - 7/15/21

Well, according to the document above it seems that the arrangement went sour pretty quickly and very early from MB’s perspective. May - Aug 7, 2019, with the behavior starting shortly after moving in. It seems like LK was maybe allowed to stay a couple of weeks as a guest (maybe while she was supposed to be founding her own place to stay in NJ) but couldn’t be a tenant for the whole summer, and then they treated MB with NJ eviction laws to tell him he couldn’t kick her out? Then come June he learned about her past. I suspect that the boarding/training contract had a 30 day notice (maybe needs to be in writing), and he did try to give her papers for something, so maybe what set things off is he gave her notice she wasn’t welcome to come with him to FL for the winter…


How much of MB moving out of the house was the two squatters, and how much was the flood/uninhabitable status of the house?

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Maybe it was simmering away under the surface all summer, but finally came to a full boil at the end of July/ beginning of August.

Maybe LK thought everything was going swell until then. Or that’s how it looked on her social media, anyway.


The move out of the house had nothing to do with the flood and everything to do with being in fear for their lives.


Remember Lala talking about a very scary black SUV slowly cruising the house with the windows down and a couple of individuals inside smoking and being menacing? This was shortly before the shooting. I wonder, if this is true, if they were actually hired hands employed by daddy dearest to attempt to make her back off Barisone and Gray? Nothing is beyond the realm of possibilities in this drama.

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This is from website regarding Internal Affairs. Pg 14

How do I file a complaint against a local police officer or department?

You may visit the police station of the officer’s assigned municipality in person to file an internal affairs complaint. Each police department is required to have a person available to help with the process of filing a complaint, regardless of the hour or day of the week. You will not be turned away or told to come back. You may file a complaint with the applicable municipality over the phone or in writing (by letter or e-mail). A complaint may be filed anonymously. You do not need to provide your name or contact information to file a complaint. Someone else may file the complaint on your behalf. A person who is in jail or prison may also file an internal affairs complaint. They can either file one over the phone or in writing, or ask someone else to file it on their behalf.

It continues on to explain the process further. If MB did go to the station to ask for a supervisor stating the responding officers were not dealing with the situation it should be easy for IA to verify either it did or didn’t happen and deal with it appropriately.


I wonder, and maybe I’ve just forgotten, if that was reported to LE

General comment.

It looks like the first 911 call from MB was July 30 and the shooting happened Aug 7. The suit here says MB became aware of LK’s criminal past in June and aware of her negative online posts subsequent to that. But as I recall from earlier threads, from people who followed her SM prior to the event, her negative posts about MB only really started a week before the shooting.

One way that things can go bad very fast is if someone has a cyclical mental health issue. In particular bipolar disorder can feature a person getting more and more “up” but presenting as lively, creative, charming, and then cycling into a manic phase where they become paranoid and aggressive. The crash isn’t always depression. It can be a psychotic break.

Apparently these swings become more extreme as a person with BP ages. It’s not uncommon for them to present socially as magnetic, charming, outgoing, creative, in their early 20s. That would account for BP being perhaps being more common in performers and music stars than in the general population. Then it catches up with them.

Edited to change BPD to BP after poster below pointed out that I was using the wrong acronym!!

Another way things go bad is if someone is abusing substances and that reaches a crisis.

Or if they are on psychoactive drugs and stop taking them.

There doesn’t need to be a reason or a dispute that would be obvious to an observer. The person just does a 180 degree swivel because of inner demons, and the reasons they give are largely delusional.

I am not saying LK is mentally ill, I don’t know that. But I am saying that there are numerous possible explanations why things can go wierd very fast.

The civil suit describes one house and says everybody was living in it. It doesn’t mention any other living quarters. From previous threads I had thought there was a main house and either a cottage or barn apartments or something.

The whole thing is extremely messy. However, it was obvious to all that LK and her bf were living there, not random folks that had wandered in, or burglars. The thing is, it isn’t the police officer’s job to determine if the person living in your house is a tenant, a house guest, or a room mate, or if they are overdue on rent or whatever, and whether they have legal rights or can be shown to the curb immediately.

For that, you as property owner need to get a court order, at which point both you and the tenant/guest/room mate or whatever present any contracts or documents you have that might determine the legal foundation of the situation. Then the police or sheriff can move in to evict.

A property owner can’t just call the police and get them to evict on the owners say-so. Even when the township officials visited and condemned the house, they aren’t going to haul away all the residents and dump them on the side of the road. They would come back in the next couple of days, staple notices to the doors, and then start legal action of some kind. The only time everyone is told to get out now is if the building is in danger of collapsing.


Except that they were claiming fear for their life. All the things you say are true for warring spouses…but when one calls the police and says one is playing games and they are afraid…the police usually takes one or both to jail. If they don’t take someone to jail, it’s usually because someone agrees to leave for a while. Also, if there are real concerns about firearms, guess what, they can arrange to have the guns removed from the situation. The police might not have been able to evict LK but to say they had no options is not accurate either.


Yes Barisone, Grey and kids had moved to the barn apartment, when I’m not sure.


Starting line 114, re August 6th visit from township authorities**

Technically the township was telling EVERYONE to get put of the house due to ( unsafe conditions?).
Why then didn’t the town follow up on that and make sure everyone left?
Barisone, Grey were in the barn apartment, in compliance with this “order”, right?


Yes, MB states here that LK was not a tenant, but a house guest. However, she was clearly moved in for several months. That is the kind of unclear situation where you really do need a court order before the police will act. The police are not set up to evaluate competing claims on the spot.

As far as the response of the police, we will have to wait until the civil trial to see what the police actually did and why they thought they had done enough.

As I said upthread, the police in general are not very good at handling or resolving interpersonal conflict between neighbors, room mates, tenants and landlords, etc. If there isn’t clear evidence of a crime in progress, a weapon, etc, they tend to hope that their presence will encourage all parties involved to simmer down and seek a more reasoned solution. Every once in a while they badly misread a situation and someone is injured or killed (including spouses or children in domestic disputes).

We tend to want and expect more from the police than they are trained or capable of providing.


raises hand

BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder

BP = Bipolar Disorder (I or II)

People can have one, the other and even both but they are different.

  1. During the encounter, BARISONE spoke expressly to the WASHINGTON
    TOWNSHIP Chief Building Inspector who was present that day (the “Chief Building Inspector”), who confirmed verbally to other WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP officials that Kanarek and Goodwin would not qualify as “tenants” at the Farm."

Read that first bullet of my quote above again.
The Town Inspector is who said they were not tenants.

Furthermore, said Town Inspector ordered everyone, EVERYONE, out unrelated to who paid to rent, was a guest, whatever… No one, of any status was to be there, and was not supposed to be living there until, I believe, repairs were made to bring it to code, Iirc


Was it an actual barn apartment? Or were they just camping out in the lounge or whatever?

I think that question came up on a previous thread, but I don’t recall the answer.

Plus the other person was sleeping in front of her horse’s stall at night to protect it? That part still just blows my mind.


At this point, we need a FAQ document, charts, and diagrams to keep up with everything. I predict there will be at least two or more years of ongoing discussion with this matter.


I’m thinking this might be a semantics issue. The building inspector may have really communicated that “being a tenant” wasn’t to be allowed as an excuse to ignore his order to vacate.

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She actually brings it up to the 911 dispatcher in a call in the video posted earlier in this thread.


I understood it that MB, his girlfriend, and the kids were staying in the barn lounge. Not an apartment.

Disclaimer - I learned this in the old threads, I have no personal experience about the facility.


Even better.