I have a new horse that is giving me trouble, and I’m not sure which way to go with her. I am not new to horses, have owned a bunch. But I’ve never been successful with this type of horse. In the past, I have sold,given away, or sent them away for training. I’m not in the position to any of these, so I’d really like to work this one out myself if I can. She is an 8 yr old Percheron, broke to ride, has horrible ground manners. I can only handle her with a chain around her nose, if I don’t have one - she pushes right threw me/over me/ you get the ugly picture. I bought her because she was awesome to ride, and thought we could work thru the ground issues. All I want to do is trail ride. She lives at my house with older horse and a donkey. I’ve had her about a month - I have just been feeding her, interacting from afar, etc… She has put on some weight - she steals the other horses food, and pushes them around. Yesterday I decided to go for a ride. started off w/o the chain - put it on quickly - had no control without it. After a painful drawn out saddling session - when I finally got on her, she bucked me off and ran away - got herself stuck in the creek actually - but I got her out after I found her. She bucked me off when I turned her away from where she wanted to go (back to the coral where her friends were calling her). The fact that she choose to run away from home and not towards her friends - is an indication to me of her state of mind at that point - not exactly calm.
So… my mistakes - too much grain, no handling, one month of being the boss in a small herd. I am committed to stop the stupid behavior on my part and fix the situation. I have started separating them at feeding time, am debating keeping them side by side vs all together. I will set aside 45 minutes a day to work with her. I don’t plan on getting on her again until I have some ground control, and will go to my neighbors arena to ride next time. What do I do about the chain? I really can’t control her without it. I can work with her in a round pen, just have to set mine up. I know I’m asking for a lot here - when I started to read about ground work and exercises, none of them looked like they would work with a horse that at this point needs a chain to be handled. help…