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New Dressage organization/Will Faerber/Art2Ride

Would you please post them here?

Wait. I’m seeing some disturbing similarities here:

  1. Repeated mention of Nuno
  2. Fangirls/houseguests
  3. Ill-fated attempts at grander recognition (film vs. books)
  4. Nice horses that end up in obscurity
  5. Egotistical insistence that “I’ve got a newer, better method of dressage”

Will F. isn’t by any chance the long-lost brother of Nick P., aka “The Maestro” is he? :thinking:


No, he isnt related to Nickolodean, but the MO is similar.

I am slow at reformatting the photos of Legolas when he came here but until I get that done anyone can friend me on fb; his journey is there. I renamed him Hugo. He pretty sound, but retains soome weird musculature. Hes very kind and personable.

You need to be on fb to see this, but if anyone doubted that Will actually did act in a movie about tampon sucking vampires, here is the link to the Baukschow Vampire.


Dont say I didnt warn you.

And he is seriously threatening to sue me for ‘spreading filth’. Seriously!

Watch the trailer if you can bear it.


Abby, you are in good company. I’ve been threatened with a lawsuit too!

What is interesting is that the thread was pretty much dead until the houseguests came out! There had been no movement on it. And voila…thanks Will! Everyone needs a good trainwreck once in awhile.


These photos are when Legolas first came to my house right before Christmas. He looked like he had been made from spare parts. Its hard to get a horse to look like this. One thing about Will loving to be on the internet is that there are videos of this horse from the very beginning, with Will saying how lovely and unwrecked he is, they were lucky to get him… to later videos, where Will says he was badly started, broken at the third, it took a couple of years to heal… blah blah blah.

Same story over and over. Happening now with the lovely Q mare. Karen introduced her, theyd searched for her and she was so perfect, She was unstarted and Will waxed eloquent at how easy she would be to train cause she hadnt been wrecked… oops now well actually she was wrecked; lunged too much in over tight side reins. Shame! It wrecked her mouth and her neck!! It takes forever to heal that, years actually! so blah blah blah. Shes also apparantly the longest backed horse ever ridden in the world and that has caused sooo many issues! Gee whiz!

Legos back was atrophied, neck super tied in and weirdly cresty, hunters bump, weird overmuscled loin… super narrow, feet so damaged. Endless on off lameness while in their program, corrective shoeing, etc. 7 years he was in that program. At one point Will made a video with Lego as the model for how a horse should be developing. Funny, that every bad thing that he said could happen, happened.

Master Horseman! Way to go! The guy who goes on and on about how THIS work, and THIS work only, is the Best Way to Keep Horses Sound For Ever! He heard it from Nuno himself! Except for what he learned from Henriquet! Well hey, its complicated.

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I posted these photos on the s2r Fans and Followers page under an alias. People were understandably outraged and there were many comments of horror. I came clean and of course down came the banhammer.

It would be hilarious if it werent so damn sad.

Some recent word salad by our hero!

Enjoy! Take notes!

Who knew that Podjhasky stole his book!

OMG this guy never disappoints!

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Wow. Dear god. This got really weird. I clicked through to the FB page for that godawful movie. Literally the entire concept is just an excuse to say “a period piece.” What pathetic, sophomoric humor. He’s revolting on every level.

To the person above caring for that poor horse, bless you for helping him. I’ve never seen anything like those photos.


He looks to be about a 4 on bcs to me.


This program – “Art2Ride” – is frequently peddled in a few FB Kissing Spine groups I am in. It’s very sad and I dislike seeing it pop up, because the people suggesting it generally think the KS is a result of “poor work” and that the horse will magically be able to work its way through the pain and start working correctly. I knew it was snake oil the second I saw it, but feel so sorry for the horses that have to endure that program.


KS…i suppose keeping a horse on the thin side is supposed to help?

I think the pictures were more about the horse’s muscling and atrophy, not quite their fat condition. I agree with you, that horse looks like 4 or borderline 5 - I actually don’t think he’s too thin at all… but the lack of muscling for a horse in a “program”, and the clear pain lines and atrophy along the flank and loins tell a story of a horse in chronic pain.


I agree, I don’t have a problem with his weight, I do see a clear loss of topline however and zero muscle…


The latest word salad from Will Faerber andArt2Ride. I particularly like his AHSA history >;-D

The guys loves to hear himself talk, thats for sure.

If you have time to kill and are on FB, join the Fans and Followers page. You can see the “development” of the nice mare Q, who after three years in the program can WTC plowing along on the forehand, and actually has diagonal pairs at the trot! Amaziing!

I wonder if her nice breeder Diana Murphy knows how they trash her.

Regarding Legolas, it wasnt his weight. It was his bizarre and incorrect muscling and his subluxated fronts. If one goes back through his videos with them you see a lovely big well bred young horse do…what exactly?

Yes. He was in chronic pain. For years. 7 years, while Will yapped on about soundness and longevity…man.

Friends Dont Let Friends doArt2Ride.


Just looks like a hunter for most of the canter. Definitely plunked on the forehand.
I joined the “friends and fans” page because a student found A2R online and thought she found “THE ANSWER”. I had to redirect her. The rider’s seat and hands are strangely manufactured, and the “stretching” is like a party trick. The bay mare, Q, doesn’t look uncomfortable, but she also doesn’t look like anything but a hunter in any of the videos I have found. I’ve asked to be shown some videos of horses further along in the progression, because I don’t want to spend time scrolling…so that should be interesting.


I don’t understand the attraction to “methods” like this one. Looking into it, all I can find are pictures of horses walking and trotting on the forehand … no slick videos or shots of more advanced horses and riders doing cool stuff. How are they managing to sell a “program” that seems to involve nothing beyond what the average rider learns to do in their very first lesson on a school pony?

At least things like Parelli, I can see the appeal to those who don’t know better … they have plenty of marketing out there showing the horses doing some kinda cool stuff, even if a lot of it is more in the category of “circus trick” than anything else. I can see people thinking, “hey, cool, I can learn to ride my horse bridleless!” But this?? Why would I need a special “method” just to learn how to trundle along at the walk?


It is sold to many as the majikal cure to kissing spine, then gets spread as how to correctly work a horse’s body.


This guy is only on my radar because I’m in a few different KS groups on FB… He is regularly suggested on them. :nauseated_face:

I actually had to stop unfollowing almost all of the groups… there were so many people posting clearly bilaterally lame horses that said these horses were cured/sound/happy after surgery or rehab, and these horses were anything but. It’s a really sad disease no matter what side of the pond you’re on.