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New family member - meet Wynn Dixie

Here is our life at the moment. Thank God for my dog Zipper, who looooves playing with Wynn and takes the heat off of us humans! She is a little Tasmanian devil!


And the World’s Worst Gardening Assistant award goes to

Holy shit, it’s funny but my God she’s relentless!!

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Fine, take a ride in them you turkey.


She looks like a good garden helper!

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Well, Wynn has giardia. Nice.

I’m very annoyed with the vet, because they seem unconcerned that we have 3 other dogs in the household that may have it, and may be shedding it. I asked them to give meds for all the dogs, they shot me down. They want fecals for all of them. I get that, in theory. But if given their way, they wouldn’t have fecals or meds for any of the other dogs - they are again, unconcerned about the 3 other dogs having it and giving it back to Wynn.

Maybe I’m being unreasonable, I don’t know. I just don’t want an endless loop of giardia going on in the house if one of the adults has it and is shedding it.

Screw it, I just ordered Panacur for the other girls. It’s the same med used to treat giardia, even if it’s not label-listed.

All the dogs are getting treated, and the house scrubbed tonight.


Good plan. I’d be pissed at the vet too. What’s the harm in treating everyone.

Well, I have never shown dog conformation in my life, but I think Wynn and I will give some BPUP classes a whirl in a couple months. More for fun and comedy than anything - to get out and have something to do in the cold of January.

Any tips for me, for Wynn?


The family must not have gotten the memo that I really don’t care for hot pink. Oh well, it’s a thoughtful gift for Wynn and she looks cute in anything.


Dear Wynn,

No matter how “gently” you do it, I will wake up when you lick me in the mouth. Don’t act like it wasn’t you when I angrily open my eyes. It’s 1am. Go back to bed, stinker.

I’ll love you no matter what you do, my little Monkey Butt. <3


:joy: :joy: :joy:
If I lay down on the couch to take a nap with my Pyr mix in the house he will shove his entire nose INTO my mouth :nauseated_face: :woman_facepalming:


What is with MOUTHS and these little guys. Wynn also loves when I come out of the bathroom after a shower - total crazy lick fest, like I’ve been gone for years. Weirdos!


Hey Wynn, that letter from yesterday? My feet are also included on the list of things that you shouldn’t lick in middle of the night. Thanks, my love.

She’s learning how to “stack” pretty well lately. It isn’t perfect, but she is getting the “I have to stand still and look pretty, then I get food” part pretty well. I found a training outfit about 45 mins away that has drop in conformation classes for $14. I’m going to go a few times for practice.


Yes, shower licks
are a thing. My youngest (just turned 1) will get in the shower with me too. He loves water!

I missed your post above about BPUP. It’s a lot of fun. Be aware that judges can’t always evaluate puppies because they are puppies, so it’s not uncommon for the best behaved puppy to win, even if they aren’t the best. But, if they stand still and trot, at least the judge can evaluate something. :slight_smile:


My boxer used to want to lick the back of my freshly lotioned knees while I picked out clothes
 YUCK! Slimy tickles are not cool.


Here’s Wynn on point. She’s pointing my mutt dog before I throw a ball for her :rofl:


Watching Netflix with mini-Buddha, and her behaving like a cat by sitting on the headrest part of the couch looking at all the passers by.


We’re a big dog now! Wynn had her final set of puppy shots yesterday. Today, big reaction to the rabies in her right shoulder, poor girl. She whined a little when I was giving her her morning loving, and once in better light I realized why. :frowning:

I put a hot pack on it for 15 minutes, and hopefully some rest + running around with the rest of the dogs tonight finishes it off. Poor pupperoo.


Well it didn’t take long for her to go back to normal. Ha!

Vet says she still has giardia, so she’s on Panacur for try #2 on getting rid of it. Last night at about 1am she starts screaming in her crate, I thought the new dewormer had upset her tummy and I shot out of bed to let her out (I’ve had a dog get super loose poop on that stuff, and I’m scarred forever). Did she have to poop? NOPE. Ms. Wynn just wanted to snuggle with me and go back to sleep. Ugh!

I took her to Petsmart yesterday - woo boy was that a flunk! My fault, she clearly wasn’t ready for quite that much distraction. We will keep plugging away at leash manners etc., and try it again.

Doesn’t bode well for BPUP though :rofl: :rofl: