So by that time, it will be more than a year since he was found not guilty. And that will be his first Krol hearing, correct?
Or was that the one last fall?
So by that time, it will be more than a year since he was found not guilty. And that will be his first Krol hearing, correct?
Or was that the one last fall?
Second. The first one moved him to Greystone with the second hearing set 6 months later.
This has been a slow process for him. In the guide (for CA) they also said that it was the court’s reponsibility to place the defendant in a situation that they could receive the required treatment they needed. They couldn’t just put them in a facility that didn’t provide it. I wish I could have found a similar guide for NJ.
Sadly there is not a lot of information about this in the NJ case law. That does mean that MB’s case may well create case law for this. It’s a rare situation to begin with that there just isn’t a lot of opportunity for a constitutional challenge. However it sounds like they are mounting such a challenge and for a constitutional/civil rights specialist it would be an interesting case.
How long might the appeal take that they are making regarding the first Krol hearing?
Honestly it can take years. Appellate is very slow and if the state appeals the lower court decision then the clock starts again with a higher court.
Take Roe v. Wade - the original pregnancy that started that suit was in 1969 and the child was born in June 1970. The Supreme Court didn’t hear it until 1972, it was argued twice and decided on in early 1973. The end of the appellate line is when a case is denied certiorari so it may not truly conclude until that time.
Thank you. It also seems that the enforcement of the lawsuit against Greystone may take time too.
Thanks @trubandloki, I thought one of our legal experts weighed in once before but I couldn’t remember.
I want to see what you are replying to Eggbutt but for my sanity this ignored content is just so much better. The thread moves along without the clutter!
It was simply the same rhetoric implying she knows more than anyone else, in particular regarding SS.
If the cash is not enough incentive, maybe add some sort of mantra like, “I refuse to let this person get a rise out of me.”
If this case takes as long to go to trial as the G. Paltrow trial did, hopefully we will all have better self control after 2000 or so threads started and closed and started again on this case. If nothing else, MB’s legal expenses will gradually be paid down in $10 increments.
I have not been paying any attention to the Gwyneth Paltrow case, although I just saw that it was settled in her favor today. How long did it take to get to trial?
7 years
I had no idea. If she gets her attorney fees back, that should be a big pile of cash to keep her one dollar bill company.
But if she paid them and gets the money back, it’s a wash, right?
If we had 100,000 $10 donations over the course of the next few years we could significantly pay down the attorney fees, however we would need more contributors because the EIM will likely be on fixed incomes with their pensions by then.
You guys have pensions? I want to get in on this. I’m retired with no pension.
Yes, but much better than if the fees stayed out of her pocket, if that guy had only been awarded $5 instead, but did not have to cover her seven years’ worth of legal fees.