Bless his heart - he thinks he’s been getting positive reviews apparently!
I think the horse has already left the barn on Taylor’s comment about “leading to a great deal of suspicion”.
We are already there.
Apparently everything related to Krol procedures in NJ are simply guidelines, and judges can do what they want.
So much for civil rights for the mentally ill. So much for due process. You get the rights and process the judge says you get. Too bad.
This amounts to rule by judge, instead of rule of law.
It’s all incredibly sad.
Last thing… does anyone have any insight as to the most widely read regional newspapers in NJ? Something bigger than a local paper, but not as big and national in focus as the NYT…
I think a letter writing campaign to the editors concerning how broken the system is in New Jersey, how the judgement against Greystone seems to be ignored and patients aren’t getting therapy, and how Judge Taylor seems to be openly unconcerned about the appearance of impropriety and corruption, and the state has ignored the issue as well…
Maybe we can get a regional paper to cover the story more in depth, by coming at it from a corruption and lack of civil rights or due process for people in Greystone who are also dealing with Krol proceedings…
Where is Sarah Nir when she can really do some good?
I spent some time poking around. You are correct that you cannot access the appellate briefs or any case information until a decision is written.
On the website, the cases titled civil commitment are those outside of the criminal realm. Michael’s case will continue with the caption of State of NJ v Michael Barisone.
I tried to get a feel for how long it takes to get a case heard by the appellate court, by reading the opinions and it’s really hard to tell, because the opinions never show when the appeal was filed.
That being said, on average it seems to take 9-10 months from verdict until an appeal is heard.
Their website publishes a calendar for upcoming oral arguments/hearings every Monday. So, eventually we should see his case show up there. And then they tell you what decisions are expected, so once it’s been heard, we will be able to check that for an expected decision.
I would dearly love to be able to read the appellate briefs. Sadly, that doesn’t seem available at this time. Sigh.
What does it say that the Ks feel they need to interfere by influencing the judge and Greystone and the previous institution, Anne Klein, etc?
I mean, if it was true that MB was still troubled and dangerous, that would be obvious and their meddling at all these various points would be unnecessary, wouldn’t it?
Thanks for sharing this article Aurora! Looks like a regional publication is already following the case and reporting on it, as well as highlighting potential violations of MBs rights. That’s a good development.
Oh, she has disappeared now. She wrote her uncritical, unthinking piece about LK, complete with plenty of vanity photographs of Lollypop, and then retreated … never to report on it again.
What a disgrace.
Very well said!
I always try to be optimistic and wish for the best. So while disappointed, this is not terribly surprising.
Taylor suggesting that online speculation wrt the case, and MB in particular, negates the need for privacy about MBs actual mental state is… Ridiculous. Backasswards.
Evidence of Taylor’s prejudice.
He was responding to what the attorney said was in the letter. Not necessarily that he read the letter. His comments on MB appearance are from his own observations.
Agreed. My expectations of journalism are pretty low these days. Especially when it comes to accurately describing details.
I am at least glad they are covering it, highlighting the violation of MBs medical privacy, and highlighting the lack of treatment at Greystone.
The reporter’s contact information is at the end of the article… maybe all of the people who are following these threads and feel so inclined should email her today to note that she was inaccurate in one detail of her reporting, and failed to note MB was found straight up not guilty with respect to shooting RG, and politely request she issue a correction regarding that aspect of her report.
That kind of makes me feel “seen”. Not that I expected any real privacy here, but who all is reading these threads?
I feel like the YouTube comments have dropped off. Is there another site where this much discussion is ongoing?
Judge Taylor can’t possibly have time to read here himself. Same for the defense attorneys. Some poor peons I guess. peons!
Scrodinger’s Letter!
No doubt it was a radioactive letter.
What does it say that the Ks feel they need to interfere by influencing the judge and Greystone and the previous institution, Anne Klein, etc?
I mean, if it was true that MB was still troubled and dangerous, that would be obvious and their meddling at all these various points would be unnecessary, wouldn’t it?
Very good point. I do think though that it is entirely possible Taylor believes that because MB is pursuing legal action against LK, he is obviously still in denial about what happened and is still troubled. And Taylor may also be basing his decisions on a concern about what MB might do if the civil suit goes against him. IOW, he believes the K’s allegations that MB is volatile and therefore might turn violent - i.e., potentially “dangerous.”
I do think though that it is entirely possible Taylor believes that because MB is pursuing legal action against LK, he is obviously still in denial about what happened and is still troubled.
Well that is a very strange way to look at a counter claim for being illegally recorded and I should hope a judge would understand why someone would file that counter claim.
But then, we are talking about Taylor.
I assume that judges are generally reluctant to recuse themselves, especially from ongoing cases, but for Judge Taylor to deny MB his right to a closed Krol hearing, where the topic is the state of his mental health, is appalling to me.