New filing on ecourts re MB

I seriously doubt Barisone encouraged her to get yet another horse since she wasn’t riding what she had and I am almost positive he did not arrange quarantine for her and did not agree for it to come to Hawthorne Hill as we’ve been led to believe.


Yeah I’m not buying it either.


I wouldn’t think so. It sounds like something she did on her own. Wasn’t it Haleybot who she congtracted with to help her get a horse back from overseas? That wasn’t Barisone, that was LK. And I thought this had been in the works for months, prior to it coming about.


There were too many people at the farm who knew the truth about the new import. He wanted no part of it. She probably figure she would just bring it on the property and he would keep it. I can imagine her broker didn’t even know the truth.


No, Hayleybot isn’t a broker/importer.


I think it was Williams? She used one broker importer for a few horses, then that person got out of the importing business, I believe.


So did she ever bring it onto the property? Or did it arrive after the incident? Where did the horse go when it came?

Yes, Rosanna Williams of Ultimate Equine. No longer brokering because of head injuries sustained in a car accident.


What was the truth about the new import?

That Barisone didn’t agree to an extra horse, didn’t arrange quarantine and wanted no part of it.


Poor lady. That sounds like an awful car crash.

Oh well. LK sure seems to have gotten lucky and gotten some nice horses through her. That’s positive, I guess .


IDK to all three questions but it wasn’t there on August 7.

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I had to laugh at this conversation. People like MHG are not “jealous” of people like LK. They just want them off their property and away from their family. What a stupid stupid way to think. And even if a partner did want a client gone, you don’t question why, you just leave an unhealthy situation. Its none of your business why a couple wants you off their property, except to make it happen.


Yes especially since LK wasn’t happy either judging by the way she was trippin’ about it all over social media.

The part of just not going when you’re unwanted boggles my brain. What did you wish to accomplish by staying? Especially if you thought you were in danger!

And when your 47D chess queen taking veiled ninja rock taping shtick didn’t work why didn’t she pack up and move out even if where she went was like a halfway house per se.


I haven’t seen the video but in general I will say if it’s better than it was before and shows improvement, then the rider has reason to be happy. A lot of us are never going to be perfect, or even good. I would hate if strangers were going to my personal page and tearing apart video clips.

LK’s own words and behaviours are fully deserving of comment and criticism. I’m not sure her riding is.


It’s pretty difficult to respond to someone and keep the context clear for other readers without quoting a post. May I suggest that if you don’t want to see anything from certain posters, you just put them on ignore? I have them on mental IGNORE which works most of the time. But sometimes comments or statements really do require a response or a fact check.


Unfortunately, that does not always prevent their posts from showing up when they’re quoted by someone else.


I think it was still in quarantine.

I believe that topic came up in a previous thread, and I remember thinking that the quarantine place must have gotten a very unpleasant phone call around August 8th or 9th, telling them that the new horse was going to be staying there a bit longer than expected.

I almost think somebody said that the new horse never actually set foot on the farm in New Jersey, but I don’t know if that is correct.


She opens herself up to criticism about her riding when she publicly makes statements on social media such as “being the highest level rider at MB’s farm other than MB”, in my opinion.


To me, the most noteworthy thing about the video was the choice of song, and the timing of her posting it publicly. It comes off like a defiant gesture of some sort, and as though LK is trying to push the narrative that she’s a winner …