New filing on ecourts re MB

I’m most familiar with the power imbalance issue in the (non horse) workplace. In the workplace, there are two issues.

  1. It’s not clear the less powerful person is genuinely freely entering into the romantic relationship, when the other person holds power in terms of their advancement, compensation and work assignments.
  2. Other employees under the same supervisor may feel they are treated unfairly relative to the love interest.

In the Barisone case, LK was an attractive woman in her mid thirties who wanted to train with the eminent MB. MB was in a relationship with a different attractive woman in her mid thirties. LK wanted to train with the master himself, MB. MHG did not want MBs time and attention directed away from her and toward LK. She had great animosity toward LK and pressured MB to get rid of her, possibly threatening to end the relationship if MB didn’t rid of LK. MB has a mental breakdown and shoots LK, perhaps delusionally thinking his girlfriend and her children are at risk.

This is an epic example of the perils of mingling a romantic relationship with student/instructor or employee/supervisor relationship. If MHG had still been married to her first husband and simply another student of MBs, would LK have been shot? Seems unlikely.

Given that part of this epic tragedy is that one of the young, attractive female students MB was training got shot, I think the context of the power imbalance in the MHG/MB relationship may matter to SS. It’s definitely not the headline of the story, but it’s a relevant detail.

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The SS case is not done.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were afraid.
Maybe that’s why they sold the farm, fear of LK and those like her


Just stop it. The nasty dynamic was in LKs head. MB and MHG were fine. MHG saw LK for what she is faster than MB did probably.

There was no other dynamic other than the fantasy in LKs head. And yours.


Please, please, please stop giving any attention to the latest insane tangent called “imbalance of power”. Dear Lord, it is ridiculous!


OMG You’ve convinced me!11!!1 You’re 100% correct!!1!1!11! Now will you go away?

(Did not mean to involve you in this, K_M)


Yes, so over it.
The word vomit is overflowing this evening from the attention seeker.

Horse of course



A true master of the art of…


So two trainers…both professionals and both well into adulthood…working out of the same farm owned by one of the trainers.
Have you noticed that all good dressage trainers have other trainers who coach them? There is zero imbalance of power in this situation. Less than zero.


Let’s go back to donations when responding to CH.


Lets please STOP responding to CH. This idiotic tangent about “power imbalances” between couples is stupid and designed to create a problem where there is none.

Please, please, please lets stop. Me included, but there is nothing worth giving this sad sack attention over. Donate if you want to, stop justifying responding to trolls using donations. Please?


It is the dismissal that has them all in a wad.


It takes more than two weeks to shop, find, purchase and prepare for international travel. Just saying. That process could have been started months earlier.


Clearly # 1 and #2 don’t apply here. Your other convoluted example comes straight out of LK’s brain but exists nowhere in reality.

Late 30s student who was living on site and paying a bargain basement price did not pull her weight on the farm - routinely skipping lessons, scratching from shows, etc. By the accounts we’ve heard from everyone who knows her in person, she was a nightmare to deal with.

Presumably she became even more of a nightmare once she developed this delusional idea that she should be MB’s sole focus and #1 training priority. Clearly she developed an unhealthy jealousy of MHG.

Recognizing that, MHG, along with MB, RC, and apparently others at the barn, wanted LK to leave. Once the drug addiction was discovered and a background check revealed LK’s history, I wouldn’t be surprised if MHG did pressure MB to get rid of LK. Not only was LK disrupting the staff, working students and other boarders, by that point, MHG also had the safety of her kids to take into consideration. Two known drug users both with violent arrest records who weren’t even paying their way? No wonder she wanted them gone ASAP.

The romantic relationship between MHG and MB is only a factor because of LK’s jealousy. That being said, based on her history I’d bet LK would have been jealous of any talented, accomplished rider at the barn, regardless of their relationship status.

As far as SafeSport is concerned? Nothing. Zip. Nada.


It takes a long time to develop a seat. And an eye. And the discernment to know when to post your Pi/Pa work on the internet.


You liked this post, and shortly thereafter quoted and responded to the person in question.
When you do this, those of us who have them ignored have to look at a lengthened thread because you are choosing to quote and respond to them.

I would appreciate it, if you can’t help but read and respond to them, that for the sake of everyone who is not interested in their posts, that you at least refrain from quoting them. Please? :slightly_smiling_face:


If the judge is going to open the next Krol hearing to the public, which I think is wrong, will we be able to watch it?

Really? I had CH on ignore for the longest time (prior to switching over to the app) and I didn’t care if anyone quoted them. I just kept scrolling. I’m not going to tell anyone who they can or cannot quote. Plus CH’s post was still hidden in the quote, usually.


They are sometimes hidden and sometimes not, for me.

I’m not “telling anyone what they can or cannot quote.” I am asking , politely.



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