New filing on ecourts re MB

I think the point may have been Ocala/Tryon are the latest and greatest equestrian destinations for many trainers and MB could certainly begin again with considerable support from friends and fellow trainers. Who knows, he may receive such a large settlement he can keep the FL facility and buy a Northern facility as well!


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

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I can imagine in LK’s mind she would be MB’s partner and equal if she could just drive MHG away.


Speaking of frivolous lawsuits; I have yet to see MB file anything remotely frivolous. However, doesn’t LK threaten to file lawsuits right left and center?

That’s a rhetorical question by the way.


Yes I think I was thinking that. There are alot of places and support to restart. If I were him i would be weighing the advantages of location vs. being in an enviro ment where my business contacts, clients and facilities afford me a good future against feeling safe.


Love this!







They’re not in a romantic relationship :rofl::rofl:


Agreed. I think conspiracy is just a deflection trying to explain why ‘solid gold’ evidence was left completely untouched by the prosecution. That, as I said, is the most ridiculous thing about the contention that such evidence exists and I can see why some folks are scrambling to explain that away.

Knowing and hearing in the defendant’s voice that he wanted to kill them both would have had a profound effect on the jurors. Hearing in the voice of one of the most poised, clear, and credible witnesses (MHG) that she wanted them killed would have been devastating to her testimony. The prosecutor being able to say, “Look, you’ve heard the defendant and [at least one witness] plotting to murder LK and RG. Sure, the forensics are lacking and only 2 casings were found, but this man wanted them dead, planned to kill them, and was there when they were shot/shot at. What’s the most logical conclusion here?”

Just being able to use that recorded plotting in opening and closing would have been, indeed, solid gold for the prosecution.

And no one with two brain cells to rub together, let alone anyone with legal training, would not use it just b/c they felt their case was airtight. Beyond any best professional practice of using it as ‘belt and braces’ extra support, in this case the prosecution knew going in that they had no GSR, no finger prints, no DNA, no video/audio [or
did they? :thinking:], and no witnesses other than the two very problematic ones they had.

You know what makes an ‘OJ jury’? Emotional response. Imagine the emotional impact of hearing the defendant and at least one witness planning murder.

There is simply no possible way other than gross negligence that the DA wouldn’t have used such evidence if it existed and was admissible. Zero chance.


People who have owned their properties for awhile, and refinanced when interest rates were low are NOT moving right now, unless they have to.

I just got done meeting with a financial advisor this am, and he was talking about some of his older clients who planned on selling their properties when they hit their late 60’s/early 70’s and downsizing, because they wanted to travel, or whatever. Apparently no one is selling right now, because the price of a “downsized” property is so high, and interest rates have gone up so much. It just makes more financial sense to stay put for a lot of people, if they can.


What? Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin are not a couple.

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Well they are, just not with each other!


Does involve a simian and a football?




You win COTH today. I’m dying here.


I’m lost re: this reference. I have a feeling I want to stay lost. :laughing:


Its cute how one poster chimes in with absolutely ridiculous ideas and sits back with her conductor stick to orchestrate the mob. That’s one thing she’s successful at.


In the case of two adults, SS only cares about it if they power is being abused and used to coerce someone to behave a certain way. MHG has never alleged anything if the sort so speculating about it is nothing but defamation.

Also they are two adults who appeared to be partners in both the romantic and business sense. Where’s the power imbalance? She wasn’t dependent on him for her livelihood, her career, her home, or access to her horses. At any time she could have packed up and moved to a different top trainer with no undue hardship.

I don’t think “imbalance of power” means what you think it means lol.


It’s not inflammatory; it’s just stupid, not to mention incorrect in terms of SafeSport.

The cases are done. When do the ridiculous posts stop?


When no one responds to them.

