New filing on ecourts re MB

Since LK filed the suit well before the criminal trial actually occurred, the insurance company probably declined coverage sometime in 2019. MB couldn’t know that he’d be acquitted or that the civil case would be dismissed at that point. Once an insurance company makes its decision, especially the decision it’s going to decline coverage, there’s almost nothing that can get it to reverse course. The easiest path is to then sue and try to collect after the fact.


New Nancy Jaffer article:

Looks like she interviewed Mr. Deninger.


Thanks for explaining.

I guess if MB had been found guilty in the criminal trial or lost the civil suit, the whole issue with the insurance company would be a moot point.



I have defended LK’s riding before, and may again in the future. I think it clouds the argument to criticize her riding and makes us seem like middle school mean girls.

She’s an amateur who started riding late in life. She got her bronze medal. At this moment in time, she sits the trot better than I do and is fitter than I am.

She rides better than I would expect given her late start and inconsistent commitment. MHG’s comment in the trial about her having talent but needing to put in the work was tactful but also spot on.

After looking at the video clip, all I can say is I would not have posted that clip publicly. I’m guessing she was working on passage? It’s hard to tell. If she’s proud of that clip because it represents progress, that’s great. But it does demonstrate a lack of discernment to post it publicly. There are lots of training moments with my horses that I’m pleased with but wouldn’t post without context.

I suspect that the same delusional thinking that led her to believe she was the best rider at HH and a rival of MHG’s influences her judgement re: the video clip.

ETA: Other posters beat me to it.


Yes, the notification was posted earlier by @eggbutt.

Good article, and the author has corrected her first version that contained an error regarding an attorney name.


Well, let’s wait and see how this turns out.


Agree. And the fact that she is proud of the fact that she has made progress in the past few years belies the narrative put forth in her lawsuit that her life had been seriously altered by the injuries she incurred in the shooting. Good thing for her that she dropped her claims against MB et al. I can only imagine how she would have squirmed and vacillated during her deposition and on the witness stand when asked by Deininger and Silver to compare her riding now to her riding before the shooting.


No problem. Yeah, it’s definitely easier to fight one battle at a time, plus the suit against the insurance company probably wasn’t ripe until LK’s civil case against MB ended.

Additionally, their representation of RC in the civil trial was probably a very safe course of action, because attributing liability to her for anything that happened that day seems like a big stretch, and it’s likely she could have gotten LK’s case against her dismissed on summary judgment.


For sure. MB probably has a fair shot at recovering something.


I’d think a summer farm in PA, near Boyd and so many others might be attractive.


Any responsible parent would.

I bet MB did too, but with his familiarity with familial abuse, I bet he has a better understanding of how nasty people can be, so was trying to go forward cautiously.



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So? The issue is entering into a romantic relationship with your teacher/professor/supervisor/employer.

Charlotte was not in a relationship with Carl Hester.


I don’t believe you.

Rosanna Williams confirmed there was another horse in quarantine.


I doubt the insurance company paid for RCs legal representation in the criminal matter. The charges were dropped.

I think they defended her in the civil suit after her criminal charges were dropped.

  1. I truly don’t care whether you believe me or not - what’s new?

  2. How does Rosanna Williams, or anyone for that matter, saying there was a horse in quarantine prove Michael Barisone approved, agreed, or planned to allow that mare on his property? Once again, you assume you know things you have absolutely no idea about. You truly do go to extremes making ridiculous assumptions and post them as truths.


Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin.


I simply said I don’t believe you!

That’s the absolute truth!

How would you know on a first hand basis what MB said to LK about bringing this horse to HH?

Do you have access to texts or emails between them? Were you recording their conversations?

I can believe LK would have related to JK the status of the horse. I believe IMs version.

You weren’t there, and I doubt MB was confiding with you about the issue.




This image is one I found a year ago, clipped it out of a larger one from when LK and RG were in a hotel after she was released from the hospital.

RG's hand Cripped & adjusted

When you look closely at it, you can see the injury.