New filing on ecourts re MB

Not to mention, she rode and showed dressage under 2 different instructors before Barisone….


I have all you humans beat

I get fussed over
I get a fancy ride to the show grounds
Fussed over again
Clock around the ring showing off
Get a Ribbon(s)
Fussed over again
Loaded back on my fancy ride to home
Fussed over again, this time there are cookies
Then I slip back into my penthouse stall and fall asleep.

But I am just a horse of course.


Nope. We have no similar judging system and so there is no correlation. Nice try, though!


Wow. That sounds like a pretty nice option for some. I personally don’t know if I’d like that, but it does make me wonder how the other half lives. I’m too type A to risk not doing things myself. I think lol


This is also common in big AQHA barns. When I was youth director for our state I had to make the Youth World Show entries. Most had to ask their trainers.


I don’t think it matters who does the entries, who loads the horse, and who beds the stall at the show… If you agree to go to a show, you need to be there for your classes (and whatever else you are expected to do depending on the arrangement you have).
If for some reason you can’t go because of an emergency, you contact people at the show and tell them. You don’t just no show.
Same holds true for lessons.
If you seem to cancel frequently do not be surprised if the trainer no longer wants to make time for you.

I come from a hunter show background. No one but me has ever done my entries. No one but me has ever cleaned my horse, loaded my horse, trucked my horse.
There are lots of ways to do hunters too.
Coming from a hunter show background is no excuse for being a no show. It is no excuse for blaming people not responsible if you show under the same judge, etc.


Yes, someone as so “dedicated and goal oriented” as LK should certainly know USEF/DF rules and requirements if they are chasing scores and titles. When LK was with a previous trainer, I feel certain she was required to do her own entries and keep up with her scores and placings. There was a time LK used to brag about sending her entry herself opening day.

I can definitely understand coordinating with your coach which classes should be entered, but IMO the rider should always be responsible for their own entries. It is the rider’s responsibility to immediately check their show packet and schedule as quickly as possible to make any adjustments available with the show office. Even when everything is checked and verified, there are reasons judges are changed at the last minute for specific classes and certainly isn’t a cause to threaten law suits against the judge, USDF, show management, and trainer because you convince yourself a huge conspiracy took place to prevent you from obtaining a required score for a medal! Such a diva.


I have a few horses in full dressage training and they do handle everything - grooming, vet, therapies, hauling to the show and to/from Florida for the season, etc. They’ll enter me as a rider when they do entries for the other full training clients. They’ll also let me do whatever myself as long as it doesn’t screw up the flow of the barn activities too badly, so I do tack up and bathe my own when I am able/have time, and if I go to a show I’m usually taking time off work so I will prep and braid my own.

That said it was my impression that the LK deal with MB did not include grooming, etc services since she said she had to be in the barn at all hours so RG could tend to the horses?


It was my understanding that part of the initial issues were LK’s no shows after the horses were tacked up for her to step up and begin her lesson. Once tacked up other trainers had to stop and work the horses since she failed to appear. She truly felt the entire training and barn schedule should revolve around her precious self at all times…because she was paying all those big bucks to keep Barisone Dressage afloat.


Since I wasn’t clear last night, while we don’t have medals like dressage, if you show rated then there are points for things like qualifying for indoors or eq finals, etc. You typically work with your trainer when setting up the show schedule and making decisions about what to attend and what classes to enter if you’re in the position to be going after such things. It wouldn’t be why she was “confused”. You still have to show up to compete and track your points if you place well, so that you can make the right decisions to qualify, And like others have pointed out, there are lots of ways to horse show… it isn’t some big “aha! That’s why she was so upset about the whole not really qualifying for her Bronze thing!” ETA: I don’t know that anyone ever established what level she was showing at in the H/Js…


There’s no documented competitive riding history before she began doing Dressage in 2016, though she “dabbled” in H/J before that, likely doing a local barn show here and there. Only those privy to the details of her time in NC could speak about whatever she might have done before she settled on Dressage and she might have done some low-level unrecognized H/J stuff before/during college, before she abandoned NJ/VA for NC, however there is no information that indicates that she took the horse that her father bought her to the Roanoke area or that it went with her to NC, after she abandoned college.


That always sounded to me like information that should be taken with the big 50 pound block of salt. Not the little 4 pounder.

Didn’t that specifically refer to the one horse that was supposed to be wrapped/unwrapped on a twelve hour schedule? Which should take about five minutes for anyone who knows how to wrap a horse. Maybe fifteen minutes for someone less proficient.

And wasn’t that the reason LK claimed they had to be in the barn after hours? When nobody else was around to see whatever else they might be up to in the barn or office?


She eventually brought Symphony and an older gelding (I can’t recall his name) to NC. The gelding is still in NC where she boarded and took lessons for a while, and is still living AFAIK, with her daddy making the board/care payments for him.

Was there another horse before these?

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According to what was said in the 48 Hours, her father bought her a horse, I suppose as a graduation gift. There’s an old (non-digital) photo of her on the horse, dressed in typical H/J clothing. I don’t know anything more than that and nobody who knew her before the shooting has talked about it, so I assume that it’s not something that anyone in NC knew about.


I wonder if her hunt seat background is the reason she is so stiff.


She had an older gelding. He had a bad colic and she lost him. Drama ensued blaming the BO and the vets.


Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?? Lol.


That’s not necessary at all.

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Discipline on discipline bias is what this story was missing :rofl: :rofl: