New filing on ecourts re MB

Not merely foolish - it was sloppy. May that be a good thing if MB does release the contents of their texts, audio and any visual recordings Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin made (with some advice from Jonathan Kanarek, I suspect).


By the way, Iā€™ve paid well into the future on the Barisone GFM account. Iā€™m good.


Iā€™m just here pointing out there is so much new technology for recording devices, especially pocket recorders. Did you know there is one that looks exactly like a Bic disposable lighter that has a huge amount of storage?! Imagine that. Wasnā€™t RG the technology genius of the gang?



The hits keep coming. Any tally on how wrong a person can be in one thread? Iā€™m feeling like we are in record-setting territory here. The almost instant smack downs with receipts are hilarious.


Maybe they did, and he refused. But they caved


Interesting. I missed this part of the manifesto. Or I just donā€™t remember it. Who even knows at this pointā€¦ this is such a long strange trip of a storyā€¦


Is LK still busy posting away on the DH YouTube video?

Or did she cease that behavior right around the same time Flick and Flack got busy on this COTH thread over the last 24-48 hours?

Just idle curiosity on my part. And a gentle reminder that we should all be wary about getting caught up in the ongoing puppet showā€¦


The latter definitely makes me delete some drafts-in-progress!

To be fair, that isnā€™t my experience. We pack ahead of time and trainer/BM sees the horses and equipment off. Nobody I know shows up the morning of departure to ensure the horses and trunk/tack are on the truck and trailer.

There is the way that 99% of people would read it, and the way(s) the 1% would.

At this point the threads are obviously about the ongoing matters, whether they involve the Krol issues, the insurance suit, or LKā€™s continued harping on public social media. What is public will be discussed. And most people simply want the truth.

You must be kidding. An actual attorney has already explained that the insurance lawsuit is pretty standard.

Re 1) he did.
Re 2) most people think their police work wasā€¦ shoddy.
Re 3) Glad you agree thatā€™s justified.
Re 4) see above.

I guess you could argue we are ALL training our horses every time we interact with them - in the tack or on the ground. I think most pro rides are to ā€œuntrainā€ the horses after we amateurs accidentally ā€œtrainā€ them. Is she implying they had no pro rides? Who knowsā€¦

Yes, this is the most logical conclusion 99% would reach. And yes, it is bat guano crazy.

It is categorically untrue. There are very few riders who just show up and hop on and demonstrate innate talent. Observable talent in the saddle (and on the ground) is gained through actually showing up and putting in the work for 99.9999% of humans. Of course, horse flesh can help. But not THAT MUCH. How can someone who neither shows up, nor puts in the work, nor rides better than MHG or Justin be ā€œmore dedicatedā€ or have ā€œgreater driveā€? Short answer? They canā€™t. I donā€™t care about how well or not she rides, but that statement doesnā€™t stand no matter how you slice it.

Also, your claims last night about malice are just so off the mark that I am not even going to waste brain space in responding. Want to see malicious statements or malicious disclosures of media? Look no further than the woman you love to defend and her family.

And, with that, I am giving up on catching up on this thread.


Well I show up because I do it all. When showing Iā€™m the one riding, training (sometimes under trainers eye) packing, grooming, bathing, driving the truck and trailer, setting up the stalls, etc.

Iā€™m unfamiliar with anyone I know just showing up to the show. We are all hands on.


I was previously in full service barns (i.e. tack up service), now in a barn with full care but not full service (i.e. they do everything but groom our horses and tack up, and some services are a la carte, like laundryā€¦ but still do blanketing and feed and all the other stuff.) They have always done the work for us for shows. Sometimes we have to bring certain items (saddle, for example), if they wonā€™t fit on the truck or trailerā€¦ but otherwise horse and stuff gets to show and we meet them there. That said, you better put your stuff out the day before (shipping wraps/bandages, shipping halters, etc) and clean your own tack, make sure your trunk is packed, etc.


Interesting. That assumes I am trying to control behavior. Actually I believe people should already be embarrassed [edit]. I am too old to believe we can control someone elseā€™s behavior. All we can do is control our own and hope that example will influence someone else.

Youā€™ve had some really good posts today. Enjoyed reading them.

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Wow. I mean I know this happens just thought like it was hunter people who did this.

Itā€™s funny how different experiences in the horse world can differ so widely.


To be fair, I am a jumper. So I only have experience with H/J barns.

ETA: we also donā€™t do our own entries!!!


I always think itā€™s interesting to compare and contrast the way different operations accomplish basically the same tasks around horses.

There is certainly a wide variety of approaches, so it just depends on what is standard for each barn.




I canā€™t imagine being at a place like Barisoneā€™s and not watching every ride and taking notes, let alone blowing off lessons. Someone didnā€™t appreciate what she had.


That explains why LK was so upset over the judge mixup-going from h/j to dressage.

I am the do-it-yourself type, sometimes with a group of friends who help each other when they can. I know others depend on their trainer and staff, and some trainers insist on the full service approach because they depend on the additional revenue. But what I canā€™t wrap my head around is that someone who actually lives on the premises and presumably at least observes her horses and their equipment being loaded up and hauled to the show would not speak up if she was having second thoughts about wanting to show that weekend. If she wasnā€™t feeling well, thought it was likely to be too hot or too cold, or a more appealing recreational option had come up wouldnā€™t you think she would cancel and apologize before the horses were loaded up? Although I will say that I myself have scratched the occasional class at a show due to weather (if the footing gets potentially dangerous, or to avoid a bad experience for a young horse, not just for comfort). And once (over decades of showing) I left a show in a hurry a day early due to a family emergency. So it does happen, but if it happens as a frequent pattern you do start to question a personā€™s dedication.


You donā€™t do your own entries?



No it doesnā€™t. She is just lazy. Dedicated people make sure.