New filing on ecourts re MB

And the how was with a lengthy and expensive legal process. But it seems they were intent on suing him (wanting settlement money) no matter what they had to sue about.


I speculate that there are pocket recordings that were never turned over that show much, much more in the conspiracy to destroy all things Barisone. Those recordings probably involve all the Kanareks participated in the planning. Anyone who doesn’t use sign language in the presence of RG in the future is a fool.

I can also imagine that one day Michael Barisone will publish all the recordings he has access to to further show the level of deceit the Kanareks desended to. All the text messages will be made public as well and there isn’t a damn thing any Kanarek can do about it. How foolish for the Kanareks to not demand an NDA. The simple fact Barisone didn’t demand an NDA indicates to me that he has nothing to hide.

No, the rush for the Kanareks to forego their greed to stop the law suits and depositions proves they lied about everything. One day, one day for sure, there will be evidence to prove what actually happened August 7, 2019.


You are 100% correct. It is even mentioned in her infamous manifesto.



But it won’t make a difference. They just keep repeating them over and over even if they are corrected (as they have been many, many times).


I think what you do not get is, it isn’t for me or you. It’s for the poor person that stumbles along and doesn’t know CH is posting untruthful things as facts, and thinks, Hey, Michael sued SGF while sitting in jail.

When the opposite is true.


But CH had all but given up until someone couldn’t resist responding. How about just responding “no.”

Because otherwise we’re going to continue discussing the eviction for another 12 years or what the definition of “sue” is.


Actually, SGF, LLC was one of the plaintiffs and the question was how much equity MB had in SGF as co-owner. Therefore MB was both a plaintiff as co-owner of SGF (and remember, he was claiming 100% ownership) and defendant as MB and MBD.


This times 100. I haven’t checked the GF lately. Are you all still ponying up everytime you bother with CH and HH? For about a week there things rolled along quite well. At least until a few of you fell off the waggon. Just say, “no”.


The circular comments on the Barisone threads are not the back and forth which actually can bring out some interesting viewpoints. The circular comments that go nowhere are the trolling of LK on other sites such as YouTube and bringing those comments back to troll her and her parents who are fellow posters and technically not to be picked on anymore than all the rest of us, gleefully reacting to parental responses and insulting them, pouting when called out by other posters and then attacking them, moving on to LE, Judge Taylor, Greystone, Anne Klein, the law, denying the jury found MB committed the act, reinforcing his delusions of victimhood, encouraging him to spend his last dollar, getting the thread shut down by internal bickering, jumping to other threads to renew attacks on other targets, starting a new thread under the slightest pretext, trying to behave, getting bored, trolling LK on other social media like YouTube, rinse repeat.

Everyone once in a while something interesting and insightful gets posted by people who care about the situatin and facts, @lazaret is usually very interesting and @CurrentlyHorseless is very disciplined about discussing the legal and mental health aspects. Sometimes others are very insightful when they are discussing specific details in a disciplined manner and not falling into snark. I, too, have demonstrated a snark tendency when losing patience so I would say I fall into this category. There are a few who are here specifically to trash whoever their target of the day may be and try to carry out an agenda from long ago, some kind of pay back for a real or imagined slight that now entails leading social media war of words and encouraging others to exact their revenge down to their last penny and not follow the law.


Are you speculating that the pocket recordings were captured by some device other than a cell phone?

The police certainly recovered all of the cell phones of RG and LK.

I don’t see why you think that the text messages will be made public now that the suits were dismissed with prejudice.






If one feels one must respond, this is the correct response.


That’s a weird leap.


So “If one feels one must respond, this is the correct response.” is not the correct response?


I would be willing to bet (and its my opinion) that there are videos or tapes, transcripts or messages that put the Ks in a very, very bad criminal light - especially possible regarding video of the shooting that will clearly show self defense on Barisone’s part.


Nope. My way stands. I know what @ekat was saying. I’m amused that you don’t. Or won’t.

I’d say nice try but it really wasn’t that either.


Personally, I disagree with your point of view here. I take your words as a planned tactic made in order to embarrass people so that LKs public posts are beyond contestation. So that people will be afraid of posting LKs words because they don’t want to look bad.

The world just doesn’t work like that. If LK doesn’t want to be admonished for her own words and deeds then she should keep her mouth (and fingers) SHUT for once.

There are people there on YouTube or wherever to shut her up and there are people here who expose the lies so I’m good with that. But no one in this world including LK gets to say what they want, or disparage who they want, without comeuppance.

Also, having your approval is not anything I or many others seek to do. So there’s that.


EmilyM: oh boy 100+ new posts. . .must be new developments. Will I ever learn?

I don’t feel that the go fund me activity reflects the activity here unless the penalties have been lifted. Or there were A LOT of prepayments made.


Or people like myself never subscribed to doing them.