New filing on ecourts re MB

And we are back to the envy that she is able to own several horses and is slimmer than you and adding claims that she isn’t working when you don’t board where she is and she hasn’t boarded at your daughter’s barn.


[Edit] Absolutely nothing in my post had anything to do with my experience with Lauren Shay Kanarek, and to be perfectly clear, yet again, she was never, ever invited to board at my daughter’s facility but you know that, don’t you?

Claims that she isn’t working? Please, please tell us all what Lauren’s employment might be? The only employment I ever heard of has been disputed and for damn sure she doesn’t “work” at her riding ability.

“Slimmer”? She appears to be anorexic!

To refresh your short memory, here are your words from your post that I was referencing:
It takes a lot of time, work, and money to do so paid for by the full time and part time jobs and riding at night and taking vacation to show.


Do you know any adult amateurs? Every one of them I know - myself included - would be deeply disappointed with a score that just breaks 60.


As the owner of a Rotspon (by Rubinstein) son and grand-daughter, I agree wholeheartedly!


What a gross comment.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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So, what is going on behind the scenes for today’s opening remarks to be personal attacks in hopes of getting the thread locked?


But she’s not training above those other students. I know of at least one riding Intermediare/GP


Well, technically, if you want to go the “student” route….that would include Jamie Dancer, Allie Brock, and Boyd Martin. They all took lessons from MB.


I know many amateurs, myself included that were very happy to get scores breaking 60 at recognized shows, especially once moving above training level(I was able to get in the 70’s at training but it does become more difficult as you move up). Of course happier if in the mid 60’s.
As far as commenting on LKs riding, scores and dedication etc, I thought the excuse used for discussing the topic was in relation to the civil cases. With that settled it does appear now it just the same old group just enjoying dumping on LK. Yawn.


Take a nap if the comments tire you, or here’s an idea, go way up thread to read the posts that brought us here today.

Enjoytheride isn’t part of the “same old group” but apparently it is okay with you that your same old group continues to post about me and my daughter. Got it.


Well personally I haven’t commented on her riding that I can remember but LK certainly insulted MY riding despite not knowing who I even am. So I’m fine with her riding being torn to smithereens.


Don’t forget that both Lara and her daughter have shown successfully at the FEI level. Someone passed me a video of Lara and she is a beautiful, quiet, tactful rider.


I am not a part of any group, but I do appreciate the balance that some
Posters provide. The back and forth attacking each other I do find boring as well as the same comments and stories over and over about LK and family, I thought for a while things had moved on from that. I was interested in the case and have enjoyed much of the discussion about it, and will follow to see what happens with MB. I can probably fit in a nap in there someplace. Thanks.


IMO this is a deceptive comment. Why? Because there is no balance. There are (among active posters) a handful of pro LK posters. The rest are pretty much in agreement about the vile ways of LK. I don’t recall any posters being middle of the ground. So if I’m right, the real meaning of your statement actually means the balance you are referring to are those remarks staunchly pro LK. Which means you are too.

Which is fine. But own it.


You can be against LK and still think that the petty picking at her position is not necessary and a very good way of getting the thread closed.

Also, I too know many ammys who are happy to break 60 above 2nd. Getting there is enough of a battle.


Why do you object to people posting about you and your daughter on a horse forum, Eggbutt?

What are your scores at recognized shows? Shouldn’t you post your own videos and scores before feeling free to disparage someone else’s riding?


Surely Becky Cowden as well. She lived in the farmhouse while there.


I am not pro anyone, many acted poorly and foolishly that lead up to this shooting. I don’t believe in gun violence to solve a depute or victim shaming, I will own that. The majority are not always right and I feel the minority here often does offer some very good insights and points of views, helps balance out and check those that definitely have an agenda and are so one sided and over the top with attacking her. Also the minority is what it is as not many are not interested in jumping into the lions den here!
I have never defended LKs actions, towards you or anyone else. I can understand why you would feel that her getting some of what she does back at her can be satisfying to some.
And here I am discussing LK which I do feel has been done long enough and now civil cases are settled time to move on, for me anyway.


I won’t answer a certain someone, but for the record I don’t think it’s fair to pick apart anyone’s riding. That goes for back when LK was attacking poster’s riding left and right, or for when those posters returned fire. It doesn’t add anything helpful to the discussion. LK has done enough to be a horrible person, no need to also be a railbird.