New filing on ecourts re MB

Has Eggbut ever claimed to be the hardest working, most dedicated rider at her barn who is riding at level better than the many well-known FEI riders at her barn? If not, then I don’t see how her scores or videos are relevant to this discussion.


People have to take into context LKs public claims vs. Her personal output. LK claims to be talented. Students of her trainers excel. She does not. If she didn’t claim it, no one would judge it.

Eggbut doesn’t claim superior riding and showing. There’s nothing to discuss about eggbutt.

We can discuss what is public about anyone.


Not picking apart her riding. Picking apart her claims about her accomplishments riding. Big diff.


To state that her scores do not indicate she has done something at a particular level (ie got a medal) is different from complaining about her position. It’s the exact same think she did to people on this bb. She’s done more than enough horrific things that far outweigh her perching in the saddle. Again, rail birding has gotten threads closed down and I’d like to think that the posters here are above the behavior of LK.

@Ambitious_Kate and @BigMama1 - thanks.

I have never, ever said I ride/rode dressage, but I have bred and shown hanoverian our young horses, weanling-1 year olds, with scores high enough to qualify for Devon, and placing in all classses entered as well as receiving high scores at foal inspections. I doubt I have anything to prove to this crowd. :wink:


The conversation about the trial and recent comments about LK’s riding abilities centered on whether or not LK was putting in the work at riding to improve. To ride at all at this point after being shot twice and prior to that being in the car wreck we heard about from you, would likely take a lot of work at physical therapy and riding.

I wasn’t talking about her income producing job or lack thereof. So, the four complaints are that LK is slim, owns several nice horses, is in training with the same, and doesn’t have to work at this time at an income producing job in order to do so. Anything else to add to that? There is trash talking on social media but she fit right in here for years with that habit.

Well, there you go. Not being an insider, I didn’t know that. Interesting how many people do and commented with you.

I was just repeating what seems to be a fact that you and LK both agree with. She never rode at your daughter’s farm. My comment concerned how hard she is or isn’t working at her riding now and that you are not in a position to know. Neither am i except for suspecting that she needs or needed a lot of physical therapy to recover enough to ride.

Your daughter’s farm sounds wonderful. I think you have every reason to be proud of her and her accomplishments. I’ve said that before.

What does LK being drug-addict thin have to do with anything? And why would anyone be envious of that?


People can be against trashing shooting victims and their families on social media and feel sorry the shooter being insane and not have a side. Pushing back against bullying on social media is against bullying and is not picking a side.

LK who has bullied others in the past has been relentlessly bullied here on coth. Own it.

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Please explain your comments about the video of her riding.

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So you’re casting me as an insider because I remembered that Lara Osborne and her daughter both ride FEI and we know for a fact that the daughter trained with MB?

Gee I thought you knew MB had students.


So sad karma exists. :disappointed:

Gaslighting attempts amuse me.


I am curious as well. Ideas anyone?


Maybe someone is throwing a temper tantrum because they aren’t being allowed to buy another horse?


Spin doctors are working overtime.
Trying to reimagine an image?

Good luck with that as antics by one was well in motion before the move was made to train with MB.

History. No matter how you try you can’t rewrite it but you can most certainly learn from it and grow and do better. If only human kind would, won’t it be a better world over all?

I am just a horse of course.


It is interesting that the subject of all of these threads has always been about Michael Barisone and the Kanarek family and all the offshoots of their posts, behavior, trial, and situations. Yet there are some here who enjoy attempting to deflect to nonsense about me, @sdel, @ekat and any other poster that isn’t providing a glowing review of Miss Kanarek. Get over it. She loves the attention and her supporters love to provoke or they wouldn’t be here.

Lauren Kanarek has intentionally made herself a public figure and as such she and her few supporters should not be shocked at what is said about her. Killing the messenger only makes the message more on point.


Agreed. 60 isn’t what it used to be.


The shooting was 8/7/19. She entered and actually rode at shows on 6/27/20, 8/15/20, and 8/30/20 (all in NC) with relatively decent scores, so any PT she may have needed after the shooting seems to have been short-term. Who knows what physical limitations occurred after 8/30/20 that would prohibit her from showing? I sure don’t know but it does strike me as peculiar that she hasn’t shown for 2 1/2 years. Perhaps she should have stayed with whomever was training her in NC. Maybe that wasn’t an option for her. Anyway, that’s a long hiatus for someone at 40+ years old pursuing international level goals with horses that have aged as well. Again, I am not attributing goals to Lauren that she hasn’t posted extensively about.


Maybe she’s one of those who believes LK was the only boarder and student and was supporting MB and his farm. (big eye rolley, right there).